What Are The Best DPS in Cataclysm? - The Most Surprising Tier List I've Ever Made...

What Are The Best DPS in Cataclysm? - The Most Surprising Tier List I've Ever Made...


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blubblubwhat - 06.10.2023 15:58

No detail discussion of most classes.. time waste.. in this short form

A Guy
A Guy - 29.09.2023 19:05

From my experience SP being so high is representative of old retail reality, but I'm p sure I used to see enchance shamans doing much better relative ot other specs than what was shown here with dps being generally inflated vs what I remember (maybe 10-15% higher, could just be that people are better too).

Reality Distortion
Reality Distortion - 18.09.2023 02:21

Elemental and Shadow topping on Chimaeron makes me really suspicious of that server.

Alexander Coolican
Alexander Coolican - 15.09.2023 01:26

Hey meta!
Do you think it would be a good idea if blizz introduces personal loot in cata? I’m not playing wotlk, just leveling characters on era and having a fun time just chilling with a mate so I don’t really have an opinion on gdkp (also don’t have enough gold to even join one 😂), but if cata goes live i’d love to jump in and play it. Keep up the great vids mate. Cata hype!!!

HeatRayz Video
HeatRayz Video - 14.09.2023 22:34

Looking forward to GDKP pay pal warriors ruin it for the rest of us.
Que counter argument "but gdkp existed bavk in 2004" yeah but it wasn't the standard like now and PayPal didn't exist.

Pat Collins
Pat Collins - 13.09.2023 09:18

You have subtlety way to low on this list, half the top world of logs were from sub rogues. With gear they did the most single target damage and literally covered half of the top dps slots on world of logs at the time. Also you're misrepresenting alot of these classes by looking at logs that were taken during 4.3 when the gear and scaling got significantly better. Fury was dominant throughout the first 2 patches and arms only became really strong when the gear got really high ilvl and they could get a high enough crit rating that made them scale well. Otherwise it was only a pvp talent. Warlocks where always high a tear if not s teir for a huge part of the whole expansion. If they didin't fix it, you used to be able to snapshot mastery during your metamorphosis, so you'd have a set of gear that literally only had as much mastery on it as humanly possibly hit metamorphosis before the pull and then switch back before the tank pulled giving you an INSANE amount of opening damage.

idleleo - 12.09.2023 19:54

Dumb video must say

Matt Barz Productions
Matt Barz Productions - 11.09.2023 18:48

If they do drop cata classic are we going to have to start fresh and relevel characters?

Chris Carr
Chris Carr - 08.09.2023 09:19

By dragonsoul my disc priest was topping the 5 man meters

Christian Beale
Christian Beale - 05.09.2023 06:55

is enhance really this bad?

H3R3SI4 - 28.08.2023 02:53

It warm my heart to see a lot of cataclysm enthusiasts ❤

naejimba - 26.08.2023 13:42

Besides Frost Mage, BM Hunter (unless you need lust and/or 3% dmg buff), MM Hunter, or Fury you can pretty much play ANY SPEC and it's viable (including tanks and healers; that's how close the balance is on the 4.3.4 patch). Cata and MoP have the highest skill gap between good and bad players; your performance will always outshine which spec you picked. Almost every rotation in the game gets more complicated and the difficulty of raiding and pre nerf heroics is a NICE step up from Wrath.

In PvP, I think Ferals are the most busted thing that exists with an insane skill cap (instant cyclones>heal>restealth)
Rogues (sub) are very good but take a lot of skill (anything weak to Feral and Rogue will have a HARD time dealing with them)
Unholy is insane
Ret is damn good
Hunters are very good with a great ability to kite and high burst dmg (MM)
Warlocks are always good and have a ton of CC
Mages have TWO really good specs in Fire and Frost.

Then you have three specs that do great in bgs and in 3s, but suffer a bit in duels and in 2s especially if melee sits on them: Shadow, Ele, and Boomie. They just need a bit of peeling from time to time and they do great things. Shadow especially can't deal with most melee and goes splat. Arms is the Warrior curse; if you are part of a group and you have heals it feels pretty damn good, and if not it feels terrible and you can't even win a 1v1.

Enhance can do good, but like BM is focused a lot around bursting things down quickly. Enhance is also a bit squishy but can have offhealing almost as good as a Ret so a meme spec with potential if you're good enough. Enh definitely feels comparatively better than in Wrath PvP IMO. Frost DK is a slightly worse version of Unholy but still doable. Other Rogue specs are just worse versions of Sub and not worth it in PvP. Fury is pretty rough and just a worse version of what Arms does. Poor fury this xpac.

dock springfield
dock springfield - 18.08.2023 18:39

Makes me wonder if they'll just get rid of the feral change for FFF always proccing Clearcasting since FFF is changed a bit in Cata. If they keep it, it will be a wildly better class than before. Not fire mage good, but much better.

Marvin Mordax
Marvin Mordax - 17.08.2023 06:49

Dumb list ❤

tim selbach
tim selbach - 13.08.2023 21:09

From what i remember enhancer only shines til they get the ds endboss axes

Eply995 - 12.08.2023 21:28

Ah yes, arms warrior. The king of recount in cata.

Adam Augeson
Adam Augeson - 12.08.2023 16:34

I guess I'd be interested to see how different it'll be even for ferals since the omen change. I was hoping to just roll feral into cata as I play it now in wotlk and have the most fun. I don't think i'll level a new class just to be FOMO but if feral is really that bad I might.

