The Pedophile Prophet

The Pedophile Prophet

Apostate Prophet

3 года назад

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@ApostateProphet - 01.01.2021 00:53

What a way to end the year...

@jrmiyazaki06 - 03.12.2023 19:52

muho was a pedo, ew

@Akolgo_islam - 02.12.2023 21:10

Most of the Christians obsessed with this topic are victims of abuse from non-Muslims. The fact is Aisha was gifted as a bride to muhammed and lived with her parents till she passed puberty, she then went to live with the prophet for the rest of his life. This is NOT a description of a predatory peodophile, but as I said often the root sending abuse victims of non-Muslims to seek answers from Islam. Punishment for a predator as with all rape in Islam is simple, death penalty or if the perpetrator is lucky then blood money. The Christian west haven’t a solution and perpetrators are generally imprisoned & released with a huge re-offence rate. Come to islam this topic is of a public marriage not a dirty secret as you suggest

@Bluebell2018 - 02.12.2023 07:01

Worry about you dirty ethiest ass. She is the best of scholars and most love person.

@Bluebell2018 - 02.12.2023 06:59

You are definitely going to hell. I feel sort for your mother that she pushed out a devil.

@johngreene6780 - 02.12.2023 04:20

Most islamist are pedophiles,

@johngreene6780 - 02.12.2023 04:18

Muhammad was a child molesting pervert and Allah is Satan. Repent and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. Acts 2:38

@joeblowjo - 01.12.2023 03:12

Mohamed wasn't a prophet of god. Islam is a fake religion

@carlypom123 - 30.11.2023 21:23

Yes he was. He was also demon possessed.

@yagambaramreddy5212 - 30.11.2023 09:41

She only reached puberty between age 14 and 15.During one of the battles. It is in hadith. Mo also encouraged his companions to marry children and not widows.

@denisehamed3967 - 28.11.2023 18:22

Your are a lying dog

@RaghuRam5826 - 28.11.2023 15:42

mUHMMAD WAS Pedophile
mUHMMAD WAS Pedophile
mUHMMAD WAS Pedophile
mUHMMAD WAS Pedophile

@cemeteryadventuresandmorea1215 - 28.11.2023 08:23

Even Muhammad was a sinner.he was just a man, nobody is perfect

@christopherwahab3658 - 26.11.2023 21:14

Islam is the work of the devil i honestly believe it

@hercules-ds - 24.11.2023 21:48

Mohamed was a fucking pedophile

@carloslopez-qr4sd - 23.11.2023 19:09

thank you sir I don’t know you this is the first time I seen your video. God bless you. I always heard he was a pedophile, but didn’t understand how.

@tonyclifton265 - 23.11.2023 13:24

maybe this is why so many muslims in britain are paedophiles today; their prophet was one so they think it's cool

@Kaador - 22.11.2023 19:19

Sunan Abu Dawud - 2116
He IS Pedophile

@alexbadash4718 - 22.11.2023 14:30

Muhammad and his followers ARE PEDOPHILES . the fact that the west don't know that is crazy to me !!! the biggest defense is that if your parents consent on your PEDO rape marriage its not rape .ISLAM IS a mind desease just like lgbtq and marxism. its only porpuse is to watch the world burn.

@ivanivanoff4905 - 22.11.2023 14:19

мухаммед был педофилом. это 100% правда.

@danielthomas7254 - 22.11.2023 05:26


@doudou4657 - 20.11.2023 09:50

Muhammad is a pedophile
Muhammad married a child
Muhammad is disgusting

@cinefile0075 - 20.11.2023 09:24

Islam is a dangerous political ideology and cult parading as a religion.

@germanshepherd6638 - 18.11.2023 05:40

Muhammad would love the Catholic Church 😂

@stopracism2818 - 15.11.2023 21:55

Islam destroys civilization where ever it goes!

@carlosangulo3035 - 14.11.2023 05:00

Islam the pagan,misogynistic religion

@leewalker662 - 13.11.2023 17:18

Why don't Muslims eat pork...It was alright for Aisha at the age of 9...Mohammed was a dirty peadophile and Muslims follow his ways...

