No More CFE and PERT from 2025 | CPA Canada Confirms

No More CFE and PERT from 2025 | CPA Canada Confirms

Gevorg CPA

1 год назад

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Đức Huy Nguyễn
Đức Huy Nguyễn - 09.08.2023 12:13

I'm currently in PREP, will the PREP courses still be enough to enter the CM2.0? I don't want to spend time studying 14 courses and then having to start from scratch to enter the new CPA program

Charles Baha
Charles Baha - 06.08.2023 20:50

This is all of the great reset plan to destroy Canada

UltimateHandler - 26.06.2023 21:45

What nonsense is this... while there are glaring issues with the current process of certification - AT LEAST - there is some standardization through exams. This new model looks like handing participation medals to everyone. Watering down our profession like this means eventually you'll get your CPA for bringing your pencil.

Daniela Vg
Daniela Vg - 13.06.2023 00:14

Hello, I'm new to the whole process, under the current program I have to take 5 courses from PREP, before I can enter into PEP.
I'm planning on being done by the end of 2024, how will the new program will look like for someone like me?

Noob Noob
Noob Noob - 11.06.2023 03:47

How is this going to affect the recognition of CPA designation internationally? It seems like a Raod Map for a liberal art degree to me.

SL Wadden
SL Wadden - 07.06.2023 16:31

CPA has proven they do not have a clue....Can we bring back CMA and CGA...

We Connect
We Connect - 01.06.2023 00:54

I believe cpa would lose the credibility it has enjoyed so far if these changes are made. Nobody hiring new CPA because they are aware of diversity and inclusiveness and nothing how to do read a FS.
CPA would be joke!

Hollie - 23.05.2023 05:10

wait what? so why am I struggling and sending myself to a mental hospital over this course when I could stop and wait 2 years?

S - 12.05.2023 00:14

as someone who is graduating university in 2024 do you think its a good idea to just work full time and leave doing the CPA for a few years?

Ms.M - 28.04.2023 17:44

So...after this starts our designation is basically worthless because it's so easy to get. Great job CPA Canada.

Marc - 31.03.2023 22:50

This will be a disaster.

Colin Wilson
Colin Wilson - 28.03.2023 23:18

As a legacy CGA student who fell two courses short of completion before the program wound up, and my professional education was put on an indefinite hiatus after that, this excited me greatly, and I will be following development and further announcements for entrance opportunities with great interest.

Katherine Li
Katherine Li - 26.03.2023 23:20

if I plan to write 2024 Sep CFE as my first attempt, what if I fail it? Will CPA offer ongoing CFE for the ones already in the program?

Miguel De Greef
Miguel De Greef - 26.03.2023 00:32

Everyone waits till 2025 and gets their CPAs
Piece of cake

Anthony Ruvalcaba
Anthony Ruvalcaba - 23.03.2023 09:43

Thanks God for my CFA. Hope the institute doesn't a pull quick one like this.. we are doomed.

Snow J
Snow J - 23.03.2023 08:07

I plan to write CFE in 2025. Just wondering do I have chance to rewrite the 2026 CFE if I can not pass CFE in 2025.

Bookkeeping Barn
Bookkeeping Barn - 23.03.2023 06:15

Thank you for this.

SOMA B - 21.03.2023 17:25

Again when is it going to be implemented? In 2026

mint hos
mint hos - 20.03.2023 15:01

Is CPA Canada expecting AI like chatgpt will gradually replace accounting technicals so they want to focus more on soft skills?

Nisha R
Nisha R - 19.03.2023 20:28

Looks like CPA Canada is also part of the JT liberal cabinet.

Josh Morrison
Josh Morrison - 17.03.2023 18:11

Is this a joke?

Leo Liang
Leo Liang - 17.03.2023 07:54

I am sorry. It will just make CPA a cheaper designation. Just like how they turned CA to CPA. A presentation and Team work based exam? no one will respect that.

7U - 17.03.2023 01:47

ربنا يفرجها علينا و عليك يا عوبد و يجمع شمل كل مسجون او متغرب بأهله على خير و في خير

MetallicOpeth - 16.03.2023 15:39

this is completely pathetic and is basically dumping on everything that makes an accountant an accountant...I busted my ass to pass the CFE and now they're doing away with it to turn accountants into HR managers? what the actual fuck is this crap

Paul - 16.03.2023 00:47

The core of any profession should be clear. Lawyers practice law. Accountants practice accounting. Engineers practice engineering. Technical skills are the fundamental underpinning for entry into these professions. Soft skills, ethics, and so on, these are traditionally developed on the job, and where necessary, monitored and enforced by the profession. I hope that the public trust in the profession continues to be strengthened. I worry that shifting focus away from technical knowledge may do the opposite. When I read the roadmap, I wonder how much of it already applies to other professions, and what makes the CPA profession unique apart from those other professions in the context of the non-technical components of the roadmap.

