The King Arthur Flour Bakery: Artisans at Work

The King Arthur Flour Bakery: Artisans at Work

King Arthur Baking Company

15 лет назад

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@patisserie1 - 24.09.2009 20:51

I wish that KAF had cut one of its baguette to show us the crumb. I like this informative video. Thanks for posting.

@mikefunaro16 - 26.09.2009 07:38

I'm eating a KAF baguette right now...crazy to think they'll be making them again in 4 hours...

@spopish6 - 16.10.2009 02:20

I want to work there, so cool!

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 22.10.2009 17:58

That is right! They are a great team. EFB @ KAF

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 22.10.2009 17:59

Any experience? It is worth a try. EFB @ KAF

@spopish6 - 23.10.2009 18:53

Just in my home kitchen, but I am trying to get my foot in the door.

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 25.10.2009 00:25

We are currently looking for a driver/delivery person. They would work some in the bakery too. Mary @ KAF

@RIPLEYvsALIENS - 30.10.2009 03:22

Great video. Very informative...and the bread looks delish! I wish KAF breads were sold where I live, Westchester County New York.

@Gunnarsguns - 20.01.2010 07:06

Just bought my first bag of KAF and am going to try a no knead cibatta tommorow.Breadmaking is really an art and after years of trying im just now finding a little success.Vids like this are really a help

@fromanDg - 24.01.2010 18:30

I wish I had those kinds of skills with bread! I'm extra jealous!...not just jealous, EXTRA jealous.

@wflick - 28.01.2010 02:22

They make it look so easy! Perhaps I can plan a vacation around one of their classes....

@maxim913 - 15.02.2010 02:29

just go to a bakery skool i have a bachelor patissier and chocolatier

@marycooks - 10.03.2010 16:05

Just used King Arthur White Whole Wheat flour to bake bread and it was delicious. I love using my Cuisnart food processor to knead my bread. Does a great job kneading!

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 11.03.2010 19:21

This is a wonderful flour to use for many baked items. Glad you found it. Joan @kaf

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 29.04.2010 18:06

@puritan164 Yes, we are hiring for a variety of positions in the company. Check out the Jobs link at the bottom of our home page.

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 10.10.2010 17:34

@cherd1971 Sorry, we don't sell the breads online at this time. BUT we do have over 1,500 free recipes on our site. Come on over and try a few!

@AbstractMan23 - 30.10.2010 00:50

nice video but would have liked to have seen the crumb. and curious why no digital scales were being used...?

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 04.11.2010 18:06

@AbstractMan23 I checked with Martin Philip, our bakery operations manager, and here's what he said: Digital scales are used for weighing out formulas (scaling portions of flour, water, salt, yeast, etc.), but balance beam scales are the artisan industry standard for hand-dividing loaves because, in the hands of an experienced baker, they are faster. Some items, due to their size, are divided with the digital. Thanks for asking! -Allison@KAF

@AbstractMan23 - 05.11.2010 03:05

@KingArthurFlour interesting, thanks for letting me know.

@dubsaloon - 16.01.2011 07:19

Yummers!! This form of bread is awesome and delicious.

@savgal1211 - 15.02.2011 21:11

Yeah, I wake up at 0430 for my 13 hr days!!

@420protoman - 12.11.2011 10:03

so i think my career as a baker has finished just as fast as it started. my bakery manager says on my first day this "we'll see how fast you can do muffins on monday morning and if you can't go fast enough you will have to not work here anymore" they are both rude to me on my first day , the assistant manager just was in a bad mood cuz he kept saying he's in a rush because he wants to go home and was all cranky. are all bakery's like this. crabby people that don't even give anyone a chance.

@420protoman - 12.11.2011 10:05

i'm just a young guy trying to start out as a baker but i think it's over because they only want speed not quality. their stuff is all frozen mostly.

