Comprehensive Chinese Course on “Meet China”

Comprehensive Chinese Course on “Meet China”


1 месяц назад

6,601 Просмотров

Quickly learn commonly-used Chinese for coming to China
What is included:
Eight practical topics.
Master 532 words and 15 sentences in 32 classes
8 preview lessons to help you master the pronunciation and definition of new words
8 one-on-one live classes to help you practice effectively
8 practice lessons to help you review the knowledge
8 intensive classes to help you conclude and offer extra test and knowledge

What will you learn:
Present your name, nationality, age, job, and family in fluent Chinese, leaving a perfect first impression.
Visa Application Procedures:
Clearly express the purpose and plan of your trip to China, easily handling the visa officer's questions.
Effortlessly complete passport verification, seat selection, baggage check-in, and inquire about the boarding gate at the airport, ensuring a seamless flight experience.
Customs Security Check:
Understand customs officers' questions and instructions, confidently explain the reason for coming to China, your destination, and your travel companions in Chinese.
Describe your travel destination and mode of transportation in Chinese, plan your route, and communicate smoothly with taxi drivers.
Checking into a Hotel:
Confirm your reservation details, describe your room requirements, inquire about services like laundry, and confirm your room number and check-out time in Chinese when checking into a hotel.
Having a meal:
Order food fluently in Chinese, understand restaurant recommendations, accurately express your choices and requirements, and inquire about meal prices.
Shopping at a Supermarket:
Ask about product prices and locations, describe quantities in Chinese, and learn Chinese numbers for a seamless shopping experience.
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