I Ported a TF2 Map to Source 2 Because Valve Wouldn't

I Ported a TF2 Map to Source 2 Because Valve Wouldn't


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@jesserose48 - 13.11.2024 00:53

What is really important here is if you can killbind, rocketjump, trimp, etc in source 2 tf2

@builderdude3428 - 13.11.2024 05:37

I may be in the minority but I’m glad they didn’t port tf2 source 2 just look at cs2 it’s shell of its former self.

@cheeseboi588 - 13.11.2024 07:44

Why didn't you port an actually good map

@Zyskr.. - 15.11.2024 21:28

myhouse.wad in tf2 when

@lelandli9227 - 16.11.2024 09:44

Why are the terrorists blu? Feels like it would make more sense for the counter-terrorists to be blu instead.

@glad16252 - 18.11.2024 07:57

Bit late to this but I'll put my two cents
Valve would never port TF2 to the Source 2 engine entirely because of size. TF2 has 206 official maps as if writing this, over 1000 cosmetics, and 153 war paints. And despite having just added it now, look at how much Valve actually ported from CSGO to CS2 on launch and how much was left behind. Not to mention with the sheer amount of them being community made, classic map staples would basically be impossible to have access to in a Source 2 version of TF2 unless those map makers got to crafting quickly. I would love a Source 2 version of TF2 because I feel it could bring new life into the game for new updates to come out, being a better engine to code into. But I doubt Valve would be able to pull it off to any meaningful degree

@StubbySe7en - 20.11.2024 23:19

Great. Now port a source 2 map into source 1

@gabetheanimator_ - 22.11.2024 01:15

Honestly, I really don’t want a source 2 port for tf2. I feel like the lighting would take away from the cartoony look that tf2 is known for.

@vivvy12345 - 22.11.2024 06:35

this makes me really respect those who work on ports of any sort. The tedium would drive me insane

@TEW58_De_Bluey - 23.11.2024 20:58

Imagine not knowing about VTFs and VTMs. Laughs in SF...... Memory at 4 gigs. Shuts down

@chaosmachines934 - 26.11.2024 01:08

can someone show me how can i get source 2
i will admit i am not a fan of valves monopoly but i was always curious about his engine and how it works

@stecmar - 03.12.2024 18:32

We need this now! :D

@saileketboga1373 - 07.12.2024 13:48

They could still make the source 1 version playable, but also make a source 2 version at the same time.

@Jas42-ne3re - 09.12.2024 03:30

This will be tf2 graphics in 2015

@skrat1001 - 09.12.2024 12:09

Valve probably couldn't there isn't any talent left in that dead shell of a company.

@riccokane - 10.12.2024 09:08

Respect! Lots of work, and well done.

@totidoki05 - 12.12.2024 00:32

source 2 can acheive the same results as ssbump but instead of it being one combined texture and technique, it uses the pbr standard so you should indeed convert your sbumps to normal, but also use the ambient oclusion texture option and get an AO map from the ssbump or use software to simulate it via the normal map, which will give appropriate results unless the baked AO in the OG ssbump map is different from what the normal map is. Maybe it is stored in a channel of the texture so via photoshop you could retrieve it properly. maybe i'm missing a step though, i'd love you to try out since i only really use UE5 Unity and blender and i can get similar results thanks to this. A more expansive option would be paralax occlusion mapping but that's straight up overkill for a whole map

@RupeeRhod - 12.12.2024 03:23

in your ssbump to normal map conversion the normal map seems to be a different format, like either that it's inverted or that rgb needs to be in a different order, like bgr, rbg or so on, not all game engines handle normal maps the same way.

this is why the grooves seem to protrude rather than indent.

@microcolonel - 17.12.2024 10:01

Need brighter lights.

