PET SEMATARY (2019) Ending Explained

PET SEMATARY (2019) Ending Explained


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@blackwidowspider9852 - 02.11.2023 12:37

Meningitis comes in different forms she has spinal Zelda had spinal meningitis and she made the movie more scary The color in 1989 was great the color in 2017 was lousy

@blackwidowspider9852 - 02.11.2023 12:34

On April 21, 1989 The very best pet sematary movie came out it was almost a copy of the book the characters fit the book so much they were perfect the second movie made in 2017 was lousy none of the characters fit the parts they were wrong for each part sorry and putting the girl as the 1 Who died was a big mistake . Even Stephen king wrote for the 1st movie and he was in it as the priestⅡ movie was a disappointment I couldn't even finish it I was so disgusted

@LeeToucheck-pm3oo - 29.10.2023 01:08

Rachael should of did to ellie like Lewis did to Gage in the first movie

@enishi4ty5 - 23.10.2023 06:08

comment your favorite stephen king movie or book below please! ive only seen and read a few

@ryd1kulous619 - 22.10.2023 04:21

I was able to graduate high school, go to college, get married, have 5 kids, and die of old age before the movie recap actually started.

@davidagiel8130 - 14.10.2023 21:00

Nothing beats the original, which says how bad these new movies are

@uglybadstupid - 06.10.2023 20:49

I thought all things being possessed live in the deep woods, didn't they say something about an evil that lives beyond the annexed pet sematary. they mention something is even further than the "real" pet sematary, like a third level. I thought I read that in the book. so, I kind of had this horror thought that gage was taken to this dead town in the deep evil woods to be raised by the undead.
maybe an evil spirt raising a human child can have a lot of influence to other parts of the world. maybe thats how they make spirts through years of rituals on a willing innocent human

@magnusprime27 - 27.09.2023 15:15

Very diff but i like the changes

@vibewithryan - 14.09.2023 10:48

If they would have just put up a fence it would have solved so many problems 😅

@deeactive1329 - 03.09.2023 08:39

I really liked the original. But after rewatching Louis was an idiot lol. The remake made him more of an idiot.

@missinglink20 - 18.08.2023 04:04

The audiobook is rly good read by Micheal C Hall aka Dexter Morgan was amazing

@kelst75 - 16.08.2023 11:37

The original was so impactful. Gage, Zelda, and Judd were so memorable.

@ds8249 - 13.08.2023 23:29

Glad I didn’t watch this. The fact that he said this is better than the original makes me lose a little respect for him lolol

@kevanfoster - 20.06.2023 09:58

"The ground is sour." This damn sentence gave me nightmares when I first read the book.

@humblebumblehomestead4777 - 19.06.2023 12:59

Maybe the burial masks protected the kids? They could have done so much more with that plot scenario

@bobjoe4760 - 31.05.2023 01:39


@sipp4238 - 26.05.2023 04:28

This shit was Horrible

@bigbossj6995 - 30.04.2023 21:08

You are entitled to your opinion, but I disagree the original Pet Sematary was better than this remake is okay at Best, but compared to the original, the remake is soulless, I'm sorry but you completely lost me you said this remake is better,

@artemiaevestone1403 - 09.04.2023 02:54

the original movie has haunted me since i watched it at age 10 the ending of this one also makes me wonder what the zombie family did next as well.

@phillipisayev1273 - 23.02.2023 09:04

I didn’t like this adaptation because they molded everything from the book into a generic horror cliche, even right down to killing Ellie rather than Gage, because they wanted a creepy girl cliche rather than risk making the 2 year old come back as a killer. Also like any movie they had to tone down the depths of the characters and made them pretty one dimensional. I get that it’s just cinema format and all, but still disappointing.

@silverriku12 - 22.02.2023 21:16

I hate horror. I'm a very jumpy person and it just throws my anxiety out of wack. So when my ex took me to this movie, I had a fun 2 hours watching the exit sign of the theater. Glad to have an actual recap of the story haha

@NeobahamutZero - 16.01.2023 19:55

I'm what I would consider a Pet Semetary superfan, and I'll admit, I detest this movie. There was so much potential for them to do things right, to make this story amazing, and they fudged it up soooo badly.

