The New Avatar Series Is A Lot Of Things.

The New Avatar Series Is A Lot Of Things.

Hello Future Me

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@alt1f4 - 26.04.2024 04:06

Brooooo i legit almost cried during the iroh's son funeral when leafs from the vine started playing

@OGXBOXGames - 26.04.2024 07:41

They should have just made a new animated season with the original cast.

@MarioOdak-ti3gm - 26.04.2024 11:31

It feels like pineapple on pizza.
Spreading butter on the underside of the bread.
It's like watching your homie flirt with his cousin.

I blame the writers for more plot holes than a fishnet and bad lines. I blame the director for letting poorly delivered shots into the final cut. Yes, child actors but at least have 5 takes before accepting the awkward conversations.

@katlynbagondol8939 - 27.04.2024 09:11

Katara live action master water bender her own😍

@jonathangutierrez3607 - 27.04.2024 10:12

"I think they watered Katara down" I see what you did there...

@Uncannysius2023 - 27.04.2024 16:55

First couple of episodes were good. Then Omashu went off the rails. The last couple of episodes were alright but not as good as the original. They butchered some mechanics of the original like how aang can talk to the past avatars, but then made up rules that at least made sense.

The two biggest travesties for me that kind of ruined it were: 1) they jacked up zhou, making him a spineless and idiotic bureaucrat instead of a hothead and arrogant (but still aggressive and intelligent) warrior. 2) they jacked up sokkas dad, who thought sokka wasn’t good enough. Hakota was this almost unattainable model in sokkas eyes, but he always built him up, not talking crap about him behind his back.

One last thing, they didn’t seem to know how to handle iroh, which sucked but is somewhat forgivable, since he is a complicated character.

Overall, would be find if they either improved for the next season or just didn’t make anymore. Watched animated avatar after and it’s still 10/10. Okay now off my soapbox.

@honeybeerose4108 - 28.04.2024 18:38

I HATED the scene where iroh talks to the omashu captor, and that's not because it was a bad choice, it was a good choice, they just butchered the fuck out of iroh, iroh handled that with zero empathy or tact, and nearly got himself smushed, Iroh in the original would NEVER be that stupid and unempathetic

@lordqbone8464 - 29.04.2024 01:33

I find it funny how in trying to avoid being sexism getting dealt with they just made more, like:

You were supposed to destroy the sexist not join them!

@taeko7803 - 01.05.2024 04:33

Has anybody ever told you that you kinda look like Jason Lee.

@SkittleBombs - 01.05.2024 13:30

If it was 50% less screen time it would have been +1 out of 10. But since they didn’t shave more time off the original book run time objectively just worse

@lest3918 - 02.05.2024 06:04

😂thank you

@cronajj - 02.05.2024 22:47

FINALLY, a review that isn't just blatant hatred or unrestrained love. While I don't agree about everything you said, overall, my reaction to the show was pretty similar. Some good, some bad, a lot of "it's just different."

@Callotrex - 03.05.2024 05:59

Sokkas head is why i don't like it compare cartoon to live action THEY BUTCHERED MY FAV CHARACTER other than toph

@tratixmusic8884 - 07.05.2024 03:08

I've watched a lot of other videos with of course other people's opinions and I hardly hear anyone talking about the good. And when they do, they brush past it usually. So it's nice to see someone finally talking about that aspect too. You for the most part put my thoughts to words where I couldn't.

I just hope that if the writers really do love the show, that they see the criticisms that are out there and are able to make some needed changes in the next 2 seasons. I know of lot that also comes from higher ups so I hope they let more creative freedom in the future

@user-be8bk9hw5r - 07.05.2024 06:36

We need two more seasons of Korra (one in the spirit world, one dealing with the mortal-world repercussions of her actions in the spirit world). One series (not season) of superhero-shenanigans around an Earthbender-Avatar and another SERIES after that of a Firebender-Avatar in a cyberpunk setting. All cartoons. That is the correct medium for these stories, not live-action. Every live-action attempt just drains resources from the true and best story.

