Hell Hades

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@mishyinoz - 22.05.2023 10:48

Using this exact team with same speeds and masteries, but falls apart at round nine when Clan boss smashes the team before helicath puts up block damage. Pretty annoying

@Avebelivable - 20.05.2023 05:41

missed the fusion, was just short, pulled him in the last shard event, can't wait to build him.

@glassystudio - 25.03.2023 12:56

Can I use Gator as Debuff cleanser?
He has 3 cool down Debuff cleanser.

I have Helicath, FB, Skullcrusher, Torture helm(stun target), Gator (cleanser)

@andrewmcdonald2483 - 11.11.2022 02:47

Ur full of it mate, u can't use any 3 champs that don't manipulate turn metre, u def need someone like doompriest

@RobertAniFreak - 05.11.2022 14:47

I have more luck then brains, I got Helicath last night from pull event and got the guy
Asked my friends if I can put Heli + Demytha for unkillable teal and they said "Heli is Unkillable on its own"

@travusfaulkner1461 - 19.10.2022 04:05

Geomancer is Helicath's hard counter by steeling or removing his block damage buff. you can place a burn on Helicath before or during block damage. if placed on any one on the team that has a full turn meter allowing Geomancer to steal or remove it immediately.

@godman2208 - 06.10.2022 17:53

i copied everything, speed, champs, idk if it’s bc of lore of steal or what but my team falls apart at turn 10 and idk how to fix it 🥴

@Joutja123 - 29.09.2022 13:49

I have helicath but I still end up getting wiped by an aoe when I get to about 14mill damage. Not sure how to boost that further.

@jaymax2180 - 03.09.2022 06:45

Thanks for this info . 👍👍👍

@mcdiggits - 17.08.2022 21:37

So....... Torturehelm is completely useless for this. That revive doesn't kick in more than once. I built this team and Torturehelm wouldn't die until maybe turn 45. You stick ANY high defense champ with a Lifesteal set on in that slot, and they will pretty much outperform him. I replaced him with Bulwark, and Bulwark does a good 2-3 million more damage, AND with his passive, causes my whole team to do more damage with the increased debuff duration. Don't make the mistake I did and waste resources raising Torturehelm, just get a high defense, low HP champ and they will do the job. Bulwark lasts all 50 turns in my team, and does way more than Torturehelm.

@haydeezz - 14.08.2022 15:37

why the boss stun torturehelm and no one else from the team ? what stablish who the boss will stun ?

@borxeraimerson5055 - 07.08.2022 20:35

Does it have to be doompriest?

@steve122151 - 07.08.2022 18:34

Ok, I need help and I don't know why? I have built this team Exactly as shown, speeds, mysteries, placement in the line up and it won't work. I've spent 2k of gems changing things around and testing. I do a max of 11mil and last to around turn 20. The CB keeps attacking FB not Torturehelm. Every member of the team has Steadfast apart from Torturehelm. I've been at this for 2 days now, why won't it work!!!!!!!

@emmannool5261 - 30.07.2022 19:38

I have be everybody but doom priest and I can’t get torture helm to be the target, who would be a good substitute and what am I doing wrong in getting proper agro

@mcdiggits - 23.07.2022 17:24

Man, I am trying to do this build, and according the the DWJ chart it should be working, but for some reason the CB cuts in on turn 30. I don't get it.

@kingtidus3403 - 03.07.2022 10:14

does he work with geomancer? it seems like geomancers damage is reduced when placed on a team with block damage

@_Angel_Dust - 02.07.2022 17:45

Almost the same, but universal for void nightmare (5CB) and ultra-nightmare (6CB) pack. "Torturehelm/Bushi + Helicath/Roshcard" pack (5СВ - 1 Key, 6CB - 2 Keys):

Torturehelm/Bushi - 185-187 SPD (leader/stun target)
Helicath/Roshcard - 254 SPD
Rhazin (or any other defence debuffer) - 187-189 SPD
F. Banshee (or any DD/Team up/Poison/HP Burn etc) - 186-188 SPD
F. Banshee (or any DD/Team up/Poison/HP Burn etc champ without speed increase skills) - 205 SPD

"187-189" (defence debuffer) should be faster than "186-188" and "185-187" (only for more damage)
If you using Roshcard - turn off A2 skill.
If you using Bushi - turn off A2 skill.
Torturehelm/Bushi should have minimum HP as possible (i guess).

5СВ start: skip 1 turn with Helicath/Roshcard (Helicath, can start with A2). Then full auto.
6CB start: full auto

- If you using Bushi you can use this pack at magic(blue) CB.
- If you want to use this team at spirit(green) (only 6CB) you should replace fastest champ (205 SPD) with AOE block debuff champ with 3 turn cooldown (like Odachi/Grizzled Jarl/Sanguinia/Warlord/Underpriest Brogni etc.). (Skip 1 turn). On 5CB unfortunately only 5 legendary champs - Underpriest Brogni/Tatura Rimehide/Cardiel/Riho Bonespear/Blind Seer (skip 1st and 3rd CB turn)
- If you want to use this team at force (red) CB you should replace 187-189 champ with Doompriest. Or replace fastest champ (205 SPD) with AOE block debuff champ with 3 turn cooldown (Grizzled Jarl/Underpriest Brogni/Tatura Rimehide/Cardiel etc.)

I suppose you can use Nicholas instead of Helicath/Roshcard too.

Sorry if I wrote with mistakes. My english is not so good :)
P.P.S. For very long time i used "Torturehelm+Roshcard+Rhazin+Narma+F.Banshee" team (I always used it only on a void CB. I still don't have Bushi, I have Brogni, but i'm using him on arena). But today i changed it. I replaced Torturehelm with Skullcrusher and Roshcard with Helicath. New team has different speeds.

