Alan Wake meets Thomas Zane Scene - Alan Wake 2 PS5

Alan Wake meets Thomas Zane Scene - Alan Wake 2 PS5


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@woofwoof8061 - 15.12.2023 07:28

Why does he remind me of Jim Morrison 😄

@rupertcortes3980 - 11.12.2023 10:42

You telling me there's another Alan but different name. They look like Alan Wake but different form or being.

@GrimmCitrus - 10.12.2023 12:17

tom zane is the original wake, or atleast an earlier version of him

@centerleft6813 - 10.12.2023 04:46

Isn’t it weird that the actor playing alan wake isn’t the voice of alan wake.

@MisterSmith00 - 08.12.2023 02:30

If I didn’t know any better…it’s like Jake Gyllenhaal meeting Joaquin Phoenix in a weird purgatory.

@novachikun - 08.12.2023 01:03

Zane the Filmmaker is a sleazy bastard, but Ilkka does such a damn good job at making him so fun to watch. He is so trippy.

@Oerbaify - 07.12.2023 12:02

Tom acts very similiar to AN Scratch .. lol it makes me wonder cuz Tom seems here totally different

@kristoffseisler2163 - 06.12.2023 20:47

Ilkka Villi without beard = Joaquin Phoenix cosplaying Tommy Wiseau

@Rekiosu - 05.12.2023 03:24

Zane is actually voiced by Ilkka Villi here!

@PabloLorenzoKiwami2 - 03.12.2023 11:34

Seeing Ilkka Villi voicing, well, someone with his own appearance is surprisingly weird

@saxon2846 - 02.12.2023 18:04

I personally think that the Tom we see in AW2 is in fact just as much the same Tom from AW1. From what I recall, there is a theory with good weight to it that the Tom we see in both 1 and 2 aren't in fact Tom at all, but the bright/dark presence manifesting as them. The theory (from gaming university, look it up, good vid) states that Tom and Barbara escaped to a pocket dimension within the Dark Place by using a masterpiece of poetry he wrote along with the clicker. Meaning the Tom we see in 1 is likely the bright presence manifesting as Tom, or perhaps using some of his leftover conscious to project as him. Between AW1 and 2 though, we see Tom changing. Less of the Diver and more of the Filmmaker and he starts to look and sound more and more like Alan. We also see this in Control at the end of the AWE DLC. Look at that for a second. The very DLC that essentially sets in motion AW2, with the announcement of a new AWE in Bright Falls and all, coincides with the introduction of a completely new Tom Zane. And, as Saga, I don't know if you can see reality changing before you arrive in Bright Falls, but when you get there, the town begins more and more to believe what the book is writing- that Saga's family is broken and her daughter is dead.
We know Wake can write reality in whatever way he wants and that he likely wrote in Saga like that to act as his hero. But, even though he states the story needs to be dark, that feels a tad excessive for Alan to write that. Sure, the story needs to be dark, but I don't think we see Saga coming to Bright Falls BECAUSE of the book, its because she's an FBI agent and that's her job. What could cause Alan to write something so needlessly dark?
It could be that the Dark Place is messing with him, driving him to go deeper and deeper into a form of depression/insanity. And, if that is the case, I think the Tom we see in AW2/Control is the Dark Presence fighting the Bright Presence for what remains of Tom Zane. The Dark wins and they take over the remains of Tom, using him as a puppet to further torture Alan and perhaps even send him to the metaphorical 'dark side' of his psyche- turning his works needlessly horrific because of his unconscious mind and how his friend Zane is now turning into his enemy.
Just my take on it.

@Memememe-is1yn - 01.12.2023 22:18

As interesting as this scene is, I hate that they have changed Tom Zane's character so much over the series. It's like they didn't know what to actually do with him until this latest iteration and it shows. Falling back on the Hunter Thompson stereotype as a possible unspoken explanation as to why everything is so nutty is also unoriginal and a big letdown for me. That said, the fact that the first half of their conversation along with the setting (mainly the spiral painting on the wall) almost matches the first part of their conversation in the Control DLC (in black and white, like on the TV) up until they see the Control characters on the TV followed by the Night Springs logo (also just like in the other game) is really cool. Its like the main character in Control watched this same conversation from her own perspective, seeing it play out from her own perspective and what we see here was how Alan actually experienced it himself. Cool.

@theodenmannix4362 - 25.11.2023 03:16

dude Jesse could kick Scratch's ass so effortlessly and put dark presence into a tiny box, hopefully she saves Alan from the spiral or at least provides him the tools to escape, she's janitor's assistant after all

@trashypunkman7559 - 22.11.2023 19:59

One interesting part of this scene when we see Jesse it's most likely them on the hunt for Zane for his crimes. Especially since they most likely know he worked with Scratch.