@Akolgo_islam - 13.11.2023 05:33

A lot of Christians are obsessed by this question, and they suddenly believe hadiths, But strong chains of narration clearly say she was 12, and moved in with him at 15, older than Mary who is 12 according to Christian historic records

@rosemevlit4084 - 11.11.2023 23:32

Muhammed is a pedophile 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊

@frankmetlo5891 - 10.11.2023 22:38


@hal4328 - 06.11.2023 21:41

The Communist Party of China is doing an excellent job of neutralizing the negative impact of Islam on Chinese society and re-educating the carriers of Islam and setting an example for the rest of the world

@pasteldelmar - 04.11.2023 09:28

Pedo-Mo is how I refer to Mohammed

@olipaz7777 - 03.11.2023 23:04

Yeshuah is King!

@bajwa197 - 03.11.2023 05:10

I want to clear one thing
"""""" Muhammad """""" was a phedophile. Start of video says so 😅😂😅

@threestars2164 - 30.10.2023 21:00

Laughable that a billion people consider this p*rvert something to aspire to.

@jardala251 - 29.10.2023 13:39

Go to heaven and u will have sex with virgins hahahaha what a Satanic religión

@jondinisio5880 - 23.10.2023 19:46

And he would make love to her thighs from the age 6 to 9 years old they even called it thighing

@homelesspilgrim - 21.10.2023 08:19

Doesn't this make all Muslims pedophiles or supporters of it? Isn't there some verse in the Koran mentioning 70 child virgins or something like that in their "paradise"?

@anthonyromeo1988 - 18.10.2023 18:12

Muhammad the child predator!!! 🤮

ISLAM is a Joke! Jesus wasn’t a prophet! He is the son of God!!

@zfloyd1627 - 14.10.2023 04:06

To be honest, there is no proof that Muhammad actually had sex with a 9 year old girl. People's age was not recorded back then. However, the fact that some Hadiths say that Aisha was 9 years old does ring some alarm bells.

@cameroncarter6789 - 13.10.2023 06:49


@pinoyfuntvph5457 - 08.10.2023 14:32

Islam here said how about Isaac marrying rebecca at age of 3? Are you really sure hahahahaha..... REBECCA WAS ACTUALLY IN A SELF CONSENT THAT TIME..... HER DECISION WAS NOT BEING INFLUENCE BY ANYONE, THEREFORE SHE WAS IN A RIGTH AGE.... How desperate Islam Just to protect Mohammad Immoral Acts....😅😅😅😅

@tonykailaa134 - 07.10.2023 04:42

and they go after gays when their pedophilia is rooted in their religion. What a double standard! Thank you sir

@musings2022 - 02.10.2023 00:03

Bravo. God bless you.

@Bonita_Latina. - 22.09.2023 19:20

That ending 😭 was golden

@ibrahim.ky_159 - 22.09.2023 00:36

You do not know that during the time of our Prophet (pbuh), many false and fabricated hadiths were written by the polytheists and hypocrites to harm Islam.🤣🤣😂 Just as there are real hadiths, there are also fake hadiths among the authentic hadiths. Because Bukhari is a human being and while collecting authentic hadiths, he may have accidentally included false hadiths.Moreover all Islamic sources hold that an enormous amount of forgery was committed in Hadith literature. Ibn Hanbal said that seerah and tafseer have been more affected by forgery than any other branch of literature. The very existence of copious literature on fabricated hadiths reminds us of this consciousness. Based on this fact, a great many Western scholars declared Hadith literature to be unreliable and unauthentic (Siddiqi 127).

