The Strange and Disturbing Witcher “Iceberg” Explained

The Strange and Disturbing Witcher “Iceberg” Explained


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@franklygamingextra - 06.04.2023 17:46

This guy fucks

@Steffchouu - 12.12.2023 12:47

As a Bulgarian myself I could try to solve the glagolic mystery. After all that's the first Bulgarian alphabet 😅 I don't know it by heart but maybe there's some kind of wordplay

@turismofoegaming8806 - 11.12.2023 13:31

My first time beating, or I should say playing and then beating the Witcher three, I went through the entire base game and beat every single thing you could beat- then I immediately did the heart and stone, DLC, and beat everything you could possibly beat with it-

It was only that I chose to go to Toussaint oh my God!!!!!

It was so worth it seeing it the first time that way after having completed everything else! It was like going on vacation this whole game in the Witcher universe where I was in a beautiful fairytale!!!

Simply put :

The Witcher three is the best game of all time in my opinion and I’ve beat it about six times, two different versions on two different systems .. if I still had a switch, I would have it on that as well-

@vm7528 - 08.12.2023 19:22

The idea that Coral is pretending to be Triss falls apart after you add Yen to equation - jealous, vindictive and pretty powerful sorceress who would surely see through the charade of Coral trying to behave and look like her best friend to seduce her man

@dielizzy-ts2rv - 08.12.2023 02:22

The symbol is just Regis trolling and saying "I was here" ;-) - Seriously, it could be an easter egg for the programmer of that update, like the gravestones in front of Regis' crypta

@jessemansfield9992 - 07.12.2023 11:31

Roach is a unicorn! They were used by the Wild hunt until they found out they were being used to invade worlds! That is why they Uintah Ciri!

@grottybt5006 - 06.12.2023 18:54

Roach is an English word used in England for a specific type of fish. We possibly have no words of polish origin, it's probably from Norman English "roche" which becomes a bit jarring later on lol

@pawemackowski451 - 05.12.2023 00:48

Elves actually hate fistech because when after Falka's uprising, majority of young elves (only able to reproduce) died, elves fallen in grand melancholy, rest of young elves created Scoiatel as guerrilla fighters they started to use fistech. Then racist humans contaminated fistech with brain eating parasite eggs. The rest of elvish young that survived Falka's uprising were dying in agony after getting poisoned by humans.

@zephyrsimon - 28.11.2023 04:28

Parallel universe is so bullshit that makes anything in the iceberg possible. I like the Coral one the most though.

@Woogsie - 26.11.2023 19:57

Isn't there an entry in one of the short stories or novels about why Roach is named Roach? I'm reasonably sure I remember reading an explination, but it's been years. Maybe it's time for me to revisit them again

@Atlantis1986 - 26.11.2023 12:39

Roach theory is pretty absurd.
1. It is well stated in the books that Geralt gives this name to every one of his horses. There is even one dialogue in "Witcher 3" confirming that. There is no other way, especially taking long lifespan of a witcher into account.
2. "Płotka" is not polish word for fish (that would be "ryba"). "Płotka" is a polish word for particular species of fish, which translates into English as... Well... "Roach". :) Also in Polish this word has a second common meaning - it can be used to describe something small or insignificant, like low level member of an organization. There are elements of "Witcher" lore that are extremely hard to translate or require some knowledge of Polish socio-cultural context to understand.
3. Geralt would have noticed that his current horse has some strange teleportation powers. What we witness here is just another example of ludonarrative disonance. This is common in video games. Sometimes we need to simplify narration to make game more enjoyable, but it leads to paradoxes. My favorite example: protagonist of "Watchdogs" lamenting over one guy who have died because of his actions, after during the game play he killed hundreds of opponents.
Yes - developers could have implemented mechanism requiring you to retrieve Płotka from the stable you left her. But that would kill fun. So it is assumed your horse just travels with you and is always around. The same can be said about chest, where Geralt stores his equipment. This is extremely weird that in every chest, everywhere we have exactly the same set of items. But it would be frustrating if you had to remember where you left some sword you currently need.

And about Shrek theory: "Witcher" books predate first "Shrek" movie by over a decade. Friendship between Jaskier (in games translated as Dandelion) and Geralt had been introduced pretty early in the books - in the original short stories. Both works simply use the same trope - friendship between men who are polar opposites: a grumpy warrior/loner and slightly silly artist who talks much.

