8 RedBubble Top Seller Design Tips To Help Get More Sales

8 RedBubble Top Seller Design Tips To Help Get More Sales

Detour Shirts

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Fail Trail Fails
Fail Trail Fails - 10.11.2023 08:46

Excellent suggestions and explanations, thanks for making this video

Arki Kali
Arki Kali - 10.11.2023 06:01

Hah. For the jack-o-lantern, you could do a blueprint jack-o-lantern with all these schematics and measurements and technical notes. Taht would be hilarious. 🙂

Christopher Kirby
Christopher Kirby - 09.11.2023 18:59

Thanks Juan, this is a great informative video. When you do these it always helps me with design ideas.

Malalai Azizi
Malalai Azizi - 09.11.2023 14:29

Thank you so much for your great advice ❤

Printboutique's Silver Lining
Printboutique's Silver Lining - 05.11.2023 19:09

I tried for over 2,5 years. Created and created again, slept very little. I have over 2500 designs on Redbubble and have had very little sales. For the past few months i have none at all.
I already reached out to them and yes i got an answer. Post on social media, do this and that and you can be featured by us but no... I see people getting featured and some of them yes are good, others are also good but very boring. I have shared and posted everywhere. Well, i can say it really have made me sick.

Cats by ML
Cats by ML - 05.11.2023 04:53

Hi Juna, thank you so much for the 8 tips to help newbies like me get sales. I can't wait to see more of such videos.

jess c
jess c - 05.11.2023 04:30

Saw the designs on your site. Just curious what software you are using to create those illustrations? Like the kawaii art? Appreciate your response. Thanks.

savvy steve
savvy steve - 02.11.2023 13:06

thanks for the up to date "intelligence" on what is current in the t shirt market. I saw the reasoning behind your opinions and will take it on board. Some were obvious; others it was good to hear your judgements. I must say - personally I actually liked the last tee with the cat and the meow-meow. I reckon with some color in the cat and wording - maybe retro style / colors it would get some interest. So, what do you reckon Juna? Am I way off the mark?

𝖇𝖆𝖙 𝖗𝖚𝖐
𝖇𝖆𝖙 𝖗𝖚𝖐 - 02.11.2023 02:07

Solidarity with the right side, my friend, the human side 🇵🇸

Miss Molly
Miss Molly - 30.10.2023 06:58

The thing is, so many POD gurus, especially the Etsy gurus, tell people to basically steal the best selling design, by just making minor changes, like the font, color, or small changes to a graphic. They also try to show people how to make the design, and so many of them aren’t really good at designing either, so there are a bunch of horrible designs on every platform. I think many of them “teach” people how to do this just to make money on their videos, their affiliate links, and their over priced courses, but they really don’t want the competition. The information, that the Etsy gurus give is so bad, so, either, they don’t really know how Etsy works, or, they do, but they don’t really want the competition. It’s so sad, when I read comment after comment, on how so many people have been duped by those videos. All you see on Etsy is the same thing, page, after page, after page, when you search on Etsy. No one has an original idea anymore, instead of creativity, it’s just copy someone else. What they fail to realize is the best seller will end up getting the sale, since they have the reviews and price point. Thanks Juna. I am sorry for commenting twice, but, again, I really enjoyed this video. I had to play it 4 different times, because I was busy cleaning and kept ignoring the video. 🤦‍♀️ I think this type of video is what so many people need, especially as a beginner. There are more bad designs, now, than there are good ones, especially with spelling mistakes, so this was very helpful. 😊

Miss Molly
Miss Molly - 30.10.2023 05:41

I think this should be a series, Juna. I really enjoyed this type of video. 😊

Vecheeto - 29.10.2023 19:24

Hey Juna, do you know if its still worth it to sell on Teespring? Are you still getting any sales there? Because i heard they werent fullfilling people's orders and closed all their warehouses a couple months ago, i also know they were bought by another company called "Amaze" so maybe it brought it back to life? Not sure whats going on there

BlackCat2 - 29.10.2023 18:52

It's funny now years out when I watch your videos like this that I'm bummed you don't show any of my designs in the good design side and relieved none of my designs end up on the other side. 😂

I've been seriously considering removing a lot of my designs from redbubble. The last year or so of creating daily has helped me find some design styles that I love creating. Thinking about removing anything that doesn't fit in anymore.

Don't want them to just go to waste though because they did take time to create. Might add them to Creative Fabrica. Heidi

Frey - 29.10.2023 07:15

How can you know the top seller designs?

