Livewire Modal: Easy with Wire Elements Package

Livewire Modal: Easy with Wire Elements Package

Laravel Daily

2 года назад

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ลุงเรย์ ตาโต
ลุงเรย์ ตาโต - 19.04.2023 20:58

when updated icon not show <i class="w-4 h-4" data-lucide="plus"></i>

Lowell Tebrero
Lowell Tebrero - 15.03.2023 14:05

How do I apply the flash message after submitting because it has different component ?

Md. Mominul Haque
Md. Mominul Haque - 30.11.2022 07:29

is it possible to add select2 ?

vas - 21.10.2022 16:29

hi how would you go about changing the positioning on this so its not centered in the middle of the screen and have it at the top

Franz Jeff Dignos
Franz Jeff Dignos - 14.10.2022 08:07

Good day sir povillas, I don't know if you encounter this one, I have a problem with closing the modal, its actually working from showing to closing, the problem is that the button that will trigger to open the modal is being disabled after closing it, thats why I cannot reopen the modal. It needs to refresh the page, I dont know why would the button has been affected since they have different component. Just followed the documentation without adding some codes, I just implement it from scratch.

Сергій Росоловський
Сергій Росоловський - 28.08.2022 21:42

Nice. And how can i integrate Livewire Modal into Powergrid? I want to use for editing Wire Elements Modal but can't pass Model as parameter into component :(
... ->openModal('edit-category-modal', ['category' => 'id']), like this @json([$user])

M C - 09.08.2022 01:45

and how can i change the height of the modal?...
thanks you for showing this

Kito - 17.07.2022 08:00

I hope you can make another guide but with bootstrap. I'm really clueless, idk how to use it with bootstrap

Carlos Diaz
Carlos Diaz - 11.05.2022 01:58

Great package but just creating the component and extend it as ModalComponent, laravel can't find the component when I want to show it. I don't know what I'm missing.

Agam Pradhana
Agam Pradhana - 07.04.2022 13:02

Hi, I use and laravel component like date picker on the modal, but the date picker not work, it seem initiating the datepicker is failed, there is solution for this case?

JeoMai Duldulao
JeoMai Duldulao - 23.02.2022 06:59

how to refresh the index when closing the modal?

Richard Hoyle
Richard Hoyle - 06.01.2022 19:59

Please do a class covering Laravel 9. With Jetstream, Livewire, Alpine.js and tailwind CSS. Currently the Laravel v8.78.1 –jet, comes with all of these installed. I am looking to create a site using these out of the box components. I Would like some guidance as how to setup a project using Full-Page Components with User CRUD; Out of the box sort of speak.

Mohammed Musthafa
Mohammed Musthafa - 03.01.2022 02:38

I am a bigner of laravel, can I subscribe your teachings

Jude Art Thaddeus Lamberang
Jude Art Thaddeus Lamberang - 02.01.2022 20:24

How can we use this in bootstrap theme? :)

João Oliveira
João Oliveira - 02.01.2022 14:30

Note that this package requires Tailwind CSS. I think it doesn't work for bootstrap.

Marvellous Ifezue
Marvellous Ifezue - 02.01.2022 13:58

Is it better to use wire model or wire click in a select field,

I'm using wire model and I noticed that old data keeps disappearing which us annoying fr

Can someone help

kamil salim
kamil salim - 02.01.2022 13:19

Thanks very useful

Hadi Dagher
Hadi Dagher - 02.01.2022 12:32

Hahaha great movie references
I have a quick question
Can i use id and uuid together on the same user model/migration!?

Rudolf Bruder
Rudolf Bruder - 02.01.2022 11:43

Great package, One disadvantage that I faced in our project is that if you edit via modal it is harder to send someone the edit page link. Maybe could be solved by some url prameter and emitting even on page load?

WordPress, Laravel, Tailwind css tips and tricks
WordPress, Laravel, Tailwind css tips and tricks - 02.01.2022 11:04

I have used it in one of my projects and it is very convenient.

Khizer - 02.01.2022 09:39

Thanks 👍

jack opiyo
jack opiyo - 02.01.2022 09:28

Hi Povilas, happy new year. To start with, thanks for all the tutorials you've been posting they've been very useful. I'm a newbie-ish from Kenya and I was wondering if you could do a demo project with emailing. For example, when someone applies for something, admin approves then a notification email is sent to the applicants email.

project world
project world - 02.01.2022 09:23

great sir thanks

Ricko - 02.01.2022 09:20

thanks for showing this package, so convenient for me rn
