Jordan Peterson's Brilliant Breakdown on DOSTOYEVSKY "Notes From Underground"

Jordan Peterson's Brilliant Breakdown on DOSTOYEVSKY "Notes From Underground"

Based Mentality

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Boris Badenov
Boris Badenov - 03.11.2023 19:17

Not as good as Phyllis Diller's Marriage Manual.

MostlyUseless - 02.11.2023 06:20

Not even the author's best book. Peterson is just not very bright.

torreyintahoe - 30.10.2023 03:55

Greatest novel ever written other than the fact that it's depressing and boring.

Holly Shippy
Holly Shippy - 29.10.2023 21:01

Read the novel, "The Brothers Karamazov." It is undeniably a fiction. First and foremost, it is a human construct. The Christianity represented in the novel is the highly superstitious and overly ritualized Russian Orthodox church and it's literal interpretation of the Bible. Period. This is the same Russian Orthodox Church that Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was so keenly fond and came to believe Russia should follow. Nonsense. The Russian Orthodox Church is now run by the Patriarch, Kirill, a former KGB agent, and full supporter of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. The Russian Orthodox Church is a product of Eastern religious imperialism, which is second cousin to Western religious imperialism. "The Brothers Karamazov" is a dime-store murder mystery dressed out to be a deep philosophical meditation on reason and rationality vs faith. But when the reader realizes that the faith is that of a superstitious Russian drenched in the outsized credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings ... the reader can be thankful he/she is not Russian Orthodox ... and that the entire novel celebrates, what can only be described, a peasant's medieval religious credulity. It's an interesting book, but does not deserve the pedestal it has been hoisted. It's a dime-store mystery stretched to ungodly lengths, simply because it appeared as a serial, prior to it being placed in book form. Rationality fails in "The Brothers Karamazov," because Dostoevsky made it fail, according to his own lights. It's a novel. It is make-believe. And when we attempt to make literal a fictional philosophical argument, constructed from the author's own biases ... we end up with a Jordan Peterson, and Dostoevsky groupie ... a biased reader in agreement with a biased writer, and with whom he shares the identical bias. And Russian religious credulity, is the perfect frame-work for political credulity, which Russians seem not only prone, but are primed with the egregious marriage of church-state imperialism. "The Brothers Karamazov" is a mistaken tome to the author's bias and his unwavering allegiance to medieval credulity.

Fabio sobrin
Fabio sobrin - 29.10.2023 19:09

You must not have read Don Quixote

Magoth - 27.10.2023 17:57

This simply proves once again, that it is not earthly possession-which for all intents and purposes include accomplishments and in general any factor that is not intrinsic-that make one happy, that make one content. To be "happy", is to not want.

On another note, true happiness, the joy you feel, what people really, actually want, and not simply peace of the soul, requires, no, it even necessitates pain. It is always in contrast to pain, discomfort and hardship that joy, bliss and pride emerges.

Eudaimonia is not your brain releasing any chemicals, to give you that raw and visceral feeling of joy, it is rather a way of thinking that does not require that feeling of joy to be content-to be happy.
It is therefore a utopian thought, that a populace could be organised harmonically under any system. To not want is antithetic to the human condition and it is by that exact reason, that no system of governance, be it capitalism, communism or any other such, may exist without strife, chaos and evil which are obviously not mutually exclusive with peace, order and good.

d1g1tvl-0hretor1c - 18.10.2023 23:05

The greatest book is 200 years together by Solzhenitsyn, now narrated by rabbi Juden Peterstein himself

Fred Turner
Fred Turner - 18.10.2023 19:42

Peterson is a selfserving pseudo intellectual narcissist who loves to hear his own voice

Babau aski
Babau aski - 18.10.2023 15:03

Calm down, greatest litterature is french, and second is english, I don't think you're familiar with the large majority of french litterature master pieces and probably not with most of england's

raj singh
raj singh - 17.10.2023 07:21

I read it as 22yr old law student and it destroyed me to a level the effects of which I would hence recommend nobody to read this book it's scary.

Shaun Clubber Lang
Shaun Clubber Lang - 16.10.2023 04:48

Jordan "Dostoevsky proves the existience of god" Peterson. What a clown.

charles christensen
charles christensen - 14.10.2023 20:30

Paul Kossak
Paul Kossak - 13.10.2023 00:39

I always felt Dostoevsky was not a great writer but an interesting philosopher

unclejamo94553 - 10.10.2023 07:50

Sounds just like you, Jordan, doesn’t he? (Brilliant? according to whom? Dostoyevsky, definitely, Jordan Peterson definitely not.)

Beastmode - 09.10.2023 18:12

Peterson's is dork😂

Steven Jobe
Steven Jobe - 08.10.2023 21:33

We can include Dostoevsky's work in the examples of literature, that we hold highest theme. For sure! But greatest novel ever? Now. We are forgetting one of destroyer, skis, compatriots from a later generation, Vladimir Nabokov. He wrote the greatest novels ever written in English, Pale Fire.

Mika-El - 05.10.2023 19:55

One can hear the unhealed trauma in Jordans voice.

El El
El El - 05.10.2023 05:29

Decided to read this in Russian. Starting from zero. Don’t even know the alphabet. Kato Lomb method all day.

Gert Stronkhorst
Gert Stronkhorst - 05.10.2023 00:31

So now he's an expert on novels. HIlarious.

Mikołaj Wiśniewski
Mikołaj Wiśniewski - 04.10.2023 09:38

Typical western admiration for ruzzian "psychological depth" while in fact there's a lot of sentimental and religious baloney in FD. Read Nabokov on Dostoyevsky - he saw exactly how bad most of his stuff was