@margie1982 - 01.07.2022 19:07

how do u tune this for NM?

@tenknifefoot - 30.06.2022 15:20

I match these numbers and my team fails around turn 16-18 on about half of my runs. Others times they go all yay to 5o, same team.I can’t make sense of it.

@bidensniffed.myballs6894 - 29.06.2022 07:03

Happy Anniversary !

@xonix-52 - 28.06.2022 22:40

Just curious why Frozen Banshee is at 169 speed and Gravechill is at 180. GraveChill's A3 needs the poison sensitivity from Frozen Banshee's A3 in order to place the 5% Poison instead of the 2.5% poison, but looking at the link on Deadwoodjedi's site Gravechill's A3 always goes before Frozen Banshee's A3 meaning it will always be the 2.5% poison. Or am I missing something?

@michaelromo4829 - 28.06.2022 15:58

I appreciate the video, but it's not very budget if I have to also get enough books to bring the cooldown down to 4 turns, which ranges from 2 with very good luck to 11 with very bad luck. Is there something to be done for F2P that don't see books very often?

@samcoates8944 - 26.06.2022 17:47

Lol. Congrats on the 15th Anniversary! Good luck when she see's this video XD

@cateatingchezburger4267 - 24.06.2022 18:33

anyone know what speeds you need for nightmare? the time syncing is really weird for me. sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. i did a run with skull crusher and the times was right to get me to turn 46, then i tried changing him out for a kael and only get to turn 30

@MrBstngt - 24.06.2022 08:17

Hell hades! I cannot get this to work properly. All speeds are as listed. I see that you have a speed set and lore of steel on helicath? That will increase his speed slightly correct? I get to turn 43 and I do not have block damage. Is this due to sepulcher preventing bushi from dying at times? Seems random. I have heli at 246 bushi 191 sepulcher 169 occult brawler 181 and kallvalax at 180?? Please help everyone is telling me it's due to bushi dying that messes up the run.

@LongLeg1995 - 24.06.2022 07:21

I copied everything, champions, masteries, speed and priorities. Didn't work at all for me. Shrugs.

@jienadong1468 - 23.06.2022 17:40

Anyone experiencing had fused this champion but disappeared from your account few hours later? This is exactly happened to me. It’s been 12 hours after I report the bug, no reply yet.

@ivankeser5368 - 23.06.2022 04:59

Would Battlesage work in Doompriests place?

@quickssilverr - 22.06.2022 21:39

So why would you choose support masteries over defense since this guys is all about the def?

@user-du6wx7kf1y - 22.06.2022 13:47

Не анкил а недоразумение у меня череполом+ караульная склепа набивают столько же 😁

@43DemonHunter - 22.06.2022 07:46

Is there a significant difference between UNM and NM for speed tuning? My clan doesn't have UNM unlocked yet and I'm using a speed tune from deadwood jedi and a helicath with 4,550 defense and I can't even get close to 50 turns. I really don't get it and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

@bamfbabybamf - 22.06.2022 03:34

Fucking ads

@gamedevbrownbus2871 - 21.06.2022 20:46

I just fused Helicath... put all my books in... of course the a1 and a2 got fully booked, and 0 went on the a3... raid knows...

@captaincorey5878 - 20.06.2022 23:49

Question since his shields come from defense do I gotta worry about his player power cause everything else is fine except for that

@Caveman_The_Spaceman - 20.06.2022 20:33

Im already 2 keying UNM with a traditional slow tune killable comp... if he doesnt bring me to a 1 key. Honestly be disappionted

@stuartmitchell7176 - 17.06.2022 21:07

Geomancer in this comp would be insane.

@baszchuk3075 - 14.06.2022 15:33

I apologize, I'm not understanding the use of spike helm on the team because of his pop up ability. Can any one help explain that a bit more? Still learning here haha

@alexanderzack3720 - 14.06.2022 11:16

now i wish i hadn´t fused rhazin already so i could go for a second torturehelm.... dang

@RoomiestChalice - 12.06.2022 11:44

You say any other 3 champs, can I have an increase speed?

@mustafayunus5761 - 11.06.2022 20:26

if i put a counterattack champion will it ruins this combo

@sarterius6225 - 11.06.2022 04:26

Wow, this is gonna help me so much. Thanks a lot. Fingers Cross we all get him! Good luck to u all!

@travis9529 - 09.06.2022 20:49

This is so exciting. Thank you for this video and linking Deadwoodjedi. I've been 3 keying nightmare with a random team as a new player, and this guy will be the first fusion I REALLY go for. He is going to be so good for me.

@brianjohns7230 - 09.06.2022 20:00

Happy 15th anniversary HH and Lady-H! Heading toward 29 blissful years of marriage myself.

@floydandriessen3995 - 09.06.2022 16:40

15 long.. hard... NO GREAT YEARS! haha nice save HH

@blairreading3471 - 09.06.2022 08:15

Hey HH big fan love your videos, I am currently 2 keying nm cb, but want to build a team similar to this for unm, but one quick question I always hit on void so what does cb target then is it lowest HP ?

@rookieplayer7176 - 09.06.2022 05:43

Can i use gnarlhorn for blue affinity

@CHUD69247 - 08.06.2022 16:05

Happy Anniversary bro

@g.g.baxter4868 - 08.06.2022 15:50

what about Godseeker running at a 4:3 ratio, that revive on death passive would mean you could pick anyone as the stun target
