Returning to wow to find a dead server

Returning to wow to find a dead server

Dillon is Gaming

2 года назад

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@DEA-I-HFVCKDES-I-ROYER - 15.01.2023 18:44

2005/6 vibes for me back when Star Wars Galaxies was eviscerated by SOE/Lucas Arts. Absolutely dead server and other servers as well.

@TheWorgenGamer - 15.01.2023 06:27

Most of ravencrest is gone. Once a high population server now a low pop server

@wolf3104 - 12.01.2023 15:39

I hope this out of date game closes. Enough with that greed

@violetkalico - 03.01.2023 16:17

I was in Bigglesworth when I joined my guild. They moved to Sulfuras before WOTLK, I couldn’t afford to so I lost my guild. THEN, WOTLK scrapped Bigglesworth all together, so I ended up in Sulfuras for free lmao.

@ForTheOmnissiah - 20.12.2022 02:58

$25 is literally daylight robbery for a character transfer. Actual ripoff.

@appleseider - 18.12.2022 10:43

lol good

@barforlifebarforlife6019 - 15.12.2022 14:23

why is server Transfer not free ?

@erickchristensen746 - 09.12.2022 14:58

Well they server squished now anyways which was needed. And gave free transfers. Wow classic just didn’t have the population to sustain so many servers like in the old days. Now that it’s happened basically no one pays for server transfers anymore since it’s all steady.
It will only become an issue if the entire wow classic population starts to ramp up a lot. Which I don’t see happening really, even with wrath released which saw numbers hasn’t been that much.

@VJDJCODE - 08.12.2022 22:54

haha 25 dollars for transfer ???? wait does someone need to cary the character physically to other server to make it cost this much ????? wow seems even blizzard is milking their own customers as much possible before the fall

@bradr3541 - 28.11.2022 20:37

Pretty much same everywhere. All mine are new players now except Blackrock. Entire guild switched to Horde on Destromath.

@AnnihilationXable - 25.11.2022 17:56

I logged into wow last weekend for the first time since first bfa patch and it was so sad to see most of my character's guilds were dead and some were straight up kicked. But some survived so it wasnt all bad

@Dark-bm8qd - 16.11.2022 16:34

its blizzards fault beeing money fetish to pay every month to play this game

@bigmadman1 - 15.11.2022 12:36

Well I know that feeling

@JabliickoCZ - 08.11.2022 19:11

character transfer should not exist.. its just ruining the game and servers

@They_Call_Me_HeartFace - 03.11.2022 22:14

If i really need to pay $25 just to go out of a dead server i wouldn't pay a shit.

If that server died, whats gonna give the guarantee the others won't end dead too? i would to lvl up another character whenever i want to play.

@immagonko4261 - 31.10.2022 18:17

No one cared about TBC 😅

@myst2212 - 24.10.2022 01:43

This game is dogshit and whoever is still playing it is just giving it more survival time

@valandil7629 - 17.10.2022 15:27

WOTLK Classic in 6 months

@eugeneskillful8053 - 27.09.2022 17:32

Imaging playing money to play a videogame that wastes your life time. Incredible stupidity

@KapitanObvious - 24.09.2022 22:30

I personally think that transfer shoud be FREE.
And I altho think that someone shoud look at blizzard for player rights.
Because it nonsence!!!!
You pay to buy game
You pay to play a game
You come back - company MUST be happy for returned player(even if not returnes, just anyone from plays their game)
What we have!
Dead servers, MANY servers.
Transfer for money!
Fucking bulshit! That is TOTAL SCUM!
And that happens not only on classic servers.
I have done transfer on retail 2 years ago.
3 times, to transfer my VERY old characters!
I have more, but I dont want to pay 200 for peace of shit...
I think someone need to stop Blizzard.
Whos fault that server is dead.
Here is very easy to explain.
You buy service to play a MMO game.
When you log in on your exist server you realize that you ALONE on whole server online. You look at AH and there is ZERO possitions!
Before online on server was ALWAYS FULL!
So, whos is the problem?
Player who payed for a game. Doeas he receive service? OFC no. What he have is service is bad or NON competent?
RIHGT! Money back, excuses etc etc etc etc etc.
Company HELP people = players to SOLVE issue!
Not ASK for another 25$.
I understand that for Bobby 25$ is less that for 25c. But we have LAW and that shoud be stopped by goverment level!
They not understand fines. That mean they WILL understand when will they start going to jail.
And first one who MUST go there is Bobby!