Definition of a Fabricated Hadith

A fabricated hadith is a hadith which is falsely ascribed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) while in fact he did not pronounce it; it is not permissible to narrate such hadiths (As-Suyuti 2:274). Most of the fabricated hadiths were introduced in Muslim literature by the fabricators themselves; they forged the statements and invented the isnad from their own imagination

The Beginning of Fabrication

It is very difficult to determine the beginning of the fabrication of hadiths. Some Western scholars like Sir William Muir maintained that the forgery of hadith took place during the reign of the third Caliph, `Uthman. In a note in his book The Life of Mohammad, Muir quoted the hadith “Who deliberately lies about me, let him seek a place in Hell” and said that

this hadith, if well founded, gives pretty clear intimation that, even before ‘Uthman’s murder, fabricated hadiths were propagated by opponents to shake his authority, and that the unfortunate caliph endeavored to check the practice by forbidding the currency of hadiths not already known in the reign of his two predecessors. (36)

The Dutch Orientalist G. H. Juynboll stated that

All Muslim theologians agree on the fact that forgery of hadiths has occurred on a gradually increasing scale from the middle of the first century of the Hijrah onwards, until such authors as Bukhari, Muslim and others had compiled their almost flawless collections; by doing so, they gave the hadith literature its definitely sound form. (Juynboll 100)

As-Siddiq Bashir Nasr charged Juynboll with prejudice when he maintained this view. In refuting this argument, Nasr said that Juynboll concluded this view from the statements of theologians and he wonders how theyagreed on this, how their consensus came down to us, and who were those scholars. Nasr wrote

If he said the Hadith scholars held this view, we would give weight to his view. However, it is still probable to give the date of the middle of the 1st century as the beginning of fabrications of hadiths only if we interpret the fitnah mentioned by Ibn Sirin (d. 110/729), which he made the beginning of introducing the system of isnad, to refer to the fitnah of killing `Uthman ibn `Affan. But this is still in the sphere of probability as there is reliable historical evidence to assume that the fabrication began during the Caliphate of `Uthman or even `Ali, who died in AH 40.” (106-7)

Other Muslim scholars have given more or less the same views. For example, Ahmad Amin held that the fabrication began during the lifetime of the Prophet. To support his view he cited the frequently quoted hadith which reads, “Who deliberately lies about me, let him seek a place in Hell” (Muslim). Amin understood this hadith to imply that the forgery took place at the time of the Prophet and this hadith was uttered in response to an incident in which some words were attributed to the Prophet but he was not responsible for them (Amin 211). But As-Siba`i interpreted the above-mentioned hadith to mean that the Prophet only warned his audience with this hadith and that there is no indication that the Prophet thought his Companions might forge his hadiths; he wanted his Sunnah to reach the coming generations in its complete form and without the least trace of distortion (As-Siba`i 216). Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the hadith, according to As-Siba`i, can be interpreted to mean “he who will tell lies about me” (215-218).

Zubayr Siddiqi, a professor of Islamic culture at Calcutta University, was in full agreement with Amin’s view. After quoting Muir’s view Siddiqi said, “But I think it originated during the lifetime of the Prophet himself. His opponents could not have failed to forge and attribute to him words and deeds for which he was not responsible. It was their purpose in misrepresenting him to arouse public opinion against him” (127). Siddiqi quoted a hadith, as follows, to convince his readers of his view:

After the Prophet’s Hijra, a man went to a suburb of Medina, and told a tribe living there that the Prophet had given him authority over them. He had resorted to this fraud because he wanted to marry a girl who was a member of the tribe, to whom he had proposed marriage before the Hijra, but who had never been given in marriage to him. The tribe sent a messenger to the Prophet to make enquiries concerning the authority that was claimed in his name. The Prophet denounced the pretender, and ordered that he be put to death, if he were still alive and be burnt, if he were dead. (Ibn Hazm 2:83-84)

@ibrahim.ky_159 - 22.09.2023 00:36

You do not know that during the time of our Prophet (pbuh), many false and fabricated hadiths were written by the polytheists and hypocrites to harm Islam.🤣🤣😂 Just as there are real hadiths, there are also fake hadiths among the authentic hadiths. Because Bukhari is a human being and while collecting authentic hadiths, he may have accidentally included false hadiths.Moreover all Islamic sources hold that an enormous amount of forgery was committed in Hadith literature. Ibn Hanbal said that seerah and tafseer have been more affected by forgery than any other branch of literature. The very existence of copious literature on fabricated hadiths reminds us of this consciousness. Based on this fact, a great many Western scholars declared Hadith literature to be unreliable and unauthentic (Siddiqi 127).

