How to Stop a Toy Yorkie from Barking - Robert Cabral Dog Training Video

How to Stop a Toy Yorkie from Barking - Robert Cabral Dog Training Video

Robert Cabral

4 года назад

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@brandyrobnett8067 - 04.01.2022 02:45

OMG!!! I can't believe he said this, a Yorkie is a great dog and can be taught well anything at all! Mr. Robert don't worry I still love you and think your the best, and just so you know I started watching you and many years back with my first Yorkie who I had not known anything about training so she was around 7 and it was so helpful. I no longer have her, but two years ago got another Yorkie and this time was ready I had watched every kind of training thing I could find and even though you have larger dogs I kept coming back to you I just like your energy and really can follow your reasonings so as small as my dog is I used everything I learned from you and it works!! I love how well she responds to me I love that I have learned how to let her know what I want from her. I am so proud of us and feel like such a leader! Sounds silly
Now I will be honest I have not taught her all, like the proper sit etc. The dog maybe shorter so it is more of a challenge to train them to look at you while on leash but it all still works the same. So to the lady watch his clips and see how he shows a dog no or corrects the dog and go from there you have to stick with it never get lazy and ignore it just this one time and you have to have tiny training lessons every day like ten min here or there but every day. I think more when they first move in but still keep them short and end with a positive so they want to do the training and have fun.

@atama17 - 14.07.2020 20:30

I’m shocked you suggest a citronella collar.

@mygiguser - 27.12.2019 19:01

Those little Yorkies are not neurotic, they just don’t take crap from you humans as easy as big dogs do.

@patriciomorel6356 - 27.12.2019 15:35

Hi Robert, love your videos, thanks! How would you approach an agressive bull terrier in terms of training? Would you muzzle him? E-Collar? Just a slip lead and teach him down, off and come? Any thoughts? Thanks a lot!

@jeanpernarelli1225 - 27.12.2019 02:26

Just one more reason to research dog breeds before acquiring. Specific breeds have specific traits and knowing what the individual traits are should help in your selection...toy breeds are well known to be avid barkers...

@gentrygiles6871 - 26.12.2019 23:26

My dog always sits when I am holding treats, even without a command.
In order to teach “Down”, you teach the dog to begin from a standing position, But my dog is sitting from the start.

Should I teach my dog “Stand” first so that I can teach “Down”, or is there another way to get her to “Down”?

I feel like I am punishing her for sitting when I have treats.

@karinchristensen220 - 26.12.2019 18:52

While a tiny dog might be genetically neurotic it is more likely a case of the owners rewarding the behavior by picking the dog up to keep it quiet. Give a treat once it has been quiet for a few seconds, increasing the time. Try teaching some easy things like sitting for a treat.

@TeslaNick2 - 26.12.2019 16:54

Teach the dog to bark on cue with rewards, once the dog is reliably barking when asked, ask for "quiet", mark and reward for not barking and staying quiet and stop ever rewarding the barking. Ask for a bark, don't reward, then ask for quiet and reward. Be sure to wait 5 seconds of quiet after the last bark before rewarding. By building more value in not barking than barking, the dog will learn that not barking produces rewards and barking makes rewards go away.

@pomeraniandogmacana5237 - 26.12.2019 16:49

Thank you 🥰
