Arcolinux Review

Arcolinux Review


11 месяцев назад

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@MrRyuken555 - 15.11.2023 10:31

I was distro hopping for ages. then I found ArcoLinux. Agreed the website is confusing. But once you find the right ISO you want Arco is great. It just works. I have also installed Arch "the Arch way" and got everything working, but it was time consuming. Arco bypasses all of this and saves time. There is also an Arco discord which is very helpful and friendly community and as you mentioned Eric's large catalogue of videos.

@RetosSpace - 27.09.2023 20:56

Thanks for the review, im new to Linux and been on ArcoLinux since the start of my linux journey now at 2yrs and loving Arco and the learning journey, Arco just works for me!

@shelley057 - 13.09.2023 23:11

cheers for the review thats why we us at Arcolinux keeps the ball always rolling ...enjoy our systems peeps....btw the keybinding is the same throughout all de/twms so it makes sense with us to use same throughout....alais is there to make life simple some commands is just to long

@ronaldopacheco7555 - 22.08.2023 02:36

Positive and negative, huh. You're a bit, aren't you?

@wyfyj - 18.08.2023 08:12

I really liked my short time with ArcoLinux. I tried out Arco and EndeavourOS at the same time. Both got the job done. They each had their own purpose. They would be my go to if I want to run an Arch based system, while still using systemd. Artix would be the other one.

I was using those OS's when not trying to hop from PopOS, but to learn another one while still having a stable system. I have moved on to Gentoo as my main. But just will never get rid of Pop. It is the distro that kept me from going back to Windows. Tried for years and years. But Pop kept me hooked. Plus I am not a child anymore, and Linux has come a long way.

@badwolfplays9751 - 29.07.2023 22:49

Arco was never my thing. Not saying it was bad, but it had a way of getting in my way. If that makes sense. Garuda was my Arch distro of choice for a long while, but I've moved on from it as it no longer works right for my usage. I've explained before about reasons why this had been becoming the case for me. I'm now just running a vanilla Arch with my own customizations and tweaks. I just made everything how Garuda did in the past before moving away from what I considered the best. Great video as always.