Definition of a Fabricated Hadith

A fabricated hadith is a hadith which is falsely ascribed to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) while in fact he did not pronounce it; it is not permissible to narrate such hadiths (As-Suyuti 2:274). Most of the fabricated hadiths were introduced in Muslim literature by the fabricators themselves; they forged the statements and invented the isnad from their own imagination

The Beginning of Fabrication

It is very difficult to determine the beginning of the fabrication of hadiths. Some Western scholars like Sir William Muir maintained that the forgery of hadith took place during the reign of the third Caliph, `Uthman. In a note in his book The Life of Mohammad, Muir quoted the hadith “Who deliberately lies about me, let him seek a place in Hell” and said that

this hadith, if well founded, gives pretty clear intimation that, even before ‘Uthman’s murder, fabricated hadiths were propagated by opponents to shake his authority, and that the unfortunate caliph endeavored to check the practice by forbidding the currency of hadiths not already known in the reign of his two predecessors. (36)

The Dutch Orientalist G. H. Juynboll stated that

All Muslim theologians agree on the fact that forgery of hadiths has occurred on a gradually increasing scale from the middle of the first century of the Hijrah onwards, until such authors as Bukhari, Muslim and others had compiled their almost flawless collections; by doing so, they gave the hadith literature its definitely sound form. (Juynboll 100)

As-Siddiq Bashir Nasr charged Juynboll with prejudice when he maintained this view. In refuting this argument, Nasr said that Juynboll concluded this view from the statements of theologians and he wonders how theyagreed on this, how their consensus came down to us, and who were those scholars. Nasr wrote

If he said the Hadith scholars held this view, we would give weight to his view. However, it is still probable to give the date of the middle of the 1st century as the beginning of fabrications of hadiths only if we interpret the fitnah mentioned by Ibn Sirin (d. 110/729), which he made the beginning of introducing the system of isnad, to refer to the fitnah of killing `Uthman ibn `Affan. But this is still in the sphere of probability as there is reliable historical evidence to assume that the fabrication began during the Caliphate of `Uthman or even `Ali, who died in AH 40.” (106-7)

Other Muslim scholars have given more or less the same views. For example, Ahmad Amin held that the fabrication began during the lifetime of the Prophet. To support his view he cited the frequently quoted hadith which reads, “Who deliberately lies about me, let him seek a place in Hell” (Muslim). Amin understood this hadith to imply that the forgery took place at the time of the Prophet and this hadith was uttered in response to an incident in which some words were attributed to the Prophet but he was not responsible for them (Amin 211). But As-Siba`i interpreted the above-mentioned hadith to mean that the Prophet only warned his audience with this hadith and that there is no indication that the Prophet thought his Companions might forge his hadiths; he wanted his Sunnah to reach the coming generations in its complete form and without the least trace of distortion (As-Siba`i 216). Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the hadith, according to As-Siba`i, can be interpreted to mean “he who will tell lies about me” (215-218).

Zubayr Siddiqi, a professor of Islamic culture at Calcutta University, was in full agreement with Amin’s view. After quoting Muir’s view Siddiqi said, “But I think it originated during the lifetime of the Prophet himself. His opponents could not have failed to forge and attribute to him words and deeds for which he was not responsible. It was their purpose in misrepresenting him to arouse public opinion against him” (127). Siddiqi quoted a hadith, as follows, to convince his readers of his view:

After the Prophet’s Hijra, a man went to a suburb of Medina, and told a tribe living there that the Prophet had given him authority over them. He had resorted to this fraud because he wanted to marry a girl who was a member of the tribe, to whom he had proposed marriage before the Hijra, but who had never been given in marriage to him. The tribe sent a messenger to the Prophet to make enquiries concerning the authority that was claimed in his name. The Prophet denounced the pretender, and ordered that he be put to death, if he were still alive and be burnt, if he were dead. (Ibn Hazm 2:83-84)

@zhsswkiwiwa1708 - 21.09.2023 14:17

This guy is speaking Facts 👍
