The Sudden Downfall Of UFC 5

The Sudden Downfall Of UFC 5


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@KingJuice - 15.11.2023 20:16

Running commercials is exspensive no way they have the budget for that outside of UFC events, but I love the GC callout. EA needs to put in a contract that they cant talk about the game to consumers that PAID for the game especially calling them cry babies. Thats for everyone else to do. Also Ive been thinking if limited resources is a reason they cant make big jumps from title to title, whats the point of the game changers? What are they changing if resources are limited? Anyone can tell the devs about bugs and glitches. Great video!!!

@stefanagnar - 19.12.2023 19:43

every time guys talk the way Martial did a know they are lying. the fake stutter thing is so old and it was so fake. know then EA got to him

@nephilim3090 - 19.12.2023 11:17

yall think this is ever gonna be fixed? reallly want to play it but not if its just a re skin of 4

@canislupus6182 - 19.12.2023 10:15

EA was one of my favorite gaming developers over twenty year age. Now they are one of my most hated gaming developers😠

@imthedevilkys536 - 18.12.2023 19:07

I still enjoy simulation career, Im not that good, so I get into nail biters.

@jkidd7608 - 18.12.2023 18:04

Dude I was so excited when they announced UFC 4 because next gen consoles were out and I was expecting a revamped game with actual realistic looking and sounding strikes. Instead we got a reskin of UFC 3. When I saw UFC 5 announced for current gen only I was like “oh yeah, here we go, new engine new animations!”…nope. UFC 4 with updated lighting, graphics, and damage. That’s it. This is getting ridiculous. I skipped 5 and will only get it once it hits $20

@sineetawright263 - 17.12.2023 23:32

Is paddy on it amd is it worth buying

@Metalkorpse - 16.12.2023 03:54

I can't tell if this game is good or not! Reviews saying how good it is along with reviews saying how terrible it is???? I guess i'm just gonna have to play it myself!

@SuperHonkyPodcast - 14.12.2023 23:45

If MOST people avoid wrestling in this game and would rather throw hands, then that's exactly why they should FINALLY
release a new version of Fight Night! Bro I miss Fight Night soooooo much! I had more fun boxing on Fight Night 2004
back in the day than any other fighting game in existence! UFC 5 is literally so much worse than Fight Night 4 even though
FN4 came out two decades ago! BRING BACK FIGHT NIGHT!

@SuperHonkyPodcast - 14.12.2023 23:30

And to think I just bought this game for $74 dollars after tax. I get knocked out left and right by non stop spammers who never seem to
have issues keeping their stamina up while my stamina is always completely gassed when all I'm doing is my best to slow down spammers!
If anything, MY STAMINA should be the one that's nearly full and THEY SHOULD BE GASSED OUT from throwing 150+ punches per round but
apparently the developers of UFC 5 don't feel the same! I want to like this game but it's starting to feel like it's impossible! And I know that the
hair styles don't have anything to do with the actual lack of realism this game has to offer, but WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON WITH
the hair styles they added to this game? I have long hair that goes down to my shoulders and it's a very normal hair style for men with longer
hair and yet this game doesn't even have a hair style that is even remotely close to the hair style I have in real life! They have a dumb looking
bowl hair cut in the game, they have 80s hair metal type hair cuts in the game, they have one that looks like a 15 inch penis is on top of your
head and all these other horrendous looking hair styles that literally NOBODY IN THE WORLD HAS.. but they fail to put the most basic popular
hair styles in the game? That's when I really started to regret my choice of buying this game and that was before I even played a single match!

@t-pose9003 - 14.12.2023 21:52

i mean, you guys got hyped for an ea game. did you expect anything BUT disappointment? thats your fault

@hypnoticskull6342 - 12.12.2023 19:33

Name one person who was excited by this game?

@ZappaGetSlappa - 10.12.2023 06:31

Martial Mind is such a fucking hack

@marcusjarome6935 - 09.12.2023 22:08

Trash game lol

@kingcthulhu1716 - 09.12.2023 21:00

Real fight fans want undisputed 3 remaster, ea content creators want ea UFC 3 5.0.

