I Feel So Lonely!

I Feel So Lonely!

The School of Life

2 года назад

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@hozic9929 - 28.11.2023 03:54

I feel like even partying and stuff just helps for a bit and right after i don't feel any happines and i just feel shame and unloved

@ladyofhollows9841 - 21.11.2023 17:02

Yeah, this is the reason I choose loneliness, however painful. Because the alternative is simply untenable--I can no longer “subsist as a present but rather abbreviated paragraph” in anyone's mind. I lived 30-odd years pretending to be a man when I'm actually a non-binary person. And even longer bottling up my past trauma pretending to be agreeable. I wish I'd realised sooner in life that nobody's acceptance nor company is worth ignoring your own identity and needs.

@owengreene382 - 30.10.2023 08:46

I'm now in my sixties, and in my sometimes turbulent and exciting life I had many lovers and embarrassed situations best forgotten. And in all those long years, l have never found true love. I got married once, to kind loving Lorna. Very preety and desirable but lacking in the intellectual side of what's happening outside of her bobble. After 2 years we ended up strangers to agreed to divorce. I continued with my life, and worked in different fields, and reflecting the road I travelled, can honestly say, you will never find a partner how meets all your expectations. B because there not another version of yourself.

@megan5873 - 18.10.2023 19:18

At least my dog loves me 🥲

@liyanageliyanage8630 - 26.09.2023 20:17

Im so sad💔This feeling kills me everyday

@chainsaw_2622 - 30.08.2023 10:38

I'm so desperate i would rather be in a toxic relationship than being alone.

@cyberghost_01 - 22.08.2023 00:16

I feel tremdously lonely. I Need someone Who loves me

@lindseymichelle6302 - 01.08.2023 19:33

Feeling so lonely no one to talk to Feeling all alone

@fumikato - 11.07.2023 08:59

i was lonely, now im a lonely philosopher

@sc4notweirdo - 27.06.2023 13:02

I wish I had someone to truly care about me. I'm surrounded by people I consider friends yet I know deep down that that 'friend' is only a title for us

@CoconutwCoco - 22.06.2023 19:14

This video answered what is love and how to love

@she_wizzdom4410 - 13.05.2023 20:07

I lost a friend recently ,a friend very dear to me. I cannot explain why but I always knew that they were going to go away one day. I feel their loss everyday , wave after wave of pain as I cross familiar path which I had once tread with them , the endless inside jokes , the conversations ...the laughter. It was wonderful while it lasted , I miss you very much my friend. I miss all of you , all my friends whom I lost because of my own follies.

@saravafaei7708 - 10.05.2023 23:16

Well, i have no friends. I can’t talk to my family cause they don’t understand. I have no partner. I feel lonelier each day that passes. I feel lonely in crowds and while alone. I’ve been searching for a cure but still no result.. :-))

@shadowx8405 - 10.04.2023 19:23

Thank you, Capt. Obvious. You taught us something that, thanks to common sense, everyone already knew.

Ways to find one's way out of loneliness? Nope.
Way to deal with loneliness, that, quite possibly, will be with one, the rest of one's life? Nah, who needs that kind of helpful information.

Loneliness sucks. Finding someone who accepts you, for you, and loves you, makes everything better.

NO S****??!! Really? WOW! THANK YOU for such an insightful observation. I never would have figured out that, finding someone who loves me, would put an end to the perpetual nightmare of loneliness that is my existence.

Really? If someone loves me, for me, that will make me feel better?


YOU should make a video about how being extremely overweight is bad for your overall health, and how eating less, eating healthy, and exercising will reduce your weight, and improve your quality of life and longevity.

I know. I know. It sounds crazy, but it's true! I'm sure no one knows about that either, and needs someone to inform them.

@Hey_its_Koda - 03.04.2023 03:29

But i dont want love or relationship. Loneliness just scares me as i grow older.

@husseinhameed427 - 31.03.2023 15:24

Oh come on! There is no such opposite to loneliness
There is only loneliness with deferent flavours.

@nursyarfanabilah47 - 17.01.2023 21:26

Fantastic video, thank you for putting this out for people to watch! I would like to ask about what sort of animation or film is this called? I find it captivating and would love to learn more about it. Please excuse my lack of knowledge (and for straying out of topic), I am not much informed in graphic designs, animations or filmmaking. Thank you in advance! 😄

@deborahbaker1254 - 08.01.2023 04:02

Would find this easier to take in and relate to, if Alain toned down his overly high brow language.

@19Ginger90 - 18.11.2022 23:12

we can get this from friends & familiy too. we dont need to focus on a relationship.

@lex6819 - 13.11.2022 09:41


@Earthtime3978 - 12.11.2022 16:39

All true.