Pet Semetary isn't meant to be a movie. The story is too large and complex for an hour and a half. It needs to be a proper mini series. If they truly wanted to do justice to PS, they would make it a multi part run. Part one, the arrival to Ludlow, establishing the friendship between Judd and Louis, the event with Pascow, everything with Church's burial etc, and end it at the point that the rest of the family returns from Chicago. Theres a line in the end of that chapter "When the sound from the drain was gone he could hear
the wind outside, thin and wild, coming from the north, bringing down winter, and he realized he was afraid, simply, stupidly afraid, the way you are afraid when a cloud
suddenly sails across the sun and somewhere you hear a ticking sound you can't account for." That would be a great cut off.

The next episode could pick up with the phone call to Louis about Norma Crandall, Judd's wife, passing, and then carry through to the day Louis and Gage go out flying the kite, ending off with Louis watching Gage sleep. This episode would be stretched with an extended take of Rachel's recount of Zelda's short life and painful death.

The third would start off best as a slow pan through the pictures of Gage, of him when he was born, as a baby, all the holiday pictures with Grandma and Grandda, with voice over covering all of those moments, then the reveal that they're scattered around on the table, or counter, behind Louis while he stands in his good suit, eating whatever cereal they choose (in the book, it's Cocoabears) the morning of the viewing. Move through the funeral (which would include the terrible, heartwrenching flashback of the accident), a detailed scene set to cover the whole tale of Timmy Baterman, the burial and Louis making his decision.

The next episode could pick up at Rachel leaving with her parents and Ellie, and Louis finalizing his plans. Follow him digging up Gage, the trip out to the burial ground, making sure to give proper attention to the Wendigo's presence in the swamp. End it when Louis gets home and falls asleep. Then start the last episode, Oz the Gweat and Tewwible, with a sequence that rehashes the story up to the burial, and have Gage rise at the end of it. Then follow the story from there.

Things they should do to keep the bookslappers (like me) happy:
Keep Norma Crandall in the story, as Judd's wife. Follow her timeline to the letter.
Make Zelda the ten year old girl that she was. Zelda was 10 when she died, Rachel was 8. We've seen a plethora of "terrifying kids" in shows and movies, don't give me that bull crap about "Little girls are just too sweet."

Things that might make things confusing but interesting:
When I read the book, or listen on audible, I get this sense of Louis's inner monologue becoming more and more fully personified. As Louis loses his grip, the "little voice" of his in his head grows clearer, then by the time he's drinking himself under the table the night before Gage's funeral, it's a fully formed shadow of himself, still see through and ghost like, but very clearly there. Then, once Gage has been resurrected, it becomes it's most solid. This is the part of him that managed to stay sane through it all. The part of him that speaks through the haze that this has to end, that he did this, and now he has to undo it, as if it's a physical representation of his soul.

I actually get this scene in my head now of Sane Louis, standing on the side of the road, watching Judd's house burn while his no long sane physical counterpart trudges up the path in the background, the ghost of Victor Pascow beside him, the two talking about how Louis couldn't fight the allure, the glamour of what lay in the woods, and how Victor is so sorry for how everything turned out. During the conversation, a thin, but noticeable ground fog begins to twist it's way around Louis' ankles, like the fog in LGS, and it begins to become claw like as the two speak. By the time the conversation is over, Victor has noticed the fog but said nothing, and the claws tighten and drag Sane Louis away, down the path and into the woods, his scream of terror punctuated by the sickening cackling scream of the Wendigo beyond, and Victor swiftly disintegrates into the same fog that dragged Louis away. Turns out his intervention was all the monster's doing after all, the "in" as it were to begin influencing the events of what happened.

@kassie444 - 20.12.2022 09:05

maine is the real ohio

@nicholasryan7766 - 06.12.2022 09:02

Personally, I liked Church better when he was a chonkier cat ... But then, that's just my opinion...

@carlingisguapington4614 - 29.11.2022 20:54

The original isn’t very good? Are you sure about that? I think the remake wasn’t very good and the original was perfect.

@bobnoone3941 - 17.11.2022 04:52

Bro your crazy if you think the remake is better than the original. ‘89 is a classic and Gage is so much creepier than the rebooted version.

@coramunro95 - 18.10.2022 23:30

Superior my ass.