@arthurmorgan2474 - 07.12.2023 15:27

how can you make 5 games and still be worse than UFC undisputed

@iammrsnesbit9729 - 07.12.2023 14:20

Ngl damage is wack in this game you can tell they don't know shit about fighting, an overhand over a jab is at minimum going to stun you, this game it's just a little biscuit m8. Don't get me started on transition blacking ngl thought they would have took it out by now and just have a purely transition based battle of attrition but these guys do not understand how fighting works and I'm very disappointed.

@PvoorPodcast - 07.12.2023 11:54

ufc 2 was still the most fun one. The ground game is better now instead of the mini games. But overall I enjoyed UFC 2 the most

@RoadRager2311 - 07.12.2023 04:26

The game needs to be slowed down. Its like you need to smoke crack to play. How can fightnight have better stand up controls then a game made today. Its pathetic.

@derrikg5495 - 07.12.2023 01:59

I bought the online deluxe version and have no dlc characters or anything it said I would get tried contacting Sony/EA multiple times and never get a response

@DeepDeepEast - 07.12.2023 01:44

Dude, gaming industry is all about scam. The whole idea is to sell something over and over again with as little investments possible.

@nsgmma4680 - 06.12.2023 06:33

Great video, so true.

@nsgmma4680 - 06.12.2023 06:29

Such a disappointment

@Simsationxl - 05.12.2023 17:08

I ignore marketing. Remember the people who market the game don’t play the game. I got the game I expected. I saw the gameplay and knew I’d like it. Sorry to everyone that was disappointed by the bs marketing.

@sshumkaer - 05.12.2023 11:48

To many cry babies

@chinosauce9440 - 04.12.2023 20:48

The character reacts very slow

@adventuresofroadkill6286 - 04.12.2023 02:46

I would rather see a one fc game instead of a ufc game and done by anyone but ea they just can not produce a good game these days even fifa is worse than ever

@johnanthonyjund5949 - 03.12.2023 21:57

understand that this shit takes time and almost a “mastering technique” like any other annual or regularly revamped competitive sports game. Anyone who doesnt like ufc 5 was most likely trash at any other ufc title orrrrr only played career mode orrrrrr played for a week and then never touched it again. The game has come a longgg way getting closer and closer with every title by updating mechanics for submissions in 2, striking in 3, then fixing little bugs and cleaning it all up in 4. Now, the game has a grip on all aspects and can make small additions(such as the TBS). The game has made it to a place where the frequent competitive online players like myself will enjoy it very much. It’s by far THE best out of the franchise due to the over time adjustments and now they finally got the online created mode right as well. Actually, it is even better than i expected. And whoever gives a shit about muhammad ali having nate diaz’z punches is a dumbass. how many different types of straights can you throw my guy? ALSO if you played the others you know that they update things like that very often and im sure his “new real punches” will be rendered in soon. but who cares lol

@ESMorg - 02.12.2023 23:26

Personally, in just not finna buy a slightly upgraded UFC 4 for $60 bucks. I’ll catch it in a few weeks when its on a CRAZY Christmas sale from all the decreases in player count

@vollyballs95 - 02.12.2023 21:59

Just what I wanted. UFC 4 with worse grappling and striking. Seriously, fuck you EA. Killing the battlefield franchise wasn’t enough ig

@slimtim8302 - 02.12.2023 04:31

The game is complete garbage and i cant believe they kept on trying to pay off advertisements from content creators and fake ass ratings . EA STINKS

@turkysaad2527 - 01.12.2023 12:38

The game suck suck suck

@GeorgeG14 - 30.11.2023 18:19

Game changers are a scam front. EA moving like Vought International

@MattAnyiwo - 29.11.2023 21:00

Game Modes to add to make EA Sports better 🫠

1. Executive Mode/GM Mode = Build your own promotion, Gyms and PPVs

2. Story Mode = Story Mode for real Fighters especially champions and former champions that follows their road in the UFC

