How to Write API Calls in Zapier | Webhooks by Zapier and API Requests

How to Write API Calls in Zapier | Webhooks by Zapier and API Requests

XRay Automation

1 год назад

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Nicola Kelly
Nicola Kelly - 14.09.2023 19:21

Thank you for this. So invaluable.

Shahrukh Asghar
Shahrukh Asghar - 14.09.2023 01:18

What is the first app you used in Slack integration part?

Scale Audio
Scale Audio - 23.08.2023 08:21

Hello! You seem to know your stuff! It would be a blessing if you were able to enlighten/educate me! The API I want to use only uses Oauth2 without a resource owner authentication option. Since I am new to dealing with Oauth authentication and API integrations I don't want to create a public facing address for the URI (I am ignorant so I don't know what kind of attack surface this comes with, what vulnerabilities I might create due to me not knowing what I'm doing, and I don't want to start paying for certificates and hosting for my personal project). Zapier is the perfect solution! They do offer the platform I want to integrate with albeit not exactly how I want.

My question is this. Will webhook work with Ouath authenticating APIs? if so, what fields should the client secret, client id, auth request URL, token end point, etc. be placed in. I would totally follow documentation but I can't find any for this. Based on what I've learned about the way the Oauth handshake actually takes place, I'm assuming I didn't find any documentation on it because it's not possible with webhooks. I'm definitely a beginner though so I know nothing!

Saibot - 10.08.2023 17:53

is frustrating me and I know its becuase I dont understand it yet.. I have a Zap to create a folder, another to shorten the URL. I would like to have that shotened URL be added schedule in humanity. very new @ this sorry

J Cordero
J Cordero - 06.08.2023 21:18

Thanks for the video. One of my API objects is an array. like "Addresses: [street]". how do I populate that on zapier data field? have tried a few combinations but nothing seems to work.

Sim Amr
Sim Amr - 22.07.2023 06:42

This guy isnt a lier listen to him.

Dadson Dennis II
Dadson Dennis II - 22.05.2023 21:17

can I make a chatbot with zapier but use webhook to answer my clients questions?

Tyler Murray
Tyler Murray - 22.05.2023 04:19

What does the current Zapier/Slack standard options lack that you would need to use a Webook w/ an API to do?