TTN Gigi
TTN Gigi - 15.03.2023 04:38


Markus Agapiou
Markus Agapiou - 15.03.2023 04:35

Literally thought this was an early April fool's prank video. Cmon CPA Canada, what is this??

ChessSkits - 14.03.2023 23:32

Hi Gevorg. How can CPA Canada posibly make these change despite the fact that almost everyone seems to be strongly against this? Do members just not get a say? I thought I was working towards becoming an accountant not some diversity and inclusion coach. What is this non sense about no longer testing technical accounting as much. It's an accounting designation for crying out loud. I really feel lost all of sudden. Thank you CPA Canada.

Bill W
Bill W - 14.03.2023 10:56


Gentleman of Sport
Gentleman of Sport - 14.03.2023 08:27

Cpa means nothing now lol

Speedfast - 14.03.2023 04:34

there is still the work experience portion

mike - 14.03.2023 03:21

Can't wait for the new wave of accountants to have dogshit technical knowledge. Getting a CPA in Canada is already a joke.

Sam Alexander
Sam Alexander - 14.03.2023 03:07

If this is true, I’m going to law school and not renewing my CPA designation when I finish.

Thomas Finley
Thomas Finley - 13.03.2023 21:42

Is this a joke? Our world is a joke now, Why don't we just make 3 year old fly our airplanes?

Aoru - 13.03.2023 18:25

Welcome to a new age of CPAs are are absolutely useless and technically ill knowledge under this new program.

sydroll - 13.03.2023 18:15

Hi where is your source on these updates?

Aoru - 13.03.2023 18:13

This sounds like bullshit considering how much work ppl in the past had to go through

Maximilian Zeidler
Maximilian Zeidler - 13.03.2023 18:13

Please tell me it is April 1st and this is a bad joke. How is diversity, equity, and indigenous views a central focus of a technically focused, analytical accounting program?

James Crosbie
James Crosbie - 13.03.2023 17:46

Time for a new designation that isn't woke.

CCN Media
CCN Media - 13.03.2023 17:03

Lol, CPA taking marching orders from WEF. What a joke

Sienna Hope
Sienna Hope - 13.03.2023 08:03

CFE next year. Caught the last chance

Apink Fan channel
Apink Fan channel - 13.03.2023 07:36

Should I start my PEP this year or delay until 2025? If i start reporting my experience now and when the program kicks in in 2025 and i havent started my core 1 by then, will i be placed under the cpa 2.0 in 2025 or?

Ke' Bon
Ke' Bon - 13.03.2023 05:44

Thank you G for giving me more urgencies to study harder for this May CFE exam🙏🙏🙏

Sneedis - 13.03.2023 04:22

I fail to see how the potential topics maintain the integrity of the profession. This feels like it will cheapen the value of the designation. Unbelievably disappointing.

Amanda N.
Amanda N. - 13.03.2023 04:06

Is this a joke?

MiMi Lifestyle in Canada
MiMi Lifestyle in Canada - 13.03.2023 03:53

Hi Gevorg, can you please elaborate on what it means "no more CFE" in the new program to become a CPA once you have new information? It's still unclear how to clear CPA level 1 through micro-credentials. Thanks for your videos!

Daniel Banz
Daniel Banz - 13.03.2023 00:30

PERT is going away? Would you still need to report your work experience? How will they recognize your work experience?

Hirva Bhayani
Hirva Bhayani - 13.03.2023 00:00

From May 2024(as of now), Indian CA(/CPA) course is going to be drastically changed as per ICAI and now CPA Canada is also announcing a major changes from 2025. It's going to be difficult adopting these changes as they can be favourable or unfavourable for each individual student. These changes will definitely increase their reputation around the world.

Veni G
Veni G - 12.03.2023 23:07

Extremely demoralizing

Joy Coso
Joy Coso - 12.03.2023 21:39

Gevorg, I just started PREP through CPA and based on my goal on taking 1 Prep course per semester, I will be done in 2024. Once everything works out for me, I should be entering PEP starting 2025. Is PEP what you call CPA program already? Now, I'm not sure what it means to me? No more PEP? and No PERT so what does it mean for me? sorry, if you can please share what you think I know its new just not understanding. Thank you!
