The Best NEW Action Movies 2022 & 2023 (Trailers)

The Best NEW Action Movies 2022 & 2023 (Trailers)

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Gardoni Walter
Gardoni Walter - 08.10.2023 18:20

Zum Teil miserable Schauspieler zuviel Taugenichts sehen alle gleich aus die Pfeifen.

Antisocial butterfly
Antisocial butterfly - 18.09.2023 23:29

Prey is 🔥

I Am A God!.. So Are You!
I Am A God!.. So Are You! - 03.08.2023 14:03

Secret Headquarters looks frickin AWESOME!! 🎉🎉🎉❤

Kurtis Apfel
Kurtis Apfel - 16.04.2023 02:41

The list of Films & Times are accurate!

Javon - 14.02.2023 23:16

What that

Emanuel S
Emanuel S - 28.01.2023 03:25

To summarize, the majority of these films are from 2023.

Armastat - 17.01.2023 20:21

Crash = Pitch Black II

Tom in VA
Tom in VA - 10.01.2023 23:17

Hollywood is saving me so much money by offering so little of interest.

DENNIS ABOAGYE - 09.01.2023 05:58

Quite place

Ben Quinney, III
Ben Quinney, III - 06.01.2023 05:14

The fundamental principles of reality

Gavin Calvin
Gavin Calvin - 03.01.2023 14:29

I can't wait movies from 2023, But 2022 SUCKS.

Hanh Nguyen
Hanh Nguyen - 30.12.2022 22:11

violent night
shotgun wedding
black adam
on the line

Henry Stickmin
Henry Stickmin - 28.12.2022 14:29

Violent Night is something i want to watch so much

Joseph Poitras
Joseph Poitras - 27.12.2022 03:39

Many of these 2022 films bombed. Failed to even get close to expected gross sales.

asdaliga dumiani
asdaliga dumiani - 23.12.2022 16:44

Boring, uncreative and 90% all the movies have same conflicts/survival things...miss those big mega mass battle like LOTR

Marjun Olano Cenita
Marjun Olano Cenita - 23.12.2022 06:53

Prey and Hounded kinda cool to watch😊

Rain Man
Rain Man - 23.12.2022 03:49

so many movies touhting violence as the answer, no wonder we americans love guns and killing each other over not much.

Dan - 22.12.2022 23:35

Where is the cover photo from?

Rumple Stiltskin
Rumple Stiltskin - 22.12.2022 19:33

Stop fading to black every few seconds, IT IS FUCKING IRRITATING !@!!

Sandra Gill
Sandra Gill - 22.12.2022 19:09

Cant wait for the plane crash one

The Davidtollah
The Davidtollah - 21.12.2022 22:53

Immediately turned off by "Sanctioning Evil." The "staff sergeant" doesn't have a rocker under his stripes. He's a "sergeant", not a staff sergeant. Makes me suspect a very low level of research and attention to detail.

Carl S Sanders
Carl S Sanders - 20.12.2022 16:34

These movies have a 60'-80 wonder so many got jabbed for a there not one intelligent script out there.

Sasha Alex
Sasha Alex - 16.12.2022 02:10

Violent Night, Alienoid, Shotgun Wedding, Hunt.
Quite the interesting movies i found on here.
Thank you.

Skinny Corleone
Skinny Corleone - 15.12.2022 05:12

I heard that DEVOTION is the Shet !!!! And folks should go see it 2wice.

ruxor zen
ruxor zen - 14.12.2022 16:02

dungeon and dragon look pretty fun..

แป้นไม้ นามปากกา
แป้นไม้ นามปากกา - 09.12.2022 22:31

L 👈 ไม่ ได้ หาย ไป ไหน k 👈 il ก็ อยู่

Jung Bechtold
Jung Bechtold - 09.12.2022 14:19

Right now I am watching all movies with CinemaVariety. PPV events available with no extra cost

Hydrolight Gaming
Hydrolight Gaming - 08.12.2022 11:03

He forget about Transformers:Rise Of The Beasts

Ramona Mattioni
Ramona Mattioni - 07.12.2022 20:59

Right now I am watching online with CinemaVariety . All all movies s are available with no extra cost now!