@landonholt1959 - 23.09.2022 10:00

its almost like wow classic was a joke game and the blizzard devs were right when they said "you think you do, but you dont" about wanting it back

@worldsfastestoneshots - 23.09.2022 08:29

How does this have 1 million views?….

@SU-vy8nb - 22.09.2022 22:43

blizzard purposly gave a single faction on each server free Xsfers so that the rest have to pay to make it to a server that has both horde an alliance on it. its why 95% of all servers not are single faction, say 17k horde and only 4 alliance characters. blizzard does this shit on purpose to make money. fuck blizzard, they molest their interns and whoever else they can get their hands on. instead of making actual good gameplay changes, they made it so that your character can now be a transgender, wow blizzard amazing.

@indeed2207 - 25.08.2022 12:46

Dead servers are used to farm rare items that are hard to get with high population, and then transfer.

@adverteasing - 11.08.2022 02:34

"Taxes may apply."

@Gopstop222 - 10.08.2022 23:03


@averykristian - 09.08.2022 20:41

to be fair this is between the final patch and an expansion so it's going to be dead.....all games like this even ffxiv

@joshduarte6 - 08.08.2022 17:46

Just logged into a wow classic sever that was once full pop at the start of the game when my friends and I all leveled to 60 together.

(Bigglesworth) was only 1 of 22 people on….7 total items on the auction house….never seen anything like it in real wow

@Bleilock1 - 08.08.2022 08:43

Wow, blizzard is raking money like madman from fools that yet havent learned to quit

Not only are you guys now paying the subscription
Now you are paying a full price indie game with all of its dlcs
Just to shuffle your character around the servers once in a while

And well
Depending on number of characters you are moving

You are paying a brand new triple A game price, along your subscrptions

Im sorry for people who suffer from serious addiction problems and cant quit this game, i hope they seek help
And for the rest of you fools
I laugh at you

@TheManWithTheFryingPan - 08.08.2022 05:58

I view the 25$ character transfer as a moral evil

@zrblank - 08.08.2022 05:43

Wrath will follow the same path, some of you will wisen up and join me and others on f2p private servers

@latinstuff1 - 07.08.2022 20:07

This happened to me when I logged into classic i was so mad

@joshgaston7839 - 06.08.2022 08:49

You hear that? Turtle WoW is calling 👍

@bobshagit9503 - 06.08.2022 07:13

what it feels like to come back to any of blizzard stuff

@ghostplayswow - 05.08.2022 22:25

I find it funny people didn't expect this to happen. Classic is just a passing fad for the majority. There are some hardcore players that live for certain expansion but it's such a minority the servers end up being dead. Majority move to over populated servers for the social/competative side of things.

I loved playing TBC at launch never dreamed of picking up classic - been there done that. It was awesome at the time I know for a fact id be the same as the others play it for a month and then forget about it.

@MrShmeve - 04.08.2022 23:35

RIP WOW and to all my fellow Azerothians. It was fun while it lasted.

@lukamagicc - 04.08.2022 21:48

$25 to play the game because something happened which you have no control over.

@OmarFW - 04.08.2022 20:18

I can't believe anyone has ever been willing to play a game that milks them this hard.

@skay1992 - 04.08.2022 17:09

-_- dunno why I expected more than this

@keyblades2 - 01.08.2022 18:47

Farm all the mats

@mares3048 - 30.07.2022 13:59

Yep they want to milk money from transfers instead fix servers .. Money for me isn't issue but out of principle i quit instead supporting Blizzard greed

@connerrodriguez1111 - 29.07.2022 01:02

If your realm is dead, meaning practically no Alliance and Horde players are active, you get a free realm transfer.

@jamescampbell720 - 28.07.2022 02:38

returning to a dead game, produced by a dying company.

@SuperSmashMyAss - 24.07.2022 11:44

Why do servers die though?

@John3.36 - 22.07.2022 12:15

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16 KJV

@justinmarshall4692 - 11.07.2022 12:28

Blizzard cant be dead if its still milkin tf outa us

@michalthorsson2235 - 05.07.2022 17:21

,,Pokaż dupe " from Polish in English is ,,Show your ass" .👏

@akgameplayhearthstone7777 - 05.07.2022 16:54

Nice i subscribed on this!!!

@1andTheOnlyy - 05.07.2022 12:26

It’s insane how dead and unbalanced bc servers are , and instead of fixing em they charge money for the people who still value and play the game