@LtBasil - 08.05.2024 09:29

I didn't really like it, but I only got about 2 and a half episodes in before I quit. Maybe I'd feel different if I'd finished it. Or maybe I would just dislike it even more.

You know what, I think I'll just go rewatch the original, thanks...

@oneMeVz - 10.05.2024 06:31

I never saw the original. And I tried watching the first episode as adult to felt it was filled with too much fluff.
Now I've finally gotten around to this version, I find it far more palatable to it's origin. Also feel like I fit the intended audience. I do hope they complete the entire series.

@RobSeib - 13.05.2024 04:25

Watched 4ep so far, really enjoying. I'm not necessarily a fan of some of the changes, but I think the presentation of the characters is good, and I even like some of the adjustments such as Bumi showing resentment.
Worst part for me so far is Iroh seems totally flat and doesn't remind me of Iroh at all.
I haven't finished Tim's video yet in case of spoilers but I'll come back to this once I've finished the show.

@quasibrodo923 - 13.05.2024 21:03

So I couldn't finish episode 2. The show itself is.....meh....but there was something about the Sokka+Suki romance in the live action show that was absolute grade-a cringe.

@quasibrodo923 - 13.05.2024 21:48

Adapting ATLA to live action is like adapting LOTR to live action except its 10x harder. Both are beloved and near perfect source materials, but LOTR has the advantage of going from written to visual medium. All the things you could only imagine before, you get to see on screen. ATLA doesn't have that advantage. I've already seen ATLA on screen. What are you going to do that makes this version worth watching???

Well, I think the only area the show ever tried something and actually fumbled was Bato of the Water tribe. On paper this episode should be up there with the storm and the blue spirit. Aang, who's lost literally everyone he'd ever known and who struggles with the guilt of it being his fault, is now faced with the prospect of being separated from his new found family while he's on a quest to save the world. In the show he just comes off as an impulsive selfish kid.

The live action show is trying to compete with the show's best parts cause those are the fan favorites. Maybe try re-doing some of those clunkers that had had really potential and give us a reason to watch, give us something we didn't get in the original show.

@felinkulus - 14.05.2024 14:09

I wonder what in this video might tell us you have a cat ^^

@rusteddenial453 - 15.05.2024 02:30

I hated it

@shannoncurry2037 - 17.05.2024 05:03

I really liked Zhao in the Netflix series, a better character than the original.

@shannoncurry2037 - 17.05.2024 05:22

Jet could've been cut IMO he's not that interesting a character

@Safiyyrh - 17.05.2024 13:46

They had the worst actors. The netflix aang couldn’t say anything without frowning while the real aang is playful and cheerful

@Safiyyrh - 17.05.2024 13:48

They chose the worst person for azula. Literally the exact opposite of the confident person azula is

@CadillacDeMille - 17.05.2024 20:19

Visually beautiful. The rest? Not so great. The animated series is 40 minutes longer than the Netflix series in runtime so why add so much at the exclusion of what existed? They didn't need to do anything with Azula at all but they spent a lot of time on her and as a consequence they had to smash multiple episodes together. This led to foolish things happening such as Omashu being full of fire nation spies and King Bumi seems to have given up caring yet somehow the fire nation hasn't conquered Omashu. They also rearranged many things in their mashups which inevitably lead to most of the character growth in the animated series being told to instead of shown.

Honestly, it doesn't make sense to me when writers feel a need to change anything that isn't needed to be changed. For example telepathy. In a book it's easy to write and make sense, but in a movie or TV show you've got to figure out what to do with that. OR inner feelings and dialogue, in a book you can read it and it's fine but in movie or TV show you've got to figure out how to show that. Neither of these are issues or things to worry about when going from animation to live action. With the CGI etc used in the live action it compensates for the things animation can do physically that real life can't so I'm not seeing any excuses for this being such a mess.

If it ain't broke please don't "fix" it.

@suberb-ze7fv - 18.05.2024 15:37

I always thought kyoshi being shown more than roku wasn't a good decision because roku was the reason the 100 year war started so roku should be the one helping aang the most yk?