@halloweenjunkie666 - 08.10.2022 13:33

The difference also in the old one..people noticed the smell of the ground.. Judds mom n Louis both

@jholttn - 29.09.2022 05:19

A couple of things I would want to try with the burial ground. 1.) Bury a bug 2.) Bury a goldfish 3.) Bury skeleton of an animal 4.) Bury a skeleton of a person 5.) Bury someone alive

@BleachKiller419 - 27.09.2022 20:47

I was stupid enough to watch this when i was like 10 and the Zelda character from the original freaked me out so bad.

@trentrossdale638 - 24.09.2022 11:42

I can't believe you said the original wasn't good. Horror movies don't scare me...never have. I find them silly or just plain not scary. However, the oniy horror movie that ever truly scared the absolute crap out of me was this terrifying nightmare of a film!!!😰😱🥶🥶🥶

@gaetanbattaglia4036 - 09.09.2022 08:55

Where in the book/movie(s) did it say that the reanimated bodies last 10 years?

@Julia-lk8jn - 08.09.2022 04:51

Somehow, the mode of talking doesn't work at all for me - way too up-beat and "hey let's have fun y'all" for this movie.

@LIBERTYSINCURSION - 02.09.2022 19:48

I have to say it. Stephen King adaptations suck for the most part.

@mwest3191 - 12.08.2022 17:29

I love when I recognize lore from Supernatural episodes

‘Ah yes, the old Wendigo.’


@batman_2015 - 27.07.2022 06:51

Just burn the woods, lol

@treslaughter1987 - 23.07.2022 03:45

Shit film

@sahaara7946 - 16.07.2022 17:52

Haven't seen the new pet semetary movie yet. The old one holds too much nostalgia to me. I was 8 when I saw it for the first time following many other Stephen King movies at a very young age. (yes, back then no one cared about what I watched as a kid) What got me the most from all those King movies was Cujo which may have sparked my fear of dogs that I lost very very slowly getting older. What I love the most about the King movies is all the imagery they use in probs, clothes ect. As someone who studied media science I'm always analysing the background and angles of movies and in good movies you do not even need to hear audio. You can read the whole movie just by focusing on the probs, clothes, angles and shots.

@Johnwick-ed7vo - 11.07.2022 01:28

I have not read a first copy, I never read the story after the film came out, and the book copy I had was written off the movie not the original story, I still liked it and later re-read my copy after I had seen the original movie, I was proved to be correct about the book being based off the movie, wish I could find an original copy before the movie so I could see the difference if any, I liked the og movie as well as fond of the remake but do wish there was more to explore as King often took things more suggestive than in ur face so the mind is always more horrifying than life, after all fear starts in the mind, the what if, not spoon fed to us. When you engage the mind all holes can be filled in, but I truly appreciate the movies for what they are, not so much pet semitary 2 but hey like you said that movie started out as another story entirely and for whatever reason got changed along the way, so can't really say I don't like it since in a weird way I've yet to see what it was supposed to be. I can however wish 2 was something closer to 1 serious, not so much humor but it does have a following theses days so for all I know I am in the minority now.

@MemeMan64 - 10.07.2022 10:43

maybe cugo was from the pet cematery? imm joking! ( high hopes for a 2nd remake!)
wait, what if pennywise is either the wendigo or cursed by the wendigo?

@joshuahill8681 - 09.07.2022 19:30

The little girl is very beautiful .

@delante2373 - 09.07.2022 10:18

U can't tell me ... That this dude don't do stand up comedy .... He's hilarious

@looneyluke797 - 26.06.2022 01:45

“The 1989 version isn’t that good” *begins to praise it for the next 3 mins

@shandastandford3423 - 16.06.2022 07:39


@ericthomas6726 - 25.05.2022 16:09

This movie was so iffy it was awful in its…averageness.

@sidharthchand8072 - 24.05.2022 16:39

The 80’s one is the bomb the 2019 one is a shot for shot remake

@sasangsang4073 - 15.05.2022 14:04

l the old man was the reason why they are all dead😥😥

@ashtonashton7559 - 14.05.2022 03:08

The original is better

@jackilynpyzocha662 - 30.04.2022 06:46

I lived next to a people's cemetary for six years, I was good with it, until I read the book, and later movies.
