Choosing the Right Runes to Use

Choosing the Right Runes to Use

Norse Magic and Beliefs

1 год назад

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K. Ol
K. Ol - 14.11.2023 07:50

qwru sjzv

BRO.D WAY - 14.11.2023 02:30

thats wheD Du talle das older futhar< ist garuD de F1PMnXTOn
тот язык что вы зовете футарком является истинный АЛЬВенГТон

Lori Fiedler
Lori Fiedler - 29.10.2023 23:30

I took the elder runes that "corresponded" with the letters of my name and created a bind rune. It looks like an up arrow (tiwaz) is super imposed on an X (gebo). Meaning gift of war/Tyr. Kind of cool.

Familia Ruiz
Familia Ruiz - 29.10.2023 05:48

Hi I dont know much about the futhark language im new to it but I love runes n I was thinking of a tattoo on my hand the only problem is I cant seems to find numbers on anglo or younger futhark. Wich bring me to my question. Are there actual numbers on anglo n younger futhark? Thanks in advance 🙏

Kij Beeler
Kij Beeler - 26.10.2023 03:29

So I speak english and to write I should use anglo-frisian correct?

Ras Sjamaan
Ras Sjamaan - 23.10.2023 19:12

Question, if we know more about the meaning of the younger and Anglo Saxon futhark runes than the elder futhark runes, is it then safe to say that the runes corresponding between the elder, the younger and Anglo Saxon futhark runes are the runes we know about in the elder futhark. Since a lot of the runes between the elder, younger and Anglo Saxon are similar, so if the meaning of the runes that correspond is clear in the younger and Anglo Saxon then is that meaning the same for similar symbols in the elder futhark?

On Anglo Saxon and the Dutch and using it for art.
A must listen is:
Sowulo a Dutch band with a sound similar to Wardruna and all lyrics are in Anglo Saxon.

nukhet yavuz
nukhet yavuz - 22.10.2023 23:32

these sound like turkish names...weird...we have names like algi,kenan,uruz,berkan,atilla,dag...must make a research on this,since we also used a runic writing system...

Calminquisitive - 17.10.2023 23:02

This Thursday I'm about to get a tattoo using old Futhank. And I was holding my breath when you said " we just don't know what they mean." I've never been more relieved in my life when you said, "oh it's fine if you use it as an alphabet to write something out, just don't use one as symbolism."

Blockhaj - 12.10.2023 04:26

dafuq does the shirt say? klira/glira?

j4d3 goat
j4d3 goat - 06.10.2023 09:45

All of the three futharks are very cool-looking alphabets!
The letters just seem to be so distinct and different from each other and yet the overall pattern is very elegant!
It's that very strong sense of elegance that I like about them!

Elizabeth369 - 01.10.2023 08:51

Tusen Takk du er fantastik!!!! i hope i spelled it right !!! lol

James Southerland
James Southerland - 27.09.2023 00:57

What runic language would have been used at the time during the earldom of Orkney and northern Scotland ( specifically SUDRLAND) . I’m very curious now after have watched your video on the subject.

El alexandro
El alexandro - 25.09.2023 22:04

Do you have an example of Anglo Saxon rune poems? Because i cant find any (i mean...yes. but they are either Pinterest or Facebook posts...and i dont trust em)

wuzzy - 24.09.2023 22:43

i m romanian and i didn t know about the elder futhark being use here thanks for the information

ImpulzeConnection1 - 22.09.2023 01:17

Im frisian, this is what brought me here.. Doing research

Gp Jennett
Gp Jennett - 15.09.2023 23:51

FUThORC — Wrong right off the bat.

Atilla Kutlu
Atilla Kutlu - 15.09.2023 22:07

I think the Runik alphabet is the Orhun alphabet of the Turks. Exactly the same. Not really a coincidence because Odin is a Turk. He came from Tyrkland (Turkland). That family mingled with the Scandinavians.

