I SUCKED at sales until I used these prospecting CHECKLISTS

I SUCKED at sales until I used these prospecting CHECKLISTS

Matt Macnamara

6 месяцев назад

4,172 Просмотров

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@Mikey_C97 - 28.08.2024 18:40

Love your video Matt and learned valuable tips! The only thing I disagree with is your cold call opener.

You have 2 options, you can call the executive assistant or someone in the target company to gather intel. Second option, you do a quick research about your decision maker, I personally like to check a recent interview.

Your first 15 seconds are extremely important to reduce any friction. I learned from the book ''Smart Calling''. Keep up the great work!!

@Moon-vo7qz - 28.08.2024 19:30

Many people are not mentioning about how SDR have to spend majority of the time refilling their pipeline too..

@Nansnnsksbxbnxnnxn - 28.08.2024 20:09

my master in cold call

@astp91 - 28.08.2024 20:27

Love your content every time. Can you also talk about how to navigate between different activities (calls, emails LI messages etc) which action you do first and how they move in the sequence. It's very confusing and noone talk about about it

@Noscrapsinmyscrapbook - 29.08.2024 03:01

Have a like. I hope this video explodes. It's full of value!

@MatthieuLeo - 29.08.2024 16:27

Tons of awesome info in this video. Thanks for putting this together.

@brendanodonoghue06 - 29.08.2024 18:10

Matt great video! Out of curiosity what is your general outreach strategy?

@shawnf_prospectify360 - 29.08.2024 20:43

The entire time I watched it's felt like I am in a University of Sales Processes 🙏

@hassanyahya9697 - 30.08.2024 09:35

Man you’re always spitting the amazing game!

@RaisinBran777 - 02.09.2024 05:49

How do you find the time to make these videos on top of your AE job?

@hannesreinsch - 02.09.2024 19:31

Damn, what a legend! Even the checklists for free 🤝

@AJ-ht2eh - 18.09.2024 21:12

Hi Matt... great video... Do you have any recommendations on how to respond to responses?? (especially after they respond with something like "sure send me more info"... how to get them on a call after that?) I have been searching for info and that, but couldn't find any..

@dime6994 - 21.09.2024 04:46

Matt, I love the P.S. addition to the email! Definitely plan to try this next time!

@OJCherak - 01.10.2024 19:27

If you're a salesperson just starting out your content is required viewing. I went from zero to hero watching your content. Thank you. I'll be watching.

@Jesam.Bassey - 15.10.2024 17:37

An immense amount of value in a single video, keep em coming brother.

@SwainMao-Digiview - 02.02.2025 11:12

really helpful it is the style i like fr

@TimSoul-v4c - 17.02.2025 18:12

Love the energy and content. Keep it up Matt!