@ArtificialIntelligence911 - 27.10.2022 16:57

1 true friend is enough for me but it's hard to find

@limeglasses - 08.10.2022 13:32

I decided to be that loving being that will accept me in all my flaws and it's done me wonders.

@lottesmith9406 - 08.10.2022 11:46

this made me feel worse

@user-hz7sx7ds8c - 02.10.2022 22:35

I only feel lonely around people, never felt lonely when i'm alone.

@Hmy87 - 19.09.2022 01:11

Loneliness eats your heart alive ..

@amandam480 - 01.09.2022 12:34

The video should have talked about finding your tribe and/or community of people who will support you. Doing work on yourself to heal yourself including maybe seeing a therapist and/or finding a support group.

Then maybe finding a partner if that what you want.

@rociolucialopez2982 - 18.08.2022 08:48

This video makes me feel bad for being single for so many years

@amlib7723 - 17.08.2022 12:04

Im so lonely

@agostinoiacone9945 - 01.08.2022 23:35

I just really love her

@dannnyjos - 24.07.2022 05:06

What a useless video.

@xamurai00 - 19.07.2022 15:04

I pray to God not that I gain fortune, riches , fame.. But a purpose. Any purpose.. To look forward to going to bed at night only so I can begin the next day instead of hating been awake and hating myself and feeling guilty I feel that way when so many others would love to be in my position. I am a walking wasted opportunity.

@Girlinterrupted955 - 06.07.2022 23:14


@aditishrivastava6290 - 30.06.2022 19:48

Look whose here again.

@MrFartingDude - 23.06.2022 17:30

Jesus, I felt like topping myself after watching this 🤦‍♂️

@swapnadipghosh2503 - 07.05.2022 16:54

Want to be friends :) ?

@109eashisingh5 - 06.05.2022 17:43

This is an absolute perfect definition of love but sadly enough it seems impossible to find

@Ragheed_Lasoo - 01.05.2022 10:39

I have no one

@sonicgalaxy27 - 29.03.2022 04:57

I been suffering for loneliness and depression since summer of 2019 and I really don't know what to do with myself currently. I do have friends and family's like most people out there do, but something special is really missing for me and I really don't know what it is for me. That last special puzzle piece is really missing for me out their and its important. Trying to figure out what it means.

it feels like something is truly missing for me that I have not yet experience. I really haven't found that special something for me yet out there and Its really hard to find that special piece for me. Its really hard to find that last puzzle piece. I been thinking about that too much. It feels like I'm about to lose to my depression and my loneliness who can't find that last piece to the puzzle. I wasn't feeling like myself for a few months now. It feels like I'm being defeated who can't win. I'm worthless. It feels like I'm being taken for granted. Even online as well.😞

@mariemarie528 - 25.03.2022 20:33

This is one of the worst place to be in life. Being lonely. Not the type of loneliness where you live on a deserted island with no one to talk to. But that one where you are surrounded by people and none of them are able to connect with you . You feel misunderstood , out of place , alienated. Nobody to call you, nobody to visit you, not even one person to feel sorry for you. They walk around you like you are invisible. They dont see your pain they don't see your heart. They only see your faulty behaviour. They see the wild horse jumping around. They dont see the thorn in its leg.

@apenjoy4933 - 25.02.2022 10:24

What is this. This just makes me feel lonelier 🤷🏻‍♀️

@user-mq9lx9im3x - 22.02.2022 03:01

i litrally have no social life outside my family and im 16 years old

@iv1908 - 18.02.2022 20:23

When I read the thumbnail, I instantly heard Janet Jackson's song in my head 🎶💃🏾😅

@suzythomas7648 - 03.02.2022 05:21

I kept waiting for the video to say to be what this other is for yourself but it never happened! Needing others to help not be lonely I agree with, needing someone as 'lover' is a concerning message to me.

@TheNemocharlie - 02.02.2022 17:45

On the subject of loneliness in general, Professor Robin Dunbar, a world leading social anthropologist, says in his latest book, Friends, that it a statistical fact that we can eat or drink pretty much anything we want, fail to take exercise, slob out on the sofa etc. as long as we have half a dozen close friends. They are an order of magnitude more important than all of the other things combined when it comes down to our longevity.

@annabizaro-doo-dah - 22.01.2022 11:55

Lover? 🤣😭Ha! It's no Family....that's true loneliness. Having literally no one means no family. No one.

@itsme924 - 12.01.2022 07:44

I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of everything but most of all I’m tired of trying to reach out and receiving help to only hear another speech about not killing myself. To me it says you’re not listening

@joelmckaig8923 - 08.01.2022 17:09

I can live with or without any female
