Hoya australis Houseplant Care — 142 of 365

Hoya australis Houseplant Care — 142 of 365

Summer Rayne Oakes

4 года назад

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Trixie2 - 26.09.2022 04:07

Mine are in full south sun and they love it. 🎉😊😊😊

Sandy Heredia
Sandy Heredia - 06.04.2022 02:24

I just received mine today. It’s the first Hoya I got. So I’m hoping it will thrive.

nadia conti
nadia conti - 24.03.2022 20:03

Italiano il commento

Uno - 27.10.2021 03:12

I have mine in bright indirect light and she loves it..

Mike Kufner
Mike Kufner - 12.10.2021 11:51

I just got one about 3 months ago. It is a decent size cutting from a neighbor with about 20 leaves when I first got it. I actually thought it was a weed lol. I have since grown to appreciate its beauty. It grows fast like a weed and has almost doubled in size!! I have to say I can see changes everyday and it keeps trying to stick to my window. I live in ohio so that will not be good in winter. It is in my west facing window with a metal awning over it so it gets some evening direct sun. It loves it there I have to say. I am going to get a trellis so it has something to grab onto that is not my window. I am a bit afraid to water it but I think the new growth gets a bit delicate and flimsy when it needs water. At least I hope so. I thought it likes to dry out completely but like I said when it is almost dry the new growth starts to feel a bit delicate and bendy? At least I am hoping that is the case and I am not overwatering!

Jaana Fogt
Jaana Fogt - 07.08.2021 03:43

Southern CA resident here growing one south facing by our lightly covered patio. Doing superb at the moment, have had it several months now. Curious about the possibility of it blooming?

DruishKrys - 29.05.2021 17:43

I have a hoya australis, and it has tendrils on the top making me think it would be good on a trellis. What are your thoughts?

SteffG1993 - 26.01.2021 04:29

I live in Cairns, Australia and my hoya A gets great morning sun. Its so happy and grows like a mad thing! Plus it tendrils move around all the time😍😍

s - 01.01.2021 00:21

I live in Canada and recently got my Hoya Australis. It's growing amazing under my grow light and natural sun (it's get really cloudy here somedays so I use my grow light), but I'm wondering why the two leaves on a node, only one is getting bigger and the other isn't? Is this a normal Hoya thing? What can I do to stop this?

Kimberly Meier
Kimberly Meier - 18.09.2020 17:43

PLEASE HELP. I got my new Hoya about two weeks ago. Nursery said it was thriving. I bring home and the new leaves are not looking as good. Some new leaves fell off to the slightest touch. I have it hanging from a north east window.

Michele Nerino
Michele Nerino - 27.09.2019 14:50

My Hoya Australia just started to bloom for the first time. The flowers are white on white with a floral, not chocolate or cinnamon, scent. I was told it was a hoya Australia cummingiana. Would that be correct? I have it growing in an East facing window within a foot from the window. Lots of humidity.

Paul Skelley
Paul Skelley - 27.09.2019 00:36

Could you plant different hoyas in the same pot if the hoyas have similar care needs?

Haxan 666
Haxan 666 - 23.09.2019 20:25

Bought my australis cheap from my favourite garden centre (it was in the bargain section). It was in a very dry mix which I changed when I got home, giving it a moist but not wet substrate. Didn't like this at all and two leaves yellowed and were lost. I now have it in an open orchid pot, with a lot of bark in a west facing window. Water sparingly. No new growth as yet but at least it isn't losing any leaves. Treating it much more like a succulent.

Sarah Grigsby
Sarah Grigsby - 23.09.2019 07:43

Mine was in a east window, no new growth. Betsy begonia suggested more light. I moved her to a west window now she has given out so much growth!😊

Iqbal Suryana
Iqbal Suryana - 20.09.2019 14:38

I think my H. australis is same as yours. The nurseryman said that it loves full sun, it's okay to be outdoor. But I just place it indoor.

my fairy terrace garden
my fairy terrace garden - 20.09.2019 11:13

Nice video 😃 thanks

Adan Kk
Adan Kk - 20.09.2019 11:01

I love Hoya .. I m from Pakistan and I want to buy... How can I get...this

Mário Vicente
Mário Vicente - 20.09.2019 08:22

You are starting to drop the “tremendous amount”!!! I will miss it!

April Dubois
April Dubois - 20.09.2019 06:57

Thank you for making these videos! ❤️

Hariz H
Hariz H - 20.09.2019 06:25

Hoya Australis

Mature with approx 35 leaves
6 inch (Nursery pot)
Mainly peat with bark soil mix
A lil vermicompost every 4 months

70% humidity
1 full + 1 half watering weekly

Morning Sun (8.30am to 11.30am)
~1100FC indirect in the afternoon

I have 3 Hoyas (Carnosa, Obovata and Australis) coiling around an East facing window and they are thriving.