Moto Operacja
Moto Operacja - 07.12.2022 17:51

amazing shit. no more good movies as well as good music ... All good things ended in the 90s

Osan Digital
Osan Digital - 04.12.2022 01:38

Why are Gerald Butler's movies so grey lately?

mogeking56 - 02.12.2022 09:11

Cheese 🧀 head moves 😮

Wealthy Wolf
Wealthy Wolf - 02.12.2022 02:03

Seriously because of this trailer I'm gonna re-watch 1 and 2. Can't get enough of Drax and this crew.

Drake Watkins
Drake Watkins - 29.11.2022 05:10

Avatar ant man dungeon and dragons alll look amazing lit 🔥

P T - 27.11.2022 02:58

wow I bought on Amazon Spiderman Trilogy 1/2/3 in 4k (Starring Tobey McGuire) with Atmos and the sound is way way better than streaming.

I also bought:
- 4K Elvis Blue Hawaii
- 4k Star Trek I: The Motion Picture - The Director's Edition
- Gamer
- 4K The Contractor
- Le Mans
- Grand Prix
- AC Infinity MULTIFAN Mini, Compact 40mm x 20mm USB Fan

I just bought the iPhone 14 with 512Gb storage...awesome.

king 👑 queen 👑
king 👑 queen 👑 - 26.11.2022 06:19

I definitely watch DEVOTION. Because this movie is

Sport Savant
Sport Savant - 25.11.2022 05:23

I came for the giant snake. Which movie is the giant snake in?

Jon Doe
Jon Doe - 23.11.2022 20:39

Gerald butler , most terrible actor

mann54 - 23.11.2022 02:43

Terrible. Way too many already released movies. Way too many putrid woke hollywood as* kissing the perverts and the minorities. Albeit nothing wrong with movies with different races in them. But this is getting ridiculous. Especially when reality itself reveals that America and Europe are still 60% overwhelmingly made up of Caucasians. Yet, like I said nothing wrong with having black, brown, yellow and red people in movies. But at least represent the percentages !!! But fascist marxist perverted hollywood won't do that. Because perverted marxist fascist hollywood is now firmly in the camp of the establishment. The establishment now in the west is fast becoming the enemy of normal thinking people, people with moral values, and those who still believe in the nuclear family. Hollywood, like their friends on the left in America and in Europe mix fascism with marxism. One, whichever suits them at the time, two, so as to confuse and maintain the pop culture elitist status among the unwashed youth, and three, within fascism the elite and the compliant corporations retain wealth and gain power exactly like they did under Hitler. Very sly in the use of subterfuge blinding the masses. Touche' !!! But the malfeasance is obvious within Hollywood's political allies no matter the effort of their quisling dic* licker* in the media trying to bury their crimes and treason. So their are many reasons to hate and despise the hollywood industry. Royal chickenshit* and filthy cowards who don't have the guts to stand up for what's right so they cave to whatever new trend they or someone else creates. No matter how unreal, low down or perverted it is. These people at the top on the left are filthy rich. Those just below them reap rewards directly tied to them. But they'll continue to preach climate change restrictions for the masses as we get poorer and poorer and lose more of our freedoms cause they're not losing shi* !!! They're gaining by stealing from us and accumulating more power. Collectivism and a socialist paradise they squeal !!! Believe their lies if you will !!! The only utopia that will exist is for the few at the top. Like in every fascist, socialist or communist state. In the Soviet Union the masses got used to the abuse for quite sometime. They became satisfied with small dwellings, a job, a vehicle, clothes and groceries most of the time. Yet, the leaders lived in luxury. Even though they killed their czar and his entire family for that very same reason. The people suffered under the czar. They suffered worse in the long run under the communists. The leaders had brainwashed military leaders and soldiers and KGB and police to protect them. Not just brainwashed. They paid them higher wages then the masses. They gave them better homes, vehicles, clothes, the job came with all this plus food that was always available. The same extra pay and benefits were given to Soviet stars and athletes. But not the many millions that made up the huge majority. You obey and be happy or you go to jail like the Soviet style jail in DC has locked up for political January 6th prisoners for 11/2 years without a trial. Or you disappear or die like Epstein hanged himself !!! Like the release of the names on Jeffrey Epstein's list ? Where the fuc* is that list ? The democRATS and specifically the left, because there are rino republican traitors on the left also and a few patriots that still exist within the democRATic party. So the left and those dedicated followers who actually have made worshipping it's warped ideological evils and perversions part of their very being are the main enemies of America and Europe today. It's not Russia, China, North Korea or Iran although they're certainly not our friends. But the greatest danger facing this democratic republic, this Constitutional Republic is the leftist, fascist, marxist, perverted enemy within. If we must go house to house to eliminate these problems so be it !!! Here in my neighborhood in Oklahoma it won't be many. But there are a few. May I suggest a full frontal assault through the front door with 3 or 4 armed friends. Take any children below 12 and hold them. Any up to 17 must be bound and taken. All adults in the home above 18 must be given a chance to explain themselves after the home is thoroughly checked for leftist propaganda, computer and phones checked and finally voting records checked. If it is found that they lean to the left only as little as 51% they must be dragged out of the house one by one and hanged in a tree that's nearby. Picking a limb that's strong enough and won't allow their feet to touch the ground. You may have to check a few trees and climb up to toss the rope over. At any rate their bodies are to be left hanging as an example to anyone who dares to support a leftist ideology that will remove our freedom, our family unit and our right to work hard, gain wealth on our own and keep it and own our property free of leftist government intrusion. We must be hard, unmerciful, brutal, ruthless and valiant as we carry out this justice upon these warped, criminal supporting, pervert cheerleading treasonous unamerican bastard* and bitche* !!! Always remember these hate filled sissies on the left are bastard* and bitche* at best !!! Vanquishing evil like that will be counted as a righteous win and a patriotic service to the United States of America in the history books !!! Amen and Hallelujah !!! And fuc* you if you disagree leftist perverted scum.