@NekoArts - 12.05.2012 12:45

I was told that as well when I worked at a baker and pastry chef a year ago.. I do awesome work, but I am "too slow".. I think speed is important, after all; it's a big part in making money, but at the same time I don't think that it should substitute for quality. And the big problem with pointing out someone with being too slow, especially when they're just starting out, is that people aren't given the chance to grow into it. Once you've worked long enough, you will get faster.

@fosgaterockford6417 - 26.08.2012 16:01

without pressure and all that.sehr gute atmosphere. looks great!!

@redekomi - 10.09.2012 21:31

Great video i just started working as a baker and i love it

@winterhaven79 - 02.11.2012 15:40

When in culinary school we used King Arthur flour. We were told that once you get used to a flour brand it is important to stay with it because all flour is different. We used the best ingredients in school which lead me to believe that King Arthur is the best flour. In addition they said that no matter where you go in this country, you can find King Arthur, and I have found that to be true.

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 03.11.2012 20:33

Our company has been in operation since 1790 and that makes King Arthur Flour the oldest flour company in the United States! We are very proud to be the flour of choice at your culinary school. And, yes, we are in all 50 states now. Thanks for taking a look at our video Leigh and if you are ever in VT, come see us! Elisabeth

@iRonlMoNKleY - 20.06.2013 21:51

The oven looks like the containment unit from Ghostbusters =OP

@jimhaas3 - 12.07.2013 22:32

Good stuff! Greetings to Jeffrey and the crew from Jim & Larissa @ AgroEast Baking & Milling Co. (Ukraine)

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 13.07.2013 18:52

Thank you for watching Jim and Larissa. I will let Jeffrey and crew know you sent your greetings. Thanks! Elisabeth

@lisabetsumma2602 - 19.07.2013 20:15

what brand spiral mixer do you use at the bakery ?

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 23.07.2013 17:40

Hello Lisabet, The video is actually a few years old and was made before the last years major expansion. So the mixer you see in the video may have been upgraded. That being said, our bakery currently uses spiral mixers made by Kemper and Javailler.

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 10.09.2013 19:09

Hello, Lisbet! There is a Werner-Pflederer (WP, aka Kemper), and a Pavaillier in the bakery. And in the Baking Education Center, a VMI. Thanks! Elisabeth

@KingArthurBakingCompany - 10.09.2013 19:29

Hello Travis - I asked our bakers and here is what they had to say. "The best settings for baguettes in the WP depends on scale weight of the product, shape and personal preference. We bake ours at 240C for 22 minutes with 2.4L of steam. Sourdoughs will also depend on the shape, scale weight and personal preference. Many of our 680g boules bake for 34-35 minutes at 225-230C.” Hope that helps! Elisabeth

@RuskieSC - 16.06.2017 19:44

I was brought here because of "Bakery" Heroes of the Storm. Now I want to make baguettes at home.

@scottbrenham1341 - 20.03.2018 05:06

Alot of local bakeries in Massachusetts use your brand of flour even in the charter oak country club I work at.

@telosfd - 22.03.2018 20:35

This bread is nice when it's hot to eat it with olive oil and cheese over it or onion and olives. Great flavor!

@svenengelbrecht7802 - 20.04.2018 23:17

hi guys
just a quick question
what yeast are you using in the bakery?
I had a look on your bakers formulas page just wanted to check that the percentage is for the correct type of yeast.
Great content!

@Mode307 - 03.11.2018 04:52

How to become a baker

@mkivy - 18.01.2020 22:34

This is the only flour I use... wish I was there for u...I’ve been a nurse my whole life so I’ve worked all hours ....I think I’ve been a secretly a baker at heart. I bake all the time...all types of desserts. Urs look fantastic!

@Kiwiwanderer - 11.07.2020 00:07

Absolute artistry - wonderful ✨

@annapeppard2400 - 07.07.2022 01:10

We only use King Arthur flour, and bake with yeast... best flour!! This is old video you need to update.

@kathywatrous6828 - 19.11.2022 23:26

What flour for cookies

@knndyskful - 04.06.2023 12:30

Hey it’s Martin! 13 yrs ago, was Arlo born yet?
