Authentic Schnapps store in Austria

Authentic Schnapps store in Austria

Austrian Adventures

2 года назад

704 Просмотров

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@sylviaweber4144 - 23.04.2022 06:08

The Schnapps looks good as does the Chinese food! Thanks for sharing. Servus from Cincinnati Ohio.

@thomasnicholas62 - 11.07.2022 04:35

Love you guys

@holger_p - 08.10.2023 12:47

Did you notice, the term Schnapps did hardly appear anywhere, except for the most simple cheapest unspecific thing in the biggest bottle.
It's just an old fashioned term for liquor or a shot, but not really in use any more. If you order one, it's like you say "I don't care what I drink".