Mark Rodgers
Mark Rodgers - 21.11.2022 00:29

Hey look they remade pitchblack but as a modern movie

Neo - 20.11.2022 13:17

Why are all the movies displayed in the wrong order? First, all 2022 films should be shown first, and then all 2023 films.

brolo swagins
brolo swagins - 18.11.2022 03:33

all shite

grimchef - 17.11.2022 19:18

Lol Simon Pegg in an action flick is a hilarious concept.

Trueflight Silverwing
Trueflight Silverwing - 17.11.2022 06:37

Am I the only person who has zero interest in the new Avatar movie? It's been way too long and I wasn't all that impressed by the original. It was visually stunning, but just a stolen remake of Fern Gully.

Adrian Alpay
Adrian Alpay - 15.11.2022 18:03

thanks the philippine is feature

Afiah Adepa
Afiah Adepa - 14.11.2022 17:47

lovely done

Faraday Chain
Faraday Chain - 13.11.2022 18:17

Well, if no one else, tell to the negros, that Wakanda bullshit, with its magical “can do everything,” drugs, only give them the delusions, of superiority, like they always believed of themselves, only testifies, the truth, about what they say, about drug addicts. Specially now, when one of the biggest industry went FULL RETARD WOKE, with their racism, at least few negros should be hitting the breaks on and state, the negros being only third, most racist people on earth, after the Arabs/Chinese in the second place and the neo jews, in the first place, of the most racist people ever, in human history. The white Christians, of North American South, cant get even in to top 10 most racist people, of all time. EVEN, THE HUNGARIAN NEO JEW COMMIES, try to drop the negros, in to fourth place. But with the help, of American neo jews, the negros managed to secure, their third place. Namely, those two people, were the ones, made the slavery a thing, in USA history, at least until the Christians, took the slavery away, from the neo jews and negros, who got RICH, by slave traffic, in to USA.

But, you should understand, when the neo jews, exploited the african negro stupidity, it was NOT USA, BENEFITTING AT ALL, but the few neo jew families, who even DENIGRATED WHOLE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE, BY KEEPING NEUTERED, NEGRO SLAVES. Yes, NEUTERED, cause you still cant hear, about, the after generations, of neo jew slaves, the neo jews kept, cause THE NEO JEWS, NEUTERED THEIR NEGRO SLAVES. You only hear, from the slaves, THE CHRISTIANS PROTECTED and banned, the neutering of. If you dont understand this, your IQ is too low, to understand, how biology, logic and history works. If anyone, it is the few neo jew families, like Cohens, bergs and stains, who owe the REPARATION, TO NEGRO SLAVE AFTER GENERATIONS. NOT, THE CHRISTIAN ONES!
