NEMESIS IS A SOLO LANER | Smite Nemesis Gameplay

NEMESIS IS A SOLO LANER | Smite Nemesis Gameplay


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@moonlightsfps - 18.11.2024 20:40

Best nem NA? 💯

@kyokenx2 - 18.11.2024 23:29

your opening card is fuckin sick ngl lol welp back to the video.

@HauntingGround4ever - 19.11.2024 15:49

Since I know you're a big Nem fan, don't you think her autos feel horrible? Not talking about the dmg, just the animation and the sound effects. They look way less smooth than their Smite 1 counterpart, much more... mechanical (?), as if Nem lost her ability with the sword smh 😅 Bellona also has worse autos in my opinion. Don't you agree?
