Huge Concerns Over The Final Shape's POWER LEVEL System In End Game Content (Solo Flawless Dungeons)

Huge Concerns Over The Final Shape's POWER LEVEL System In End Game Content (Solo Flawless Dungeons)

Chablo 91

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@DavePianist - 03.06.2024 10:53

imo the biggest downer for me to even attempt solo flawless dungeons is the low quality reward. All the hard work and attempts and practice just to get an emblem? No thank you. Ain't nobody got time for that.
If the reward is a powerful weapon/armor? Then yes I'd gladly try it!

@themetalpig7613 - 03.06.2024 10:18

I lost interest in watching & doing solo stuff when players started hotswapping loadouts. I'm still on PS4 and it can take 10-20 secs just to go into my menu and wait for the icons to load just to swap a gun. Also, the increase in damage phases and finicky mechanics have gone too far, they are also harder now on PS4 with the low field of view, especially looking for switches in the Spire boss room. Prophecy was my happy medium. And Presage was my favourite when it comes to difficulty, length etc for a exotic mission.

@whoisthis4948 - 03.06.2024 09:42

Warlords has consistently kicked my ass more than any other dungeon

@markpengell23 - 03.06.2024 09:13

Prismatic looks great but has the potential to be a big issue to. In the past decade Bungie have poorly balanced almost every single new element when released in the game. Now we have a subclass which allows us to mix and match. If it works credit to Bungie but historically speaking we could be in for the worst subclass shitstorm in Destiny history.

@cchris93 - 03.06.2024 08:59

I love it. Make solo flawless emblems rare again👍

@markmerkin3701 - 03.06.2024 08:49

Good video. I really liked the commentary. 💯

@anonymousanonymous-nt8ls - 03.06.2024 08:49

The only things i find difficult anymore are certain solo gms, and solo raid encounters. I hope they cap us at contest mode for everything! You people are soft.

@SPANKYHONEY - 03.06.2024 08:34

the artifact mods are good look at them again

@gomolaspeed4498 - 03.06.2024 07:51

I want the game to be way easier. I don't understand why game developers cannot make games with far more varied difficulty. The rewards should be the same because you are simply choosing the way you wish to play the game.
Emblems and titles are fine but weapons, armour and shaders should not be rewards for a higher difficulty setting.
Pissed me right off that I had to run zero hour on legend to get the outbreak perfected perks. Fine if you have a good fireteam but a bloody nightmare with ramdoms. I've had easy runs with good players and terrible ones with people who never even get to the boss.

@vvvjnj - 03.06.2024 07:50

I totally agreed with u Chablo , fuck saltagreppo

@controlleronpceasywin2978 - 03.06.2024 07:38

no way end game content will be real end game content and not patrol content never seen that before

@asperry97 - 03.06.2024 07:31

I agree with this. The fact of the matter is that for all the good things and good people we find in the d2 community. Meta chasers still have the final say when it comes to gatekeeping certain content. The irony in Bungie trying to remedy this by standardizing content is they they are going to embolden meta chasers. In d1, if you didn't have ghorn, you didn't get to raid. In d2, if you dont have prior clears, you dont get to raid in a competitive environment. Let's address the new raid that's coming up on friday, for instance. Streamers will day 1 with their clans and then proceed to run normal raids with other streamers for the quicker raids because destiny now focuses so much on an optimal performance rating. New players will be forced to play with new players . Whilst doing new content simply because even in a content drought, there is still so much to chase. There's too much to chase, and the grind gets draining. Most hardcore Vets dont go out of their way to help newbies learn mechanics because the time investment reuired to help build up the blueberry community to be on par with them is too time consuming Why teach a Bb the mechanics of a raid that will take you 2 hours to teach them when you can go accomplish master mode or go flawless in that time? Standardizing the game in an attempt to eliminate the skill gap will have an adverse effect, and it has been evident since the launch of weekly rotators in the legends tab. People want optimized performances in the community. But arent willing to see to it that the rest of the community members grow to meet that standard. Its no ones fault. Vets arent babysitters but this is an ossue that i know wont ever be addressed because we simply dont have the time to.