@Frankthegb - 26.11.2023 07:05

Roach is a mare

@fitmcdeezy8778 - 25.11.2023 05:22

Steeds are all horses. Studs are male horses, ding dong

@TheWhiteLeopard1 - 22.11.2023 23:00

In the ilalian version Roach its called "Rutilia"

@Quazi-moto - 22.11.2023 12:30

Speaking on the werepigs (I think wereboars would be a better name, but I digress), wild boars are far tougher than the wolves.
Just 3 or 4 boars are a tougher fight than twice as many wolves.
I also wonder if we'll see werewhales in the upcoming 'Witcher: Sirens of the Deep' anime.

I hope like mad the next Witcher game will see Geralt going east of the mountains that separate the Continent from the rest of the in-game known world. Visiting Ofier, Zerrikania -- even Kovir and Poviss to the north -- would be filled with potential.

I just hope the next Witcher outing won't make us play as Ciri. Sure, she's a badass... but put plainly, she's no Geralt, who has become one of my favorite (perhaps THE favorite) fictional characters I've ever encountered.

@Quazi-moto - 22.11.2023 12:07

This is, by far, my favorite gameworld to ''inhabit''. I've spent more time with this game (quickly approaching 1000 hours between the original and updated versions) than any non-racing game -- which is more a combination of 4 or 5 racing titles, rather than just a single one.

A VERY close 2nd is the vast lands of RDR2.

To me, nothing compares to the aesthetic of the Continent. I've never been one to give a damn about screenshots or photo mode, but I've got a number of GBs that are only photos.

The above games are escapism at its proper height.
Matter of fact, I think I'll turn off the PC now, and return to the Continent, a world in which I can dominate, fearing neither man nor beast. Even when outnumbered by high-level foes, I don't even sweat a little -- except due to all that dodging, rolling and dismembering.

@ronanlina7909 - 21.11.2023 17:48

Even before the games, you can get a hint of similarities between witcher and shrek in the witcher books

@jschneider8773 - 20.11.2023 22:00

The snake symbol could also be a vampire symbol or something, because regis has it on his gloves in blood and wine.

@GMMP1996 - 20.11.2023 18:09

this game is actually very repetitive, use witcher sense, kill monster or go report what you found. It's a lot of the same thing over and over again, it does get boring after a while, especially when you consider the fact that you have to do those same exact things in the DLCs as well. Basically, use witcher senses, find clues, kill monster and report back for reward. It's very repetitive. I don't see how you would say it isn't. The story is great but very simple, find ciri, protect her from white frost so they don't get to use her power and that's pretty much it. The game is emerssive, you get attached to characters but I definitely would not say this game is the best ever, I do feel this is like the whole Batman being overrated dilema because it really is. This game is great, I like it a lot but it is very repetitive. As for the random events, they don't happen that often to say this would be a unique aspect of this game. I have recently gotten the Platinum trophy on the next gen on my PS5. Honestly, one of the most tedious trophies ever to get. Especially because of the death march trophy. You couldn't ask for a more long and tedious trophy in a video game, the 50 headshot kills with the shitty crossbow is evidence of this as well. In addition, when it comes to gwent, either you like card games or not, personally I enjoyed it but it is the same thing over and over again. After you get a powerful deck, it's all about horn cards and spy cards and that's all you need. Literally, repetition is a very strong theme on this game, yes, each contract has it's own little story and unique monster but it's always the same, witcher sense, find monster, kill and report. It couldn't be more repetitive. Last but not least, I don't get how people say this is the best open world game ever, the world looks awful and ugly, not to mention how ugly the monsters look. The only occasion where I actually liked how the world looked was on the Blood and Wine Dlc, other than that, everything is ugly with hanged corpses everywhere. This is the most overrated game of all time. It's a great game but it's not all that, definitely not. I will also add, Triss over Yen cuz Yen is a toxic B word.

@weronpa1012 - 20.11.2023 01:19

Where have you get the map? Can you share it?

@AverageSensei - 19.11.2023 19:05

The name roach is due to English being a gender neutral language were everything is just "The" but languages that do use genders like German, French, Spanish and Polish, do have a word that sounds like a feminine fish. Like Płotka, Sardinilla, Plötze. All these are feminine words in they're respective language.

@pawejaworski6886 - 18.11.2023 19:38

In og books horsea names are "płotka" which is most common fresh water fish in Poland, and yeah its horses cuz Geralt had like dozen of difrent horses, which serve him, so yeah he underatand its just a tool.

