The Solar System Explained | SciShow Goes to Space

The Solar System Explained | SciShow Goes to Space


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Tera Valia
Tera Valia - 24.09.2023 10:37

simple way to address the planet definition. add 1 more rule "and does not orbit another planet." and boom, you can take all the moons off the list.

Pluto137 - 23.09.2023 20:45

Continuously amazed how much more i there is to learn on things i thought i knew a 'decent' amount about😊

Emily Purdy
Emily Purdy - 18.09.2023 16:36

Make a video about the dwarf planets

Mike P
Mike P - 17.09.2023 07:59

"Mars: a scenic place to settle, and if you choose the right spot, you could use one of the Viking landers as a lawn ornament." :-)

Sevrono - 09.09.2023 01:36

i know there are numerous reason why it would be unfeasible, but since most of the earth's core's heat is caused by radioactive decay IIRC if we dug a big tunnel down to mars' core, and dumped ALL of earths nuclear waste there, and then set of a nuke or a few to kickstart, could that potentially do it?

q6manic - 29.08.2023 17:36

EA has been a bad influence on the industry 😢

Toby Ihli
Toby Ihli - 24.08.2023 04:51

Why on earth haven’t they sent signal boosters at intervals between here and mars so that we can maintain instant, low latency contact with our rovers, etc….?
It’s a no brainer. It would be worth any amount of money to have the cell boosters stay out there for other missions and when we colonize.
Communication is always going to be of utmost importance. Set it up for radio signals, and have the infrastructure in place for high speed internet.

RIPapa - 19.08.2023 23:02

With my etnies and chesters, I never feel my feet are insecure (if anything almost too sticky sometimes😅). The times my feet have been bucked from my pedals, I'm glad that I wasn't clipped in.

Zachary Hess
Zachary Hess - 17.08.2023 14:38

this is like when a sitcom releases a clip episode. except I watched this

gunsnrosesforever100 - 13.08.2023 19:41

Coldest I ever worked in was -55c for 13 hours so I feel like -60c wouldn't be much of a difference for us. The rest doesn't sound very fun though

AspergianStoryteller - 06.08.2023 08:00

I always thought we'd begin colonization of Mars by building domes there to live in.

Shawn White
Shawn White - 05.08.2023 08:53

Fk N Tyson. Pluto is a planet.

TwoTreesStudio - 26.07.2023 13:03

everyone who hears me listing to your show thinks I'm on pronhub

dreyhawk - 07.07.2023 06:06

Maybe clarify the new plant description to say a planet must have an independent orbit around the sun as opposed to bodies that simultaneously orbit another planet along with the moons allowed 😛

Jack Kingsbury
Jack Kingsbury - 06.07.2023 20:06

There’s no such thing as outer space

Mo on
Mo on - 06.07.2023 08:57

That submersible line didn’t age well

Tu Nguyen Do
Tu Nguyen Do - 19.06.2023 17:35

Watt=Jule/second. W/s = J/s^2, so, acceleration?

Beaker - 19.06.2023 09:19

omg the chest hair... no idea what he says while he's on screen. I'm too distracted by that choice.

ShitShooter - 16.06.2023 19:01

I'm sorry this is totally just my opinion and I absolutely love SciShow and all it's branches and all the people working there. Maybe it's the fact that I have anxiety already but this gentleman (sorry, I don't know his name, the one at the beginning) it stresses me out to listen to him because it sounds like he's in quite the exacerbated rush!

Taylor Timbrook
Taylor Timbrook - 11.06.2023 10:08

I bet at least half of us here are adhd or autistic 😄 not judging just saying hi to my peeps, im both

Nobody - 10.06.2023 00:26

You know absolutely NOTHING about the sun other than it's bright and hot. You have no clue what it's made of or if there's any layers... and you don't even know if the damn thing is hollow or dense. You're spewing nothing but speculation.

nubletten - 05.06.2023 04:10

Yo mr hank-ey I'm sorry, I couldent help myself. You are an awesome host.

OP4L NAH - 26.05.2023 06:43

Would powerful lasers be able to melt the solid core… just a stab in the dark but lasers seem good at heating things… just gotta dig to it

Miighan Kurt
Miighan Kurt - 24.05.2023 21:19

Hi I'm Hank lol

Duskno - 05.05.2023 07:10

Mean to Pluto :( he's a planet it's right in the name

net gnostic
net gnostic - 02.05.2023 23:34

I would have wanted to know how Venus held onto its dense atmosphere, and whether it has a magnetosphere like Earth. Just a suggestion.