@Dawy1235 - 18.12.2024 12:41

i am doing this to cp_dustbowl..... i actualy have to manualy recreate all the rooms, because the culling did not work

@IPlayDumbStuff - 20.12.2024 20:18

Tf2 2

@hisuii - 23.12.2024 09:36

If my Source 1 knowledge still holds in Source 2, you could've used a trigger_hurt with a negative damage value to heal the player when they use the resupply cabinet

@lazarusvillagomez - 25.12.2024 03:15

tf2 is trash

@ShoujoShuumatsu - 27.12.2024 07:00

nice video but i cannot stand uptalk so i cannot sub

@iBrendan1579 - 28.12.2024 21:03

Did you make the map functional?

It would be wonderful if people could fight here, a dedicated server running this map would be really popular. Whenever I port TF2 maps to halo, people usually fill up servers playing them. The players seem to have fun with the maps, so I just kept moving more over for them.

Say what you want about these map designers, they created timeless, enjoyable maps. That’s much more than can be said for Ubisoft products. Kids are having fun on iconic maps like dustbowl or 2fort right now, and will continue to for another decade like we did. One kid said my port of ctf_well was ‘the most fun ever’. They made that map over sixteen years ago. And they’ll be fought on for another sixteen years.

@afevis - 29.12.2024 07:53

Oh noooooo. You could've automated the detail translucency maps using a program called chainner. Load images -> Split transparency -> Save Image. That would've batch processed all of them in a matter of seconds

@richm1615 - 29.12.2024 17:14

I have a lot of Day of Defeat 1.3 maps that I want to port to Source. Some of those maps are from Half-Life Firearms (+50 maps). I would love to learn more on how to do this! Any info or a tutorial would be greatly appreciated!! :D

@TinyDeskEngineer - 30.12.2024 07:14

I find it interesting that the old Source 1 logic entities still have their original editor icons (Albeit high-resolution from the looks of it)

@HeaSharper - 30.12.2024 17:37

cs2 is just bullshit

@mjaypierce9549 - 02.01.2025 09:40

the lighing still looks like source

@icy_grizzly2803 - 02.01.2025 20:16

Lighting, reflection 😮

@Wilma_Dickfit_huh - 03.01.2025 03:27

Valve is letting us down so hard with TF2.

@Springfreddy29 - 04.01.2025 02:21

Now get a realistic pyro model ( which should exist )

@hippo1985 - 05.01.2025 16:55

Awesome job, theres one thing I wanted to point out though, those small electric conduits with the round bubble are meant to be made from glass, its a glass bubble covering the actual meter instrumentation thats behind it, they look very strange as solid grey objects, id share a picture of what they should look like but comments get deleted with links.

@ILoveAerowalk - 09.01.2025 00:38

I'm actually doing this with Aerowalk

@isaacd7567 - 10.01.2025 06:13

I wish the dev would add Nmrih remake Source 2 Engine.

@Ohitburns - 14.01.2025 05:15

Very useful information on this engine! I want to create a horror game with the Source 2, and this had some helpful tips! Thanks!!!!

@davemaverick8438 - 14.01.2025 12:17

has anyone wondered why Source 2 games have pastel/cartoony finish to it? is it about the textures or lighting?

@V1ISBETER - 21.01.2025 02:59

we got source 2 tf2 map before gta 6

@dreamshotmedia - 22.01.2025 08:10

Waiting for the day we see TF2 2

@FlamingTX - 23.01.2025 17:12

Introducing Team Fortress 2.2

@AspiringD3v - 03.02.2025 18:54

so when's Team Fortress: Resurgence coming out?

@iamlosingmysanityrapidly - 08.02.2025 21:35


@badasahog13 - 12.02.2025 09:22

I genuinely forgot that technically the source 2 engine doesn’t have the tf2 textures so I was confused on why it didn’t load the textures

@2Fortblud43 - 28.02.2025 16:00

I dont need tf2 on source 2. why on earth would anyone want tha-

@theunrecorded3997 - 28.02.2025 16:50

Is you're name Matt?