@philipjgilbert9124 - 03.06.2024 07:26

Not bought TFS, really can not be bothered with D2 anymore, great vid 🫡👍

@vanheath5382 - 03.06.2024 07:20

Final Shape will be trash for about a month and then they will retune it

@SealFormulaMaster - 03.06.2024 06:38

Here's the biggest issue that you didn't mention. If you want Prismatic, you have to buy TFS. If you don't buy it, not only do you not have Prismatic, but you have to deal with the power curve TFS brought because of Prismatic. Bungie needs to reconsider this, because this is going to force players away. Yes, make the game harder, but don't turn casual experiences like Patrols into a GM. The simplest way to make things harder is to put players at power for all basic activity levels, then introduce more difficulty options for those activities. Want to explore the EDZ? You can go into a public space that's at power, or load into a Firewalled instance that's Legend. Want to do Blind Well? Great, here's a public space at power, but you can also load into a Master version and turn it into a GM with an Unstable Charge. This is simple stuff, they already proved they can do this with previous Festival of the Cost activities and now with the new destination being solo unless you load into a public space.

I would take notes of player counts, because I can guarantee you that after the honeymoon phase is over, the count is going to drop and it's going to be nearly impossible to get new players on board.

@spy-v-spy1848 - 03.06.2024 06:34

Back in D1 I remember a few guys soloing Crotawhich is awesome to watch I didn't anyone who could do it. I never thought they were gonna start balancing the game for them. I play video games about 8 hrs a day Iam not a casual, I am also not in the top 10% If I am finding shit to difficult to bother chances are you are losing most of evryone else. The problem with gamers is they have an inflated semce of self, & they are unwilling to accept when they have bit of more than they can chew & since most of these people now have no investment they will just quit & play something else. This is how games die.

@CarlosRivera-zf3kk - 03.06.2024 06:30

Please friend me

@CarlosRivera-zf3kk - 03.06.2024 06:29

Thank you. Talk that stuff. Please look me up. I need help. Everyone left me.

@spy-v-spy1848 - 03.06.2024 06:17

I hope I am wrong, but I have been playing since dark below I played Halo for years. Here is hoping Bungie wakes up & realizes they are Bungie they don't have to be fromsoft fun games you can play over & over agin & lose yourself will always be better than a one in done play through game know matter how great that play through is you can live there, & if Bungie contiues being these annoying I can't live here either. It is sad what Bungie has become do to manufacture hardness & all these free to play players & content creators who don't give a fuck about community, & just want to get theirs & get out. Human locust eating away at the carcass of a once proud franchise & complainig there is not much meat left on the bone for them to gorge themselves on.

@byebyefiat - 03.06.2024 06:03

hi Doc91… you da best 👍🏻 Great video this one

@spy-v-spy1848 - 03.06.2024 05:59

Bungie is a fun game designer they can make fun games with gun player if you ask them to make it harder they only know one way to do that, & that is nerf your power level. there isn't a damn thing challenging about end game destiny there isn't anything this game has to offer that we can't waltz through at power. They are lazy game designers when you all cried for harder content you just get bullet sponges that one hit are take your abilities away. Bungie can make a fun game or an unfair game...there is no in between. You want a fun enjoyable expience that is addictive play bungie, you want hard, challenging expiernce that is fair play fromsoft. You can't live in a fromsoft game it gets stale once you figure it out, & if you try to make destiny difficult you just get an unfair annoying experience. stop trying to make ice cream pizza.

@DJTyme209 - 03.06.2024 05:49

if shit is harder than needs be and feels like a giant neomuna I'm out

@fadsa342 - 03.06.2024 05:33

For me trying to solo and solo flawless some dungeons is a fun test of your skill. IMO starting with spire and to a degree the servitor on grasp doing solo for the average to slightly above average player is a heck of a slog. For me on a given week I might have 2-6 hours to dedicate to the game. Given the content and people I enjoy playing with frankly spending 1-1.5 hours on a single boss isn't super appealing. I think lots of people don't try on the latest dungeons because the bosses are too tanky and eventually that sucks the fun out of the room. Personally I wish that boss dps in dungeons was scaled based on firetime size similar to the legendary campaign (which many people struggled with solo and as duos). Would it be as challenging for people who play the game for a living or who are top tier? No but bungie has to decide if they're making the game for 5% of players or for 95% of players. If it's for the latter then the top tier solo content needs to be approachable for at least 10-15% of the player base. At the very least at least 20% of people should be happy to attempt it because they feel the clear is possible.