Samba The HusQueen
Samba The HusQueen - 01.05.2023 18:14

🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 we cant save our planet yet we believe we can teraform other planets. Humanity deserves to go down with the ship. We are cancer.

B - 21.04.2023 18:21

so many ass jokes

Blake Wright
Blake Wright - 18.04.2023 12:47

I’m confused why we say it’s 98°, wouldn’t it be the same if we rotated it 82° from the other direction? I suppose a different way of wording this question is: how do we know which pole was north before it rotated?

Rockpods - 14.04.2023 15:14

Uranus 😂

Wanderlust Excursion
Wanderlust Excursion - 03.04.2023 20:07

comprehensive and precise vedio on solar system. thanks

Jenny Tweet
Jenny Tweet - 27.03.2023 04:19

How does gravity work 🤔.

Peter Kavanagh
Peter Kavanagh - 21.03.2023 07:53

Ther eis no friends. Where no one is
.ie exterminated by war. The aurelian remains in American the dollar you exchange it for the unit currency and return if your ideas I am.kore die tomkkney is your psyche
Ie saty in your bathrooms

Tiffany Marie
Tiffany Marie - 16.03.2023 10:31

I still think terraforming would be insanely unethical. It's bad enough that we've probably accidentally sent earth microbes to Mars without first confirming Mars doesn't have its own biome that could be threatened by Earth microbes. Terraforming could have serious unintended consequences for any pre-existing biome on a planet/moon that isn't immediately visible to us until we've already wiped it out. It's basically the worst version of invasive species...

Ashardalon Dragnipurake
Ashardalon Dragnipurake - 09.03.2023 18:31

rogue planets are already rogue planets
them not being planets makes them any less rogue planets so why would they have to be planets
them being rogue is the whole thing that makes them rogue planets
them being planets in all the other definitions makes them still have planet in the name so why change that

elongatedcarp6 - 28.02.2023 09:04

Hi hank, I think science is pretty cool and neat too 🙂

Justin Weatherford
Justin Weatherford - 19.02.2023 03:38

If a spherical object had cleared all of the objects around its orbit at one time, then it collided with another Astral body, which caused a large chunk of the first spherical object to have another object in its orbit, is it still considered to be a planet?
If not, then I am not sure if the earth can be considered a planet. The earth still hasn't cleared the moon from the neighborhood around its orbit, or at least since it separated from the earth a really long time ago.

Zachary Z
Zachary Z - 09.02.2023 16:55

its statistically to account that we are not alone in the infinite universe given that our earth has breed lives so the ratio of creating new lives doesn't equal 0 just close to 0 so the ratio times the innumerous planets' number in the universe is the result ends up greater than 0

Brett H.
Brett H. - 03.02.2023 09:32

I would say, to the definition change for planets, I like the direction. Maybe we should take the objects around them into consideration, though. Not as much as we do now, but still a little.

While I'm by no means qualified, I'd personally change the definition to something like:
"A planet is a body less massive than a star, that has never experienced nuclear fusion, is roughly sphere-shaped, and is not currently orbiting around another body that fits this same description of a planet."

This would make Pluto a planet again, but leave out any moons, since they're currently orbiting planets already. Basically, The rock that's orbiting the sun is the planet, any around it should be moons or satellites.

Acedia Nihil
Acedia Nihil - 20.01.2023 06:56

Reed should spend some time on his teeth.

combatjj forlife
combatjj forlife - 17.01.2023 04:21

Ha Uranus

Joseph Donais
Joseph Donais - 09.01.2023 03:32

If you're going to say Venus is sister to Earth, then Mars is also and Mercury well, that one probably died before it was born.

Joseph Donais
Joseph Donais - 09.01.2023 03:00

Basic common sense is invoked about the sun... that is a N O T.
That belongs in day-to-day life as in having a drink ready when eating PeanutButter or crossing a street or not getting on the lake too early in winter or wiping your butt.
* I am 60yrs old on Earth, 5280(?math) yro on Mercury and 2.04081633 yrs on Saturn. I love you Saturn, whoo-hoo! (ik it is relative, still...). and yet to develop out of Germinal limbo on Pluto.
Maybe next time someone asks me how old I am I'll say 2, as I am sure they will not specify the planet.