Montri Thaisiri
Montri Thaisiri - 28.10.2023 08:42

Thanks for your kind sharing

Heather Home
Heather Home - 28.10.2023 02:51

Congratulations on being selected as one of the Redbubble Artist Ambassadors, and thanks so much for all of your truly helpful videos. QUESTION: Do you know why sometimes most of my designs in my shop will all of a sudden show as STICKERS instead of the DEFAULT PRODUCTS I set for them? I've worked hard on my shop, have over 600 designs, and find that I sell more when I set the defaults to the products that my customers like to buy most (and I make more $ on). It can be frustrating when some of that work is undone by whatever it is that mysteriously happens to change them all to the sticker default. Any insights? Or ideas on where to find more information about this? Again, thanks for all you do for our community and congrats on your success. 😊👏

Daniel Marín
Daniel Marín - 27.10.2023 22:32

Juna you consistently make great videos to help us improve our design skills. Thank you

Bmd - 27.10.2023 18:18

the top selling designs are ugly

j0hn j0hn
j0hn j0hn - 27.10.2023 16:22

I just love parody designs when they are made well and you can see the star wars design required skills to make it. Unfortunately they are always a risk and for majority of people I wouldn't suggest trying them especially in Amazon. It saddens me since there's a lot of cool ideas you can do with parodies without making it an obvious infrigiment. Have you done any parodies with success?

Wendy Peterson
Wendy Peterson - 27.10.2023 07:23

The black t-shirt with the words 'Aged to Perfection' looks similar to a tutorial on another channel based around retro ads for alcoholic brands. It's prob a pun on aged wine and the older person. Wouldn.t this appeal to someone like that? The fonts look retro, too.

Wendy Peterson
Wendy Peterson - 27.10.2023 07:10

I tried to submit a Star Trek parody design to Redbubble during the cold winter here in southern Australia: 'I GO BOLDLY INTO THE COLD' accompanied by a picture of a flying handbag that kind of resembled a spaceship, but it was pulled by RB. I checked the FAQ's for Star Trek merch, and discovered the TV/movie franchise didn't like any deviation on the most famous quotes from the shows. Was so disappointed as it was a completely original parody.

Nancy Miller
Nancy Miller - 27.10.2023 02:09

Great video! Thanks! Do you ever rate brands? I sell tees and more on Amazon in the travel niche. I've just begun a few weeks ago and have advertised heavily. I think my designs are really good but I've only made one sale.

cxa011500 - 27.10.2023 00:48

All really great tips!

Computer Nerd
Computer Nerd - 27.10.2023 00:40

Is the Cat Wars T-shirt legal if you use a pun or satire of the IP? Is that covered under "Fair Use"?

All About Animals
All About Animals - 27.10.2023 00:23

Very helpful. Thanks Juna!

KetoFitChef - 27.10.2023 00:02

Is it worth starting a new shop on RedBubble? I’ve heard that the revenue from a sale is VERY small, due to how much they take. I’ve been looking into which other PoD platforms are the best option (I’m currently only on Etsy), and I’m wondering if you have a video ranking which are the best to get into and which have the ability to offer the best return. I’d like to get in there before we get too far into Q4! You’ve been a great help, so I trust your opinion!

aaron young
aaron young - 26.10.2023 23:14

Dam Juna those cassette tapes make me feel old lol.

Misti Trimble
Misti Trimble - 26.10.2023 22:12

Really helpful video! 😊

Steve Engel
Steve Engel - 26.10.2023 20:17

Another great video, Juna! I love this format, too: A quick overview of a bunch of designs, comparing the best against the rest. I took a screenshot of your final slide, and I'll definitely refer back to it again. Thank you!

Collette - 26.10.2023 20:06

Jona, is it acceptable to ever put the same design on more than one POD platform, or would it need to be changed somewhat or totally? Is there any rights to the design printing once it’s listed on one of those platforms? Or could you put a design on a t-shirt on one platform and a notebook of same design on another platform? Thanks, love your videos, learning lots.

Kathryn Waldorf
Kathryn Waldorf - 26.10.2023 18:03

Loved the way u compared the top sellers & poor designs together while giving us tips on how to make those poor designs look better. Wish I could see more of these kinda vids in future.

Arielka - 26.10.2023 17:58

Hi thanks for all these tips, which is helpful for the beginner. Do you do redbubble store rating?

ak3shay nigam
ak3shay nigam - 26.10.2023 17:54

Nice Tips!

Shafqat Hussain
Shafqat Hussain - 26.10.2023 17:38

Juna sir i love your all videos .i am working at tee spring cause redbubble has a number verification error .i am working hard but not geting sales please show me some tips and tricks about teespring.❤❤❤

BakerFam - 26.10.2023 17:34

Great video!! Thank you! I've been looking for something like this to help me create better designs! It's nice to see you break it down, the reasons why, and how to make it all work better together! Thank you!! Love your videos!

Smail FITNESS - 26.10.2023 17:02

first 🎉🎉🎉🎉