@aliteraryfrenzy835 - 21.11.2023 22:01

I didn't consider until now that Zane is rewriting Alan as much as Alan is rewriting reality.

@torgosaves427 - 21.11.2023 13:25

Love the fear and loathing style freak out scene

@forest8779 - 15.11.2023 22:46

Just the absolute best! their jam sesh brought such a huge grin to my face, god i love remedy

@Lightsaglowllc - 15.11.2023 07:25

I have NO idea what’s going on…and I’m loving it.

@GalakStari - 12.11.2023 04:02

I’m starting to wonder if this is an evil version of Zane, like how Scratch is for Alan. It would be another parallel between Alan and Tom: both famous authors who used their works of art to save (or try to save in Tom’s case) their wives, having to sacrifice themselves to save the world from the Dark Presence.

@alexanderprokudin1218 - 11.11.2023 17:09

Dude, Zane is like Tommy Wiseau

@CD-mb4bv - 11.11.2023 06:53

I miss the cute diver tbh, I feel like they forgot that

@ZarinuLoren - 10.11.2023 18:27

I'm so used to Ilkka with Porretta's voice, hearing his actual voice is a bit weird.

@alexanderjones9440 - 10.11.2023 07:03

Looks like Joaquin Phoenix

@lexradu8426 - 06.11.2023 18:05

Theory: Zane is the third Gods of Asgard member aka Loki.

Before Alan Wake 1 The Old Gods of Asgard wrote "Lady of The Light" and Zane and Cinthya.

In Alan Wake 1 Zane lured Alan in The Dark Place, tricked him into voluntarily joining him in the Dark Place by assuming the voice of Alex Casey and planted the idea of a body double called Mr Scratch that would take his place in the real world.

In American Nightmare he further played with Alan's insecurities and fears by pretending to be Mr Scratch himself.

In Control AWE Zane stole Alan's own likeness to make him believe they are one and the same.

And then in Alan Wake 2 he plants the final idea that Mr Scratch is Stalking Alice, resulting in Alan giving up from rewriting Return, believing now he is Scratch, giving up, letting Zane in, resulting in Sage getting both of them out of the Dark Place.

And then after the FBC gets him out of Alan, he enters Casey and thus gets the clicker.

What Zane didn't count on however was Saga and Alan writing him out of Casey back into Alan's body, and killing him in the real world with the bullet of light, which sent both them back in the dark place, destroying everything Zane built.

Meaning of there is an Alan Wake 3, Zane would have no choice but reveal his true self, and drop the mischief.

Zane = Scratch = Dark Presence = Loki

@UGSchoolboy - 05.11.2023 14:48

It's called return

Because we return

@allreli6943 - 05.11.2023 04:51

I still can't help but think this is actually Mr Scratch... I mean even the song... like, wtf that's the same Mr scratched used when he was dancing back in alan wake american nightmare

@iamrightyouarewrong6730 - 05.11.2023 03:24

this guy has the real voice of alan wake. think about that

@AleksandreoPL - 05.11.2023 01:39

ig Mr.Scratch is really bad at impersonating

@lexradu8426 - 04.11.2023 16:50

Yeah, now I'm even more confident that Zane = Dark Presence = Scratch = Loki

They've been telling us this since the first Game, I always found it suspicious when Tom told us to ignore Scratch, he never wanted to help Alan defeat Barbara, he wanted to trick Alan into bringing him the clicker in the dark place, he made up a sad backstory that echoed Alice's accident.

Zane is The Trickster, the third Old Gods of Asgard member, Zane is for better or worse, LOKI, wearing Alan's face to make Alan doubt his own existence.

@Saladass-kc1hh - 04.11.2023 05:51

I like how Jesse Faden showed up for a sec.

@tech-bore8839 - 03.11.2023 07:15

Hopefully this isn't the real Zane. Changing the helpful diver into a crazy hippe-type feels like terrible writing.

@dondrakore3305 - 02.11.2023 15:29

Love the connection to American nightmare in this.

@Bucky_1981 - 02.11.2023 15:26

Tommas Zane is hot 😂❤

@LSK2K - 01.11.2023 05:46

This is almost exactly the same as when Jesse peered through the door in the AWE DLC. Can someone explain why the cutscene is different than the one in CONTROL?

@WebbR337 - 01.11.2023 01:16

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that Ilkka Villi's voice when he's playing Thomas Zane, or is it another VA dubbing over his lines?

@csenju5993 - 30.10.2023 21:08

