4️⃣ 5 tips for outstanding marketing! Episode 4 - Musk Empire

4️⃣ 5 tips for outstanding marketing! Episode 4 - Musk Empire

Musk Empire

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What marketing is and how it can be useful for each of us? I consider myself a good marketer because most young people on the planet immediately think of my car when they hear the word "electric car," and they think of me when they hear "space."
Marketing is the science of promoting goods and services in the market. It is a process that includes analyzing consumer needs, developing sales strategies, advertising, and much more.

Marketing solves the following key tasks: market research, product development, pricing, product promotion and customer relationship management.
Like in any other profession, marketing has its subtleties and nuances that should be considered. In this video I will share with you a few tips for aspiring marketers. Start using them today!

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