Dwarves: Races in 5e Dungeons & Dragons

Dwarves: Races in 5e Dungeons & Dragons

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@Blazingwheel - 18.04.2020 08:41

I think Dwarf Rogue goes just as good to Warrior.

@jonsimpson6240 - 18.05.2020 18:41

The perfect explanation for the axe dwarf is from Sir Terry Pratchet.
The dwarven axe is combination weapon and mining tool, a pickaxe. The pick side is for prospecting, the axe side is in case someone tries to stop you.

@lazurusdebat8962 - 30.05.2020 18:58

My Dwarf Braxton was a sailor and has an Australian accent

@timkramar9729 - 24.06.2020 13:44

This one dwarf is in exile because something happened and he can't grow a beard.

@DarthMalaks_Missing_Lower_Jaw - 28.06.2020 02:09

Great outside the box thinking.

@mosesjones4853 - 05.07.2020 07:00

You just said a "non drinking dwarf." I'm out, time to watch something else.

@rustyshackle8000 - 19.07.2020 00:48

Man...now I'm really liking the idea of a Roman Empire inspired Dwarven society. One that values both martial strength and intellectualism, while also being steeped in tradition and history.

@frankyquilavafireblast895 - 23.07.2020 22:52

At least now I don’t feel as bad anymore for doing my recent dwarf character different…
My grave cleric is a worshiper of the raven queen and she is a freak of nature.
She stands 5 foot five, has five intelligence and is pretty emotional and if violence Hass to happen she’ll go all Lynn but if she can resort to diffusing the situation then she’ll do that as well.
The whole party makes fun of me and it’s kind of annoying sometimes but it’s pretty hilarious when they need healing and all of a sudden instead of saying tall dwarf they’re like hey, insert character name, you got a healing for me…
Sometimes but hey it’s mostly in good fun and I will die on this hill saying that this is probably my favorite character to play

@andyr4810 - 07.08.2020 21:20

you all know very LITTLE about dwarfs

@Papa_Mike - 03.09.2020 16:09

Dwarven bard with an alpine horn.

@flysteel288 - 17.09.2020 22:53

My favorite and longest running character is a Dwarf. He has self inflicted burn scars where all his hair should be, an act of resentment against his own kind. He has a neutral, deep American accent.

@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 - 22.09.2020 18:33

When I played dwarves I made a mixed batch back around 2008, with several variations from WarHammer, WarCraft, DnD classics, and a bit of Tolkien, they are a strong people, skilled in the arts of metallurgy, mining, architecture & construction, engineering, alchemy, many other sciences, in terms of economics they are skilled traders but do not like being swindled,
Yes, they do carry grudges, but are open to negotiations, provided he agrees to dwarven law, they have many fortress cities, in the world, underground bastions,

@WisdomThumbs - 23.09.2020 11:27

Axes are perfect for hooking arms and shields and faces, and splitting feet.

@melissawardjohns220 - 27.09.2020 00:19

Axes are probably for above ground for when you need lumber so they picked tools for weapons so I am still waiting for them to carry pickaxes as a weapon or a giant ice pick.

@bencox3641 - 29.10.2020 03:33

My idea for the Dwarves in my homebrew is that the homeland (still need a good name for it) of the Dwarves is where all of the stereotypical Dwarves are from. But early on in their history one of their kings realized they need to spread out so he sent out a lot of clans and tribes to set up colonies in the rest of the world. Over time these Dwarves will have either die out or gone native or just crate their own culture just from being so far away from their homeland. With the current King wanting to try and reestablish communication with as many of these "foreign" clans and tribes as possible because he view them as still being kin.

@KneeKrusher - 05.11.2020 16:09

I’m a black drawf 😎🍺 I got strength and engineering on my side.💪🏾

@france.the_bastard - 16.01.2021 20:26

I think a dwarf with an Irish accent would be funny

@WolfHreda - 08.02.2021 06:24

In Arcanum - Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, Dwarves invented the steam engine, which was then presented to humanity by a man who had spent much of his young life with the Dwarves.

@fishinatube9028 - 28.02.2021 02:53

In my setting dwarves have german accents because I use real-world languages as stand ins for my fantasy languages (I don't have time for making a language), and Norwiegan was already taken by giants, so I went with german.

@fishinatube9028 - 28.02.2021 02:55

In 5e I feel like dwarves actually wouldn't drink that much, since they're resistant to poison. If it takes twice or thrice as much ale to get a dwarf drunk why bother? Thus I propose to you: stoner dwarves.

@stefanjentoft8107 - 04.06.2021 15:56

I'm about to jump into a campaign as a dwarf, but won't even consider trying a Scottish accent because one of the other players is actually from Ireland, and I would be too mortified by the terrible quality... Oh, and he's a druid so not the typical miner, either.

@seymourfields3613 - 23.06.2021 00:47

But I love my bad Scottish accent for my Dwarf Druid!

@redragon1990 - 23.06.2021 15:13

Hey you guys, shave the dwarfs beard

@ClockworkArchon - 13.07.2021 19:22

I'm fond of Dwarven Wizards. I like the idea of applying that quintessential Dwarven sense of tradition and pride of craft to arcane magic. The character is probably a wizard because their father was a wizard, and their father before them and as on. It's the family trade, and while it isn't common, it's of value to the hold, if only because a wizard can protect your people from the enchantments and illusions that outsiders might try to use against you, as well as building wards and banishing extraplanar creatures.

On a more individual level, Dwarves should be fairly adept wizards, not because they are naturally magically adept, but because of that classic Dwarven focus and discipline, alongside that pride of craft. A Dwarven wizard isn't talented like an elf, but they're able to practice all day and all night with a rigor and intensity nobody else can manage.