The Troy Turks from Anatolia, that send 1 family to Italy were called the Etruscans. The Etruscan Turks brought the letter alphabet after the symbolic Egyptian hieroglyphes. The exact previous lookalike from the Orhun alphabet. These Etruscans build Rome. And that sea they have named Tyrhennia, y=u, thus Turhannia. TURAN means unity of all Turks.

And the Turks were writing from right to left always. Like the cuneiform of the Sumerian Turks. Egyptian hieroglyphes that are written in Sumerian Turkic. Even the Sanskrit before is Turkic. Created with the Indians.

And the Turks always used 1 or 2 dots to seperate words in sentences.

Guard Dog
Guard Dog - 09.09.2023 07:39

You can basically write in almost any language with the elder futhark or the anglo-frisian futhorc.
The younger futhark is more limiting because of all the missing runes/sounds.
Still, you will certainly have a helluva hard time writing the word "buzz" with the anglo-frisian futhorc.
...'cause it doesn't have a "z" despite the extra runes. ( The Z rune in the elder becomes the "X" in the anglo-frisian. )

I guess there's just not too many bees buzzing around in northern Germany. 😐

Kevin Lorne
Kevin Lorne - 08.09.2023 17:37

Concerning wether a person used this rune or that...i dont give a futhark. But the wrong rune could be a path to ruin. Hehe.

beargreen - 04.09.2023 11:03

Turns out there's also Medieval Runes that comes from Younger Futhark.

Richie Torres
Richie Torres - 02.09.2023 05:44

1st words after he showed his face “oh shit it’s Tyr” 🤣

JÄEGER Laura - 28.08.2023 20:17

New sub very interesting vid

Kane - 15.08.2023 02:14

I learned about them in prison

daniel trussell
daniel trussell - 09.08.2023 16:45

If you are of irish/ norman descent what rune set would you recommend?

Andrew MG
Andrew MG - 08.08.2023 19:04

I just found your channel. Immediately subscribed.

What's your opinion of using runes and their capabilities if your ancestors were not nordic? More specifically if you are from another ethnicity. Not to put you in the spot, I believe that if you think that a culture should remain within the boundaries of their own blood related people, that's a valid opinion.

I am Hispanic, I do not consider myself a weird modern viking nor I feel that I had ancenstry over there either. I am pretty much proud of where I come from but nordic paganism and magic is something that always has captured my attention and liking. Sometimes I feel like a pretender because I am not blood related, so I try to approach things always with respect for the implicit history.

Andrew Lerdard-Dickson
Andrew Lerdard-Dickson - 05.08.2023 18:38

The Norse Chicken Scratch"es !

Felix Liljegren
Felix Liljegren - 04.08.2023 05:19

I have noticed something with the gothic language and that is that it has ecual amount of letters as the runic scripture, I have been fascinated and making gothic letters a little more interesting and its weird but the printed version vs the writing version is different so its difficult to know exactly how to write it "perfectl". If you have seen a sort of hidden knowledge within the appearance of runic scripture then Is image you might write some gothic words in runic scripture and I find it interestin. Gothic wanted to separate perhaps from runic scripture and be the first germanis in the area to use their own language or their tribe is now differen, dont you thin?

Lee Jones
Lee Jones - 27.07.2023 16:16

Got my sub!, this was really handy to know. I'm in the process for designing my tattoo, trying to use the correct text & Runes is on the list.
Would the book you linked in the description help with translating what I want it to say? or do you have any helpful sources you would recommend ? Sticking with what you said,
for Text - Eldar Futhark and for Runes:Young/Anglo Saxon Futhark.
Sounds really cringe, don't judge me (haha) But I love that sleeve Baldur has in GOW 4, just want to use my own text and add my own meaning.

