Create Multiple Related Records Using a Salesforce Screen Flow

Create Multiple Related Records Using a Salesforce Screen Flow

Rotive - Brian Hays

1 год назад

10,611 Просмотров

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Ben Hemson-struthers
Ben Hemson-struthers - 27.10.2023 03:02

This is great, I'm wondering is there a way to create an "add another" button in screen flows so you can create multiple row entries at the same time depending on how many items need to be created.

Thomas Lyst
Thomas Lyst - 23.10.2023 22:13

Great video and tutorial. Keep them coming. Super valuable!

Thibaut Yulzari
Thibaut Yulzari - 02.06.2023 17:42

Hello, thanks for the explaination !
However, the RecordID does not populate on my flow. How can I fix that ?
Thanks !

huy gia
huy gia - 16.05.2023 13:17

The screen is quite small, so it hard to see the text clearly, i think you should zoom in a little bit, nice video!

Andy McMullan
Andy McMullan - 30.01.2023 18:30

Well done!