HelloThere - 10.08.2023 03:02

i want to test playing hunter to see how it feels before it comes out for real xD

A Hetzel
A Hetzel - 05.08.2023 15:06

If anyone is curious and wants to play cata, I just started on whitemane. Was maybe a 10 minute download and boom! You're in! Has a good population too

Sajad Moradi
Sajad Moradi - 29.07.2023 03:58

where is mm or bm hunt what about arcane mage you even talk about very bad dps fury war but not them :(((

Inguz - 27.07.2023 00:10

Can't help but wonder, what changed with the Fury talents over the expansion? In first raid tier in Cata I pumped hard as fury, and even rerolled main to Frost since I could do damage without being threat capped. I did all the heroic 10-man 1st tier, so it's not like my guild were complete scrubs letting me be top dps as fury (if I could spare the threat).

Paw Baller
Paw Baller - 20.07.2023 16:52

How is the druid in cata? I been thinking to try one on a private server feral dps. Is it worth?

zellious Bp
zellious Bp - 17.07.2023 16:32

Demo warlock on B tier is such a meme.

Skunk Piss
Skunk Piss - 13.07.2023 00:17

Wrath of GDKP 💀

Fatalstain - 02.07.2023 01:00

Yikes. Enhancement shaman mains might as well just quit after ICC huh.

asluckdespairs - 29.06.2023 09:27

I appreciate the effort put into this!
Whitemane is trash though and shouldnt really be used. So many things don't work on the server from basic class skills to mechanics and spell interactions. Any data from there is useless.

Ash - 09.06.2023 05:28

I played sub rogue back in the day. It is very slept on. It's one of the hardest specs to play in Cata so people tend to lean on the other more easy specs that do similar numbers that have better AOE since Sub is all single target. If you want to play the highest skill cap spec in Cata then sub rogue is definitely the spec.
Combat you just keep SnD up, eviscerate, and use CDs when they pop.
Assassination you mutilate above 35% HP and backstab below 35%. Keep SnD up with Envenom and maintain rupture, CDs are just use on CD.
Now sub is way more complex. Your combo builders require you to be behind the target. You have to maintain hemorrhage, SnD, rupture with eviscerates, and recuperate. Now you have 5 CDs which 3 of them (Vanish, Shadow dance, and preparation) all need to be used to keep up Find Weakness. Premeditation and shadow step both have low 20ish second cooldowns. To do great DPS you have to do everything in the correct order.

Bezi115 - 08.06.2023 21:17

Retri pala, ench shaman, arms and fury war

Adam - 07.06.2023 19:58

Cata hype!

Dimitri Muerte
Dimitri Muerte - 03.06.2023 18:16

I Quit this game like 10 years ago i played till pandas does anybody know if i keep the characters and item and levels and so?

Imbalanxd - 29.05.2023 15:42

Leveled a sub rogue in wrath purely because I want to use it in cata. By far the most fun dps spec to play.

Ovrlol - 28.05.2023 11:39

A video with inaccurate info. Seems worth watching 😂 rubbish

Péter Molnár
Péter Molnár - 25.05.2023 21:53

Fire mage is a tricky class in early cata. Yes they are amazing if played and geared well, but the skill cieling is very high, hiting good combustions are hard to get consistent. And also they need lots of gear, the have mana issues below ilvl360 if the rng is not in your favour. In hc T11 gear and especially in Firelands gear they start to really really shine and take over the meters. So if u roll fire in early cata, just be prepeared that up until around 360ish ilvl (which is normal T11 gear) simetimes you are gonna have a hard time. Also theres a Legendary that is perfect with fire so if you are one of the lucky ones, you are gonna have a blast with it.

Joshua Gassner
Joshua Gassner - 25.05.2023 13:16

Can you make a best pvp class video for cats as well?

Teaz QT
Teaz QT - 25.05.2023 06:03

Just tell me Boomkin is viable prz

Joaquín - 23.05.2023 08:11

nice video as always, healers tier next?

Warrior 10
Warrior 10 - 23.05.2023 03:59

I wonder the viability of feral dps in Cata. Anyone know if a guild brings one?

Juhana E
Juhana E - 22.05.2023 13:30

Fury will always prevail. Noriona - Demise(used to be anyways).

Gustav Kolling Nystrøm
Gustav Kolling Nystrøm - 21.05.2023 17:24

Sub rogues will become crazy op in Ds patch and some bosses in firelands, but people dont bother to play it cuz you need a brain

Quest Ambience
Quest Ambience - 21.05.2023 12:34

is a frost mage viable for pve in cataclysm

freddew - 19.05.2023 03:57

Arms warr is kinda bis entire expansion. The better gear the stronger arms gets, bladestorm for aoe, and insane singletarget. Was good fun!

Luke R227
Luke R227 - 19.05.2023 03:44

I remember playing ret paladin and really enjoyed popping cooldowns for some huge nuke damage but overtime in all fights frost deathknights , arms warriors , mages and hunters would overtake me.

madhansix - 16.05.2023 22:38

why is there only 1 hunter specc in there?

ViroskaRaptor - 16.05.2023 02:04

Mandatory comment to help your stats 🥰

werk werk
werk werk - 15.05.2023 17:58

i remember playing subtlety rogue with legendary daggers and stomping people in every duel... except for blood dk's ofcourse, they just don't die......

123 456
123 456 - 15.05.2023 03:19

the b in subelty is silent brev. sut el tea

Ed Morgan
Ed Morgan - 15.05.2023 02:02

i play fire mage on the same server. wish i could find a raiding team. 355ilvl hit me up hahaha

Mike Honcho
Mike Honcho - 14.05.2023 17:47

I remember being so surprised how many times I was top dps on my Unholy DK with way worse gear than many of my guild mates, it was definitely S tier dps.

King NeLL x The Unbreakable Aura
King NeLL x The Unbreakable Aura - 13.05.2023 19:37

I remember tearing up bg's on my shadow priest. Instant cast Mind Blast and Mind Spikes! Lvl 79 cata green gear is OP

Liljeborg - 12.05.2023 20:19

Cant wait for smite priest