@KingMJAH - 11.08.2021 10:58

I actually like using a Russian accent for dwarves

@DocLobster94 - 13.08.2021 02:40

Dwarven bard Playing bagpipes leading the war party

@lamnad - 20.08.2021 18:51

My go-to clan is "Clan Gleemtub". They are a clan of Chemists and apothecaries whose claim to fame is their "Dwarven Cosmetics". Hair and Beard oils, Skin creams for chapped hands, and makeup made with bioluminescent Fungus. They are surprisingly popular in the Dwarven Community.

"Maybe they're born with it.... Maybe it's Gleemtub."

@jedimouse - 17.11.2021 15:47

Ye olde crown royal bag of dice, from the frozen North!

@DunsDeeDowns - 05.12.2021 15:35

My Duergar used to speak German

@liltwistofcaine - 09.02.2022 05:52

Dragon had an amazing,y deep article on dwarven war tactics before print stopped

@fiercestpond4722 - 10.03.2022 16:47

The fact that dwarves have access to by far the most spell components and aren’t known as casters angers me too much

@robbiec2989 - 17.08.2022 14:57

I really want some dwarves with a thick Appalachian drawl, it just makes so much sense, what with the mountain-dwelling and mining

@juliuscaesar5397 - 25.08.2022 17:59

Different types of Dwarves

This doesn't belong to any particular setting; just an exercise in worldbuilding.

Wood Dwarves: Despite their name, these Dwarves are the most "civilized" of all the dwarves. As staunch and loyal citizens of the Empire, they've moved from the colder mountaintops and created an "Imperialized" culture living in the forests. Still, these Dwarves are still true to their hearts as their cultural traditions are steeped in ancient tradition. The Wood Dwarves are named as such because of their unique skill of crafting and their close alliance with Gnomes.

Mountain Dwarves: Mountain Dwarves are the traditional Dwarves who have their beautiful ancestry to look upon. These mountainous beings prefer to mine deep into the mountain in search of creating great works. The Mountain Dwarves and Wood Dwarves have a largely symbiotic relationship, where the Wood Dwarves do most of the farming and the Mountain Dwarves do most of the mining. Sadly, the expansion of the Empire may cause the Wood Dwarves to fully turn away from their roots and the Mountain Dwarves to die out.

Duergar: The Duergar were once a Dwarven clan, known for a unique style of architecture and boundless creativity. They were considered to be noble warriors, artists, and knights - the ideal of a Duergar Gentleman still exists within the Dwarves of today. During a large war between the Dwarves and the so-called Blighted Lands (a massive desert that's known to connect the Underdark with the Known World), the Duergar decided to remain there. Adapting to the harsh environment of the Blighted Lands, the Duergar's culture changed drastically. Today, they're known to be tough and resilient - a respectable trait among all Dwarves.

@wreckitwricky426 - 12.11.2022 10:02

I always have dwarves be very soft spoken due to living underground and knowing that their voices carry and echoe down the tunnels.

@Greenknight3 - 25.11.2022 22:43

I agree with the drinking thing, In my world alcaholl is only used in rituals, becoas "a muddled mind breakes anvils".

@Jw87563 - 13.12.2022 20:31

Dwarves get a Wis bonus in one of the subraces, so that would work better than you'd expect.

@witchesbruise8792 - 23.02.2023 19:32

Regarding the end-cap on this one: I cannot get enough of Jim talking with Pruitt about OD&D and retro-clones.

@AnimeNPC. - 24.02.2023 14:40

I’m rewatching this for some inspiration for an upcoming character. Hill Dwarf Noble Wizard. Trained since birth in combat and the Arcane. Highly intelligent, Speaks multiple languages to be an anthesis of the dwarfs in my current campaign. I am super hyped he is going to be awesome.

@seymourfields3613 - 07.04.2023 20:08

My Dwarven Druid was sober. My new Dwarven Paladin is very.. Very.. Clean. After every fight and on every rest, the armor and Warhammer are polished. His beard is neatly braided with golden beard rings holding it in place.

@seymourfields3613 - 13.05.2023 00:52

I've got plans for a Dwarven Diviner. He'll be the one to tell them not to dig too deep😂

@mrrey3481 - 15.09.2023 05:18

This hilarious just how much of a "type" dwarves tend to be despite Moradin, their creator disliking their aspect of it. If anything, he wants his favorite creation to evolve and keep up with times and resist being "the type"

@justanothermaid - 13.11.2023 10:15


@Relmyna - 26.11.2023 06:36

My hill dwarf druid sounds like a hill billy

@Thurmanation2011s - 02.02.2024 14:58

Why do you get a "kick" out of making people "feeling uncomfortable." Is it becuase you are a lard ass that is in pain every time he moves?

@RexYoung206 - 19.05.2024 13:33

A notable exception to the Scottish Dwarves trope:
the classic Rankin-Bass "Hobbit" cartoon, us Gen X kids grew up on. 😀
Perhaps it pre-dates the trope...?

@kylemillyard3352 - 23.06.2024 23:45

Completely new to DND looking to be a mountain dwarf fighter. What is the max height a dwarf can be and what is the max weight of dwarf can be these are not Homebrew rules.

@leverettcrum7858 - 31.08.2024 22:13

My favorite dwarves are the Roman empire style that use flintlock pistols and rifles from behind their interlocking tower shields. Their Frontline fighters are very much like the Viking berserkers. To me, these two styles are the most terrifying style of armies to have marched out onto the battlefield

@donniejohnson7439 - 04.09.2024 03:10

Mr. Jim

Please forgive me I’ve watch this two times, but I have to do it while doing the house work, and for the life of me keep missing

Could you give me a timestamp to where you talk about dwarves as rogues

Thank you