Amocles - 04.01.2023 04:33

You're pretty good at puns ;)

COSMIC PSYOPS - 22.12.2022 01:58

How did we name our galaxy based on what we perceived to be a descriptive and differentiating attribute but then go call our solar system "The Solar System" when we are much more entitled to name our star system than our entire galaxy? Why not just call it The Galaxy and Earth: The Planet? Geez.

TheAceOfAll - 09.12.2022 22:38

why dont we just mine it if the core is dead then we could mine it

Remy David
Remy David - 05.12.2022 09:42

So, Mercury is extremely dense. With a lot of iron. Correct?

And so if that is, somewhat accurate? And when stars. Have used up all of their fuel up. The fusion stops and ceases. When it turns to iron.

So could Mercury be the leftovers of a previous, binary star system? Of our solar system? And now it's just a burned out iron ball? And still orbiting the sun. What's the hypothesis on that? Is dense iron ball planet Mercury a dead star? I wonder about that?

It's not like we know any other solar systems to compare ours to. But in trying to figure out, how we got here? And why no one is answering our, cosmic phone calls? And no answering machine. We are the only intelligent beings within, 100 ly of us. That we would have heard from, already. Had anybody been within,, 100 years of us? And pretty much the time we have been, beaming signals off our planet. And we don't know. If someone else 100 ly away. Has gotten our message? We won't know for 100 years! And we could just be pissing in the wind of the cosmic stream. And our piss is going nowhere, fast! And I am sure that is obvious to everybody. You can only squirt so fast. The rest has to be dark energy. And having to take a, Number 2. And convert that dark energy into dark matter. That we do not want to see or sense. Which can be easily dealt with and disposed of with some high intensity, gamma radiation. And there's lots of that available. Free! Along with plenty of free, rocket fuel. All over the spacey cosmos! All free!

Last one in the Swimming Pool, Is an, Android!

Remy David
Remy David - 05.12.2022 09:24

I just don't understand why you guys, in Montana, USA. Keep giving us all distances and measurements in, metric. When… Oh by the way… We are still on the Imperial system of, inches, feet, yards, miles. Not centimeters! And what the hell is, 29 cm? It do not compute. I'm an American. Aren't you? I don't think your Canadian?

I mean… Man… Even the British will tell us how many miles away something is. Or how close in inches or feet. They might be? And miles per hour. And gallons. Altitude in feet. Just like we are supposed to be doing. Because we are not metric, totally, yet. I used to have a 350 cubic inch, V-8. And it's what in, liters? What, 8.2 quarts to a kilogram? No? See? DUH... We are Americans. I am 5'10" tall. I weigh, 220 pounds. I'm 67 and how old in dog years? Are cat years the same? No? They're not? Then why do they all die at the same age? 14-15-16-17?

So with all of our science. Who's doing the research? To extend the life. Of our precious, kitty children and doggy children. To live at least as long, as we do. Like getting a big colorful, tropical, macaw parrot. That'll outlive us! And it's only a little God damn bird! So what the hell is going on here? Why don't our precious little pets, live longer? And who's doing anything about that? Yeah. None of ya! Nobody!

Now with some proper integrated circuit chip, controllers. Coupled with,, lithium batteries and electrode kitty brain implants. To reanimate our dead pets. And can be operated. From your smart phone. Just press a button on your phone. And your pet shall instantly, urinate and defecate.. And so no waiting or long walks for you. At you get instant gratification. So does reanimated kitty. As it does not know it's actually dead. But only because we adapted a, battery-operated, quad copter drone, control. Now into the brain of, dead kitty. And with a little shot of voltage and current. Here and there. You can make kitty dance a jig!! At that so much fun to see! The dead kitty jig. And when you press the buttons quickly on your smart phone remote control. Dead jig dancing kitty. Jumps around even more. And will amaze your friends! Of what a dead kitty can do under remote control.. From a former, battery-operated, quad copter flying drone. Now adapted to reanimate dead kitty.

I would like to invent a guitar. That plays with itself. Fun to watch and listen with the whole family.

I am full of… Ideas!

qbul - 29.11.2022 10:14

haha, I didn't know that in English you pronounce Charon as "Sharon" instead of "Haron" - it gives it a strange personality; I bet Sharon constantly nags Pluto for being excluded from the planet club