3. Career Mode Adjustments = -The ability to switch coaches and gyms
-The ability to fight whoever you want as champion regardless of rank
-The ability to move up and down in weight classes as you choose

4. Title Mode/Title Defense Mode = Road to the title or defending it in a singular game mode.

5. P4P Mode = Fight the best regardless of weight class could even call this king of the hill

6. Legendary Fight Mode = reenact the best fights in UFC history and win coins

7. Alternate fighter skins = Different looks for fighters who have had multiple looks in the past W/ realistic stat updates, similar to 2K
(EX. 2016 Connor McGregor would be the best Conor but you could also be 2020 Connor McGregor, or 2012 Connor McGregor)

Other Examples : Chito Vera, Sean O’Malley, Sean Strickland, John Jones, Anthony Johnson and so on

@chadyehia-realestate1116 - 29.11.2023 14:22

Is it just me or is most of the feedback on how to make ufo 4 and 5 better all these years is make it more like ufo 3....they already have a winning recipe to build on.

@davidagiel8130 - 29.11.2023 10:42

The slow motion replay looks like trash, I want to follow up with punches like Undisputed 3.

@alimoorad5998 - 29.11.2023 09:58

We need a solid, simulation MMA game inspired by the undisputed series, for PC.

@alimoorad5998 - 29.11.2023 09:57

I was going to buy a PS5 just for this. Glad I didnt. Ill wait for a massive discount for both the PS5 AND UFC 5 and then I might consider it. Until then, fuck the gamechangers for being absolute simps to EA

@osamabinpawning123 - 29.11.2023 06:44

I really am enjoying this game tho

@charlesoliver4449 - 29.11.2023 03:44

This series has basically been the same shit since ufc 2.

@user-ml8jp6eu5f - 28.11.2023 17:46

UFC 5 for me is UFC 2014.5.😅

@KYROTAIBANTON - 28.11.2023 11:42

Makes you realise how good ufc 4 was

@IMUHBOXER - 27.11.2023 18:18

I actually came to your channel to show love but instead I see you think me personally is the problem? I met you in person to your face (at a Gamechaner event!), you didn't have a problem with me then. It's even on your channel! My video was about graphics, I didn't lie to you about GRAPHICS.

Either way I got you, I see where you stand wit'it good to know.

@Revanite-N7 - 27.11.2023 16:30

The fact that Undisputed 3 a game from 2012 looks better than this arcade pile of shit is unbelievable. THQ really pushed realism to the best as they could, you can feel the love for MMA playing Undisputed games and the ground system was the best ever built. EA took everything away. The animations looks terrible, off, like the fighters have a stick deep into their butt or something. But hey, this is EA. We're used to it. Dana should've never allow EA to ruin the UFC franchise.

@tyler3023 - 27.11.2023 04:02

My problem with the game is one second I’m moving like a power ranger striking and setting up combos - next minute I’m moving like a turtle yet my opponent has the speed advantage of a fighter jet and I’m moving in water watching as he sees every attack I throw

@adolffrisler - 27.11.2023 02:27

shockingly bad game, feels like an arcade, not smooth at all, they’ve also done a really good job of making players sit there and wait for the opponent to do something, if you make the first move your doomed, blockbreaking is worse than it’s ever been, hope EA shut it down 😂

@harleyfrench9997 - 26.11.2023 15:14

The game is trash

@hezhez97 - 26.11.2023 07:09

I genuinely hope ea go bankrupt first they ruin fifa then they ruin ufc all in the space of a couple of months. I know ufc 4 wasn’t the best but it feels better to play than ufc 5 and don’t even get me started on fifa. Joke of a company

@LandoB - 25.11.2023 06:54

I just looked through the Xbox reviews and it looks like everyone (5% of ratings) who gave it 5 stars are either spammers or trolling saying they’re Mike Tyson lmfao

@thekill1465 - 23.11.2023 19:32

Just bought this game of 40$ lol not even a month old lol