@vi5692 - 19.05.2024 20:20

Can I also just say that I didn’t really like how the actor for Ozai played/was directed to play him. He plays Ozai with a lot more remorse and it just doesn’t fit his character at all. Like in the netflix show, it seems like Ozai forced his son to fight him and banished him in a genuine attempt to strengthen him and make him what he believes to be a better, more ruthless person. To me, he’s played as regretting that he “has” to do this and you can see sadness in his eyes…now, original animated Ozai??? Nah, that mf straight up challenged his 13 yo to a duel because it was an opportunity to express his power over Zuko and even a chance to just physically abuse him in a more socially acceptable context. He TOLD Zuko he dueled and banished him to teach him “respect”, but Ozai doesn’t give a shit about respect…he doesn’t care about other people’s personal honor and strength. He only sent Zuko away to get rid of him. He gave him an impossible task because he simply hates his son…maybe if he’s lucky, Zuko will be captured and executed by some Earth Kingdom troops while he’s out…

Iroh confronting Ozai about banishing his son: “you can’t do this, he’s your child!”
Netflix Ozai: “it must be done, brother. He is weak. This will make him strong!”
Cartoon Ozai: “motherfucker, I got two.”

@3th4nP31ff3r - 21.05.2024 07:22

I mean.. it’s nowhere near the animated series. Nothing will ever compare to that. But I honestly don’t think it’s that bad. I went into it hating the thought of having a live-action series, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be.

@Ichigo2058 - 22.05.2024 14:32

Lol i thought the same about the koi spirit. that he resembles godzilla more xD I hated that he screamed all the time where the animated one didnt and seemed more majestic/spirity,...i cant find the right adjectives.

@nateroo1486 - 23.05.2024 22:09

Honestly, dont like that Zukos fleet is the band of soldiers he spoke up for against Ozai. It's honestly pretty out of character for Ozai to do what Zuko said and not only spare them but have them under Zukos care, not to mention a bad move for his plan to fuck with Zuko. Instead of a bunch of idiots meant to serve as a secondary distraction on a wild goose chase the crew feels indebted to him which, idk, just looks like an unnecessary edit.

I also really hate how they got rid of everyones flaws. Aang doesn't want to distract himself from responsibility, Zuko is a better firebender than Ozai, Katara has next to no function and her jealousy and naive optimism is pretty subdued, Sokka isn't ignorant or nearly as goofy, and Suki is just a horny prop. Zuko and Iroh were pretty faithful but maaaaaan the writing is rough.

@emmacewen111 - 27.05.2024 03:32

oh man, do you think they won't do "the library" episode?? that's such a key moment in the second season... leads to appa being taken and so much more

@skysamurai4649 - 27.05.2024 17:52

I loved Netflix Avatar. In my opinion it’s even better than original series with a few exceptions regarding pacing and the Ocean spirit monster in the last episode. The live action has changed the characters to be more believable and realistic. Especially I like how they’ve changed Sokka. In the original he is basically an idiot with some hints of him being an engineer and potentially a leader. In the show while he has a lot space for development, he isn’t an idiot any more and his positive qualities are more obvious. Also,I liked that the Netflix show has a much more serious tone with the world being much more hostile towards Aang, you can feel the weight of the war on this world, it’s understandable, why Boomi is mad at Aang. Also there were many cool plot twists, like Zuko’s crew being comprised of the soldiers who would’ve died if not for him challenging Ozai’s decision. I actually liked the new spirit world much more, then in the original series, cause there it felt more meaningful.

@TsukiNohime16 - 29.05.2024 05:18

Now, granted, I haven’t yet seen the series (Netflix) and while I was absolutely ecstatic about the trailers, I learned after that the original creators of ATLA left netflix before filming began due to creative differences. Also, that one of the writers for Rings of Power has been signed for season 2, which as a Tolkien fan has me more than a but worried for what is going to happen in season 2 for the writing now.

@hidingzeus4306 - 29.05.2024 21:30

Yeah, that pretty much summed it up.