Paulo Nunes
Paulo Nunes - 25.07.2023 23:29

Hi,someone knows how to translate young futhark,i want make a tatto with se runes. Help me

mattaduH - 24.07.2023 02:53


Robert Stoica Mihai
Robert Stoica Mihai - 03.07.2023 20:53

hellooo, I want to get a tattoo with some of the runes. but I want to 2 initials of a name. How do I find the letter A in the runic alphabet ? thanks a lot! by the way sorry for my bad english :)))

Lord-Admiral Thor
Lord-Admiral Thor - 03.07.2023 19:16

The difference... you knew what the village/tribe needed. If the blacksmith did not have apprentice, then they forced a couple of teens on him so they'd still have a blacksmith if the old one somewho wound up dead. Such it was for every trade, with enough being absorbed by osmosis.

Dean Brough
Dean Brough - 01.07.2023 01:44

Can someone help me please, im having a tattoo and want it to say "Victoria Forever". Should it be ᚹᛁᛣᛏᚩᚱᛁᚪ ᚠᚩᚱᛖᚹᛖᚱ or ᚡᛁᚲᛏᛟᚱᛁᚨ ᚠᛟᚱᛖᚡᛖᚱ. Many thanks in advance

Anna.Bortion - 30.06.2023 14:03

I just wanna write in it for fun

jarlfenrir - 28.06.2023 17:26

I created my own version based on elder futhark for my own purpose. I call it "Polish futhark". And now noone can say I'm using it wrong, because I decide how it works :P

Chris - 17.06.2023 16:19

Anybody seen Dalecarlian Runes (Dalrunes) 16th century to early 20th from Dalarna Sweden kind of interesting

Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Skwisgaar Skwigelf - 15.06.2023 19:38

I wish you were making these videos when i was younger, the information that was available at the time was that the runes have their own individual meanings/properties... So I looked through the meanings of each rune, picked the meanings I connected with the most and got them tattooed.

Now the common opinion is that they were simply an alphabet, now I'm looking into some cover-up ideas inspired by the religion. The tattoos are in Elder Futhark too so the sharp lines will probably still show through.

goosewitdajuice - 13.06.2023 18:45

I've learned more about my culture from this channel than I ever did from school

Cloud Twirl
Cloud Twirl - 06.06.2023 09:52

So far i have been able to trace back part of my line to those who settled in County Cork, Ireland. From my understanding County Cork was founded by Viking Traders around 900s so I would assume they would of have used Young Futhark?

3rd Eye Awakening
3rd Eye Awakening - 25.05.2023 02:11


Statisticool - 24.05.2023 01:53

my opinion is older runes have deeper magic because it is closer to the source, so I would choose elder futhark if I had to choose that is

Scott Anderson
Scott Anderson - 12.05.2023 11:33

if I want to say something without being banned i will use rune because it can't be translated.

Aisha Lotter
Aisha Lotter - 05.05.2023 17:23

Coelbren y beirdd the runes of Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Kim Toogood-Hughes
Kim Toogood-Hughes - 04.05.2023 20:39

Tacitus wrote in his annal 'Germania' in 98CE (AD) "They practise divination by lot, as readily as any people does: using a single method. A twig is cut from a nut-bearing tree, and split into slips: these are each uniquely marked, and then scattered randomly on a white sheet: next an official priest, on behalf of the people, or a patriarch in person, on behalf of his family, gazing at the sky and praying to the gods, selects three slips, one at a time, and interprets his choice according to the distinguishing marks they reveal: if the reading is negative, no further enquiry is made that day; if the reading is auspicious further confirmation by divination is sought." So there is historical reference that can be interpreted as 'runecasting'

j - 04.05.2023 19:16

I’m English so I wanted to learn a different alphabet

Arne S.
Arne S. - 02.05.2023 17:00

As a german myself, i wondered if there was anything resembling the Viking age futhark, for the older germanic tribes.

And now you said that the elder futhark is the one used by old germanic/proto german tribes. Now i will further look into that topic.
( i live in Cherusk area around the Teutoburger Forest and i believe that my ancestry will reach down to that time)

phil mcdonald
phil mcdonald - 28.04.2023 20:08

i lost myself in your eyes 🌹