Australis really sucks up a lot of water as their succulent leaves are massive. But then again, mine is in a smaller pot for its size.

Got Plants?
Got Plants? - 20.09.2019 05:34

Got one of these cuttings. Can’t wait to see how to make it happy. Thanks for the tips. 😁💚🌱

tinkerhelll - 20.09.2019 05:33

My australis is not as beefy as that, but was noooot happy getting the same light as my other green hoyas. I pulled it back from my west window by a few feet, but it still seems to be one of the thirstier ones in my collection. It's still putting out lots of growth, just without looking sunburned.

charles marriage
charles marriage - 20.09.2019 02:25

I have one in a north facing window, the light also coming in from a gently sloping roof. Like a greenhouse. It has been very slow to break into growth until this year when temperatures have been higher, and it looks fit to grow at last. I would say it needs higher temperatures than Hoya carnosa. How high, I don't know. Hoya bella seems ok high up in the roof with lots of light, and seems ok for more continuous flowering. My Hoya carnosa also high in the roof will have had three flushes of flowers this year. This conservatory is attached to a north wall so doesn't have too much midday sun.

I'll increase the heat this winter otherwise temperatures will drop to 4 to 5 centigrade in some winter mornings.

I'm also growing Eucodonia a lovely plant (gesneriad), some orchids, and ginger. This is raised from ginger rhizomes bought from the supermarket. Lovely huge bright green leaves, and the plant helps the microclimate with its voracious appetite for water.

Jade - 20.09.2019 01:46

Where I live in South East Queensland they’re a native plant, I have them naturally trailing up trees on my property. I also bought one from my local landcare for inside the house, and I just put it in a pot with dirt from outside, but it hasn’t grown, even with feeding it worm wee. I think I will change it into a pot with a potting mix like yours. Thanks for the video.

Plants and Piggies
Plants and Piggies - 20.09.2019 00:42

Thanks Summer! This is my favourite hoya because I'm from Sydney, Australia. Here, we can leave it outside all year and grow it in full sun.

Paz Roman
Paz Roman - 20.09.2019 00:38

As an Australian I love my Hoya australis i have mine in almost full sun and it is thriving. I'd love to see a video on Tassel ferns if you have any Summer 😊

Riya - 20.09.2019 00:25

yay! finally a plant that i have . I tried putting them outside where it got direct light in the morning and the underside of the leaves started getting a dark shade. i thought the leaves had burnt and brought them inside, but now i can say for sure they were not burnt as they are nice and plump and doing well!

Nissa Niccha
Nissa Niccha - 19.09.2019 23:46

I have one 😆! Yeay..

Holly Z
Holly Z - 19.09.2019 23:35

Mine thrives two feet back from a southern window with a sheer curtain over it. It’s thirstier than my other hoyas and grows quickly.

Holly Hasegawa
Holly Hasegawa - 19.09.2019 23:12

I don't have this Hoya yet, it is also on my wish list. Great growing tips and care if I do manage to grab one. Thanks again Summer, see you tomorrow.

Kathy MAcomber
Kathy MAcomber - 19.09.2019 22:16

Love it

Paola Energya
Paola Energya - 19.09.2019 21:59

Yay! Just got a Hoya australis cutting too! Thank you for the care tips!

Ava F
Ava F - 19.09.2019 21:29

I have several Hoya however I do not have the Australis. I have a few Hoya growing in my northeast facing window (2 Carnosa and 1 Compacta) and others are in my east facing window (propagations). They are slow growers for sure. Love them. Getting a Pubilcalyx Splash in the mail today.

Jeanne Eguizabal
Jeanne Eguizabal - 19.09.2019 21:22


Pera Knežević
Pera Knežević - 19.09.2019 21:13

This one grows faster than pothos for me. I bought it at Ikea, about a year and a half ago, and it's about 3x the size now. I moved it around quite a bit, from the north-facing window to a shade on the south-facing balcony to filtered south-facing window. It doesn't seem to mind drier air. The only issue I have so far is that the blooms are not opening. The first one appeared almost 3 months ago and it's still producing new ones. They are all still there (like 10 of them) but none of them are opening...

Marion Martinez
Marion Martinez - 19.09.2019 21:12

I love Hoyas thank ...🌞🌞😘😘

王家晧 - 19.09.2019 21:10


Heart Shaped Leaves
Heart Shaped Leaves - 19.09.2019 21:00