@iskandarthegreat0487 - 02.06.2024 04:00

I also thought the no aang water bending thing was weird

@adamfaliq8464 - 02.06.2024 06:37

Goes to show how the original was such a masterpiece.

@nhoj3457 - 04.06.2024 22:08

"They watered Katara down"

@bongo_baggins - 05.06.2024 06:55

Lol "they 'watered' down Katara" 😂 I see what you did there.

@laracroftstan - 15.06.2024 01:35

If I'm being honest, I don't plan on giving this a chance. No offense to fans, or the actors/ actresses, but I'm genuinely sick of live action adaptations of beloved animations, as well as remakes of shows / movies that DON'T need it. ATLA was one of THE best shows imo, and it has aged incredibly well. Compared to nowadays things, the animation is a little stiff, yes, but that's part of what makes it charming. Not to mention, the SHOWING instead of TELLING was something to behold. I really appreciate that about older shows and movies.

And don't even get me started on the fact that animation is incredibly difficult work. I agree it can (and honestly should) be seen as disrespectful to take that and change it into something it was never meant to be. Idc how 'good' CGI is or the stunts are, live action just cannot capture the magic of animation. It's too limited by, you know, physics and the real world.

@nl396 - 18.06.2024 17:36

The new Avatar series is not a good adaptation. They rushed too many parts of the story and the dialogue really does sound like a first draft, were they even trying when making this?

@SIZModig - 20.06.2024 16:31

They made Aang boring, Zuko was the best character.

@zephaniahkarriem3348 - 20.06.2024 20:44

The Netflix version should not add the comet in at all. It will just seem like like they just threw something in for plot.

A majority of all conflict and situations were brought to fruition, due to the fact that Aang needed to master the elements before summer's end. And lets not forget aang fleeing to escape being hunted. The comet was the ultimate hype and eventually it became a perfect climaxe but now it will seem more like an add on.

@pawlgarcia - 20.06.2024 23:54

You liked the air bending? Idk man, to me it felt like they drifted dangerously into telekinesis territory. The fire bending was on point. The fact that you see the accumulative damage on the clothes of the victims really makes it feel right when they finally go down.

@picklefathernurgle2719 - 21.06.2024 19:27

The episodes they cut were important for the development of the story and will bite the show runners in the behind if the get the green light to adapt the rest of the books/segments. Not in that they were critical, but in the sense that they set up and add to future plot-points.

Seeing the PoW's shows them how the fire nation treats the defeated and hardens their resolve to stop them. It also explains where all the Earthbenders who didn't die in battle have gone and gives them allies that help them during the eclipse.

Great Divide has Aang attempting to be the Avatar and bring about peace through dialogue and negotiation, even though he ultimately uses deception to do so

The fortune teller has Aang further growing as the Avatar in saving people in distress from a natural disaster, and it plants the idea of Aang being who she'll marry in Katara's head. It puts her on the path towards viewing Aang as more than a good friend and makes the episode where they almost kiss in the tunnel-maze not seem like it comes out of nowhere on her part.

The one where they meet their father is one where the closeness between him and them makes Aang jealous, whilst testing Sokka and Katara's resolve by making them decide to not blindly obey their father and his group's ideas on how the war should be fought.

Those were the wrong episodes to cut, even if they didn't seem so at first glance.

@nicole7884 - 22.06.2024 06:35

My disappointment is only out weighed by the enjoyment I feel for the original. I hate Korra. Actually despise it. I don't see the good things people point out. I simply don't like what they did with the world and what they turned the og characters into.sure their human and its realistic but its disappointing. So thats how i feel about the live action.

@MatusHorecny - 22.06.2024 13:57

Netflix had no chance with this show from the inception. I mean taking the best animated show and trying to recreate in in different medium is just attempt doomed to fail.

@MarenAnne66 - 25.06.2024 19:35

The only time I want to see a remake is if the original wasn’t very good. The medium matters too, I think the animation is part of the reason Atla is so well done.

@HelloFutureMe - 25.02.2024 23:58

Did YOU enjoy it? What was your favourite change? What don't you think worked?

~ Tim