@ISargaros_official - 03.06.2024 05:18

Honestly I’m so uninterested in Warlords ruin. 99% of loot is trash, every encounter isn’t fun but annoying especially last, the only good thing is rocket sidearm and I’m glad so much that it can be farmed in first encounter. They lost ideas since season of seraph, after that season bungo just try so hard to make every activity challenging and difficult, but in fact all that they achieved is everything start to become annoying as hell. They honestly believe that if players struggles in patrol or playlist activities that mean that players will be happy that they overcome something, but in fact people are just start wondering why the hell do i need to spend so much time in unrewarding annoying crap “and all this was for the sake of 1 blue engram and 2 tokens?!” (Painfully familiar to those who played in curse of Osiris).

@jasonstrickland3022 - 03.06.2024 04:48

Well said

@JoseGoncalves-pz3fn - 03.06.2024 04:32

If you can’t over level content by becoming stronger is it even an rpg. In the words of TFS Vegeta. “Power levels are bullshit!”

@thomasmcnally97 - 03.06.2024 04:26

Stupid switches and awful mechanics make warlords ruin painfully annoying takes all the fun out of the dungeon

@wingdragonzero - 03.06.2024 04:21

Sad to say you are right

@imLeyt0n - 03.06.2024 04:05

I’ll probably play this new expansion for a month or so then shelf the game it’s just not what it used to be back in forsaken and since I’ve grown up and don’t have but so much time to play it’s hard to push myself to play this game when they do this change

@L4Disillusion - 03.06.2024 03:53

😂😂😂 im not buying this bullshit. Fuck bungie i quit.

@sircosta6200 - 03.06.2024 03:39

Good finally !!

@smokedout7129 - 03.06.2024 03:34

Making every enemy do absurd amounts of damage and take absurd amounts of damage isn't difficult, it's annoying and only done to slow people down because they think people are finishing activities too fast.

Pantheon showed they can make stuff more difficult without doing that.

Also they need to stop putting us below level for certain activities because they want it to be "challenging." The whole point of us grinding our power level is to be at least on par with enemies so we're still doing a decent amount of damage and aren't dying rather fast.

But apparently they're more for people rushing into activities they aren't the right level for instead of grinding to be at the right level, since they will be implementing the fireteam power system that brings people close to the fireteam leader's power.

Before they started implementing these annoying changes I was able to play decently as a stormcaller warlock without building into it. Now if I don't build into it I might as well not run it at all because it'll make the super look like a slightly buffed ability with how long it takes to kill ads and how easily they can get close to killing me or kill me in the super.

@BrainWasherAttendent - 03.06.2024 03:31

I think bungie is idiotic for doing this if this is what happens.

@Mrschuckles3321 - 03.06.2024 03:24

I have said it since D1, the true Destiny killer is Bungie

@nicholassmith7658 - 03.06.2024 03:11

Crystal Ball 🔮 Doctorate👨🏼‍⚕️ I love it!!

@redsix5165 - 03.06.2024 03:07

I have looked at the mossy max spreadsheet to try and understand it. Essentially if you melee a red bar ad, take that dmg and divide by 180. That is your damage multiple. The damage multiple is driven by generally four things: recommend power level, your weapon’s power, your total power with artifact, and enemy specific damage multipliers (eg melee on red bars = 1.8x bc melee in crucible = 100dmg)… recommended power level / 40 + 0.75 is the formula for part 1. So melee damage agains a redbar is gonna change depending on what activity youre running. Then you have your weapon’s damage multiplier (this is the one that was capped at +20 in raids and +50 on patrol). at RPL the scalar =1. Then multiply that by your total power level scalar. The max here = 1 so anything over RPL doesnt matter and anything under will bring dmg down…oh and depending on what type of content you are running, the scalars are different…there is regular, raid, and master content…so you can go into the first encounter on pantheon and punch red bars to get an idea of what -5 vs -20 gets you…and in this system, -5 is a cap… so the RPL of pantheon is 1800 so anything higher than 1795 is not changing your damage….in my quick math, the raid bosses have about equivalent health pools…they just look higher bc the RPL is different on newer activities….