@keisaboru1155 - 17.11.2023 12:34

Vampires exist in cyberpunk

@HelenSB - 14.11.2023 15:01

Subnautica's planet is actually called 4546B, love that game!

@SoullessMadness - 13.11.2023 12:34

the Polish name for Roach is Płotka

@theseekerofancienttruth3873 - 11.11.2023 03:58

The Planet from Subnautica is 4546B, and those "Whales" on the Toxic Planet do not look like Anything that is seen in Subnautica. The Planet is also Far Too Large to be 4546B, which is not much larger than the Earth's Moon.

@konichihuahua5736 - 10.11.2023 23:23

i think the magenta code is cdproject red's way of saying that the games are connected

@ThommyofThenn - 10.11.2023 13:58

I only hate cats because they attack me at random. I basically treat them like Witcher monsters

@brooklynbaby3705 - 08.11.2023 15:30

Gaunters second line is my native tongue which is not medieval but living “modern” Georgian language, third line is Ossetian which is also caucasian language

@michapszczokowski8376 - 07.11.2023 22:15

I like the general idea, I like the theories and i respect the work you put into making this iceberg, but you clearly didn't read the books carefully enough. Some of the theories are totally ridiculous if you consider the book lore. It doesnt change the fact that you did some pretty good work. Keep it up, but remember to also deeply analize books while making an iceberg video about a game based on books 😊

@olegangervaks5610 - 07.11.2023 21:25

Great video. But I completely disagree with most of your fascinations. Tho that’s explained by you preferring story and world of CP2077. You praise the grandiose and convoluted ideas of the Witcher like the new realms and bigger and stronger foes and such. Which is completely fair, but is a feature that is present in almost any high fantasy game. For me the Witcher is different. I love it for how dark it is, how brutal and realistic. The atmosphere, no nonsense approach to life in the world and such grotesque realism. The Slavic part of it is also great for me as I am Slavic and the folk lore and traditions are close to me.

@JerryBlaze7 - 07.11.2023 09:21

Sex robots. clearly project red is hinting at a Witcher X Cyberpunk questline cross over event within the witcher 3 will be involved with this quest location - some how' Lmao. I seriously don't know but I wouldn't put it past them.

@JerryBlaze7 - 07.11.2023 08:25

Guanter is the Witcher Universe's version of "The Outsider" from the dishonored series. change my mind' lol

@vellanka9992 - 03.11.2023 20:25

oh my fucking guy roach is just płotka. not ryba, why would you even show that? płotka, the original name, is not at all a demeaning name so geralt doesn't attach, it's just the literal translation of płotka, the fish. he just likes the name. dear god first "theory" and you're already so wrong

@szczepanfiefiorka2107 - 02.11.2023 20:43

source: witcher fanon

@abelcruz656 - 01.11.2023 09:47

The kinda shit I’ll talk to a girl that is trying to date me to keep her away

@JasmonTP - 31.10.2023 12:05

You keep saying "he", Roach is a "she".

@JustMe-hy1kh - 30.10.2023 21:01

Did you you just call the subnautica planet 4541b????? I’m personally offended

@walz4635 - 30.10.2023 15:25

You are mentally unwell putting cyberpunk aboe the witcher

@medialjanos666 - 30.10.2023 01:10

As far as I know, the "next gen edition" was outsourced, so that extra easter-egg could have been added by that other studio (with or without the knowledge/permission of CDPR).

@ravenheartwraith - 29.10.2023 21:42

of all the people in the books, false ciri is probably the person I felt the most sorry for, just a brutal life she had.

@stympt1nag - 28.10.2023 04:43

I missed 😢 this game

@jasonj1161 - 28.10.2023 01:25

You would think they would have some type of witcher sperm bank

@DexMaster881 - 25.10.2023 19:41

There are No corresponding Letters for Q X W and Y in Slavic languages and especially Original Greek Glagolitic.
Cleanest closest approximation Is the Serbian alphabet, because it's Purely Phonetic, and the Glagolihic is designed in our Church by Greek missionaries.
It has been redesigned after into Cyrillic.
1 sound 1 letter, and letter do not change sounds no matter what.
And letters Q, X W Y have No sounds since they do not exist.
So your translator Fucked you over. Hardcore.

Also the Map of Witcher world is the Map of Europe Rotated 60 deg CCW With Temeria and Redania being 2 Poland, and Nilfgaard The Holy Roman Empire. Skellege Denmark etc...