@riffmcnasty8713 - 03.06.2024 02:45

After watching gameplay of TFS I am not concerned about this because even if we are weaker, you cannot tell in the gameplay. Prismatic is potent, and this has been confirmed by several content creators via aztecross for example. We should just wait and see and not overspeculate

@anthonybolzau7057 - 03.06.2024 02:26

If the game is all about survival and not melting bosses then why are raid bosses equipped with wipe/enrage mechanics ?

@aldomartin2992 - 03.06.2024 02:22

guess I'll solo the new dungeon now. I've been putting it off

@Saint-14 - 03.06.2024 02:15

32% weaker AND no more solo operator…
For solo stuff.

@Gdlkbthmbl - 03.06.2024 02:13

I haven't bothered going for solo flawless clears on the last 3 dungeons since the bosses got such big health pools.

I just do a solo clear for the title, but I don't feel the desire to commit to repeated runs when it can take so long to beat each boss and there's so many opportunities for a mistake to wipe the flawless run.

Did everything flawless until Spire, but just couldn't be arsed grinding out the clears to get to flawless level. Feels like too much of a slog

@andrewmarklowitz2728 - 03.06.2024 02:12

I didnt want to solo flawless anymore aftrer doing duality and heres why the dungeon feel desgined with 3 players in mind and not for solo players first and it shows with the add choices volume and even mechanics that they have made with the last 2 dungeons even with duality. Then theres the fact that you have to have the brutal long slog between you and the boss im the rewarded with a 1-2 phase for really good play with the health bars im forced to a 3 or 4 or on some (ghost finale boss) a fucking 6 phase depending on class and subclass choices and that feels awful, frankly for me it makes doing them this boring endurance test. After doing solo flawless duality i just dont feel respected for my time or rewarded for my time in a dungeon doing the solo flawless, especially considering the loot out of all of the dungeons have been sub par with at best 1 gun thats ideal to chase and maybe the exotic if your interested. I feel that every dungeon boss should be reasonably 2 phased by a solo player and a solid one phase with a decent team of 3 that has not been the case with the way they have made the new dungeons and it has just made me wanna run less of them.

@widsof7862 - 03.06.2024 01:54

I think the time commitment is a pain for solo dungeons as you can’t use the save checkpoint to do it within the week in stages which would be my preference

@hounded01 - 03.06.2024 01:52

bungie should have long ago made dungeons with matchmaking more people would be playing them same with raids its only like 10-12% of the player base that play them its nuts make them for all or get rid of them most dont like clans hence the 10-12%

@hschooljoe - 03.06.2024 01:31

I spent a day working on WR on Hunter using your guides. I didn't practice enough on Hefnd and I got killed after about 12M damage and I couldn't be bothered to start over again after 4 hrs of getting there and stupid deaths. So i got the solo and figured I'd come back when I i have more time another season.

@stevengordon2145 - 03.06.2024 01:27

Good luck Bungie making this game harder wont make this game last.
Once again we play the waiting game

But if you're right Chablo This will skin the expansion like rhino strapped to a concrete pad

@henram36 - 03.06.2024 01:25

I've not pre-ordered TFS, but I will definately be playing it. I'm awaiting the reviews and any "inevitable adjustments" Bungie will need to make in order to make this an enjoyble experience. Hoping the legendary campaign feels more like Witch Queen and less like Lightfall. I'm a filthy casual who can't solo shite in this game (except Shattered Throne), so not sure how these changes will effect teamwork. We'll see.
