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@FreeBlezzingz - 09.12.2023 23:24

What was these blue boxes😂😂😂😂

@Spicyc_m - 01.11.2023 10:34

I wonder how long its going to take for people to realize that if they keep comparing this game to dead space or RE, this game will never be better than them. That being said on its own and not going up against games with a bigger story line, this game is pretty good for what it is we could have gotten something way worse.

@TG-Maverick22 - 23.10.2023 15:03

Thank you for these great tips! They were very helpful in my gameplay. 5/5

@OoO-rf2gt - 10.10.2023 01:50

Second I heard the voice I knew not a single gamer works here 😂

Fuck this game is terrible lmao.

@Owenisapro363 - 09.10.2023 09:05

My only problem with this game is the exploration I want to explore as much as possible but sometimes I don’t know ok say there’s two paths I but I don’t know what path is what bc I want to go down the path to explore but I don’t want to accidentally go down the story path hopefully someone knows what I mean

@MrAdammassacre - 03.08.2023 17:33

The best tip i could offer when it comes to this game is to put it directly in the bin and play the WAY WAY superior Dead Space.

@leislsnedden751 - 31.07.2023 17:01

Im having trouble on the double head boss i have no ammo left ?

@low1tjeh - 22.07.2023 10:19

These tips aren't advanced at all lol

@rickyjoseph5860 - 04.06.2023 00:50

Im enjoying the game and Ive played the original dead space lol

@fataldragon69 - 20.05.2023 16:32

Cool set of tips, Nice One Cheers for the video but I thought I'd mention that you can find the Blueprint for the Skunk Gun pretty early in the game, so you can actually get the gun before you're able to find enough credits to buy it.

There's a section where you find a door that needs a Fuse but there's none around, progress through the prison and a little further-on you find a Fuse but most people by then have forgotten about that previous door and simply use it on the door that's in-front of them at the time BUT if you take that Fuse and go all the way back to that earlier said door and use it there.....In there you'll find the Skunk Gun Blueprint, Voila !!

There are quite a few other areas and doors that do the same as this (where you should remember them and go back to them for some loot etc.) So be sure to scout around each room thoroughly as you go and remember what you've seen / found.....It can be quite rewarding sometimes !!

Hope this Helps someone, Enjoy !!

@reptilla - 16.05.2023 10:36

Great video! I'm about halfway through and didn't even realise you can smash the glass on the cabinets with the items inside 😑🤣

@fataldragon69 - 14.05.2023 01:33

What you said about not knowing how much GRP you have unless you're looking through iron sights just isn't true.....

There's a GRP Meter on the back of Jacobs neck, it's the Blue Segmented Bar above your Health Bar !!

@kaoss9804 - 10.04.2023 03:44

The only thing I wish Jacob did in the game was wear his damn helmet man, it’s an infection

@gakkieNL - 03.04.2023 04:30

Some say the skunk gun it’s not worth it. So is it or is it not? Riot shotgun is better?

@dannyboydanny123 - 19.03.2023 10:39

Is it me! But I’m 30% through the game yet I’ve past 4-5 upgrading station and can’t upgrade as not enough money, plus my inventory is always full except for bullets and health, I’ve been through every knoll and cranny, smashed all the cabinets and stomped on everyone’s head, still only have 170 credits - what am I doing wrong?

@paulsb77 - 21.02.2023 18:50

I’ve actually really been enjoying this game, it’s intense and visually stunning, though I’m frustrated that I seem to of completely missed picking up anywhere near enough credits to by the skunk gun. That said the baton has done a solid job so far. Maybe this game might just hold my attention til the end.

@astartes7313 - 18.02.2023 03:58

how are these advanced tips? this is the worst video ive seen from this game

@vinsaurus - 23.01.2023 04:57

Guys, just listen to me; Skunk gun is a waste of credits, also GRB glove not worth upgrading. Useful only in a few sections. Upgrade your Riot Shotgun and your Baton. For the last boss have your Assault Rifle ready and upgraded.

@bcclutch3822 - 21.01.2023 11:04

This game is easy once you get the combat down..I thought my max security playthrough was way easier..i beat it on normal first and died a lot. I bulldozed max security hardly died at all. Also they did a update a few weeks back that made the game way easier. You can actually heal in a battle they made it way quicker. I beat it twice the week it came out. Started a 3rd playthrough on max after that update and it was so much easier I couldn't believe it. You can actually heal during a battle it's so much quicker and reload and switch guns faster too i think. I'm ready for dead space remake. Can't wait.

@shannontoth9945 - 19.01.2023 11:30

Playing my 3rd time!! I went back and played Dead Space after my first play then played CP again and it hit me how good this game really was for the games we have out now!! Just played Dead Space 2 again and lets just face that not very much can stand up to those 2 games anyway!! Just enjoy this great looking game for what it is!! Sure the stealth is a bit off but TBH if you kill one RIGHT next to another then it changes things!! But dang those stealth kills are brutally fun!! I can complain about the overuse of the mini boss for a few reasons but my hope is that what they learn from this game helps us get an even better follow up because the base game is really good!!

@stevenesbitt3528 - 10.01.2023 00:32

Currently enjoying it, a bit slow and clunky combat but it's very atmospheric

@tonyorob - 05.01.2023 09:32

I found that the arm-mounted grabbing tool works really well as a weapon while fighting the final boss. Throwing enemies into the boss deals good damage, thus conserves ammo.

@jacob9919 - 03.01.2023 13:39

My name is Jacob and when that whispering happens in solitary confinement I had chills. 😭

@tomicecold8681 - 02.01.2023 12:35

Two light swings then heavy, that will stagger the enemy then finish it off with the skunk gun or riot gun for quick removal of them on the sensis, also if you see one having tenceales shoot them first or swing for them.....trust me

@rikweeds2306 - 02.01.2023 02:14

The hate is way too much for the game I actually love it

@Tyreece190 - 31.12.2022 05:37

They been unlucky they in prison aren't they? That's where you drop the soap at

@professorJorge11 - 29.12.2022 07:36

Boy, it plays so well on PS5. ! Darn

@kineticconsular2689 - 27.12.2022 03:47

I missed the Skunk gun schematic, I feel ** * * * * robbed.

@sebastianviera9585 - 26.12.2022 19:03

Skunk gun on max dif is worth it? Or riot gun is better?

@Christo2k - 23.12.2022 02:42

My tip is don't underestimate the baton, outside of bossese every enemy in the game can be fought with it. Buy the arm break asap because it essentially means you can keep swinging and max out the damage to chunk enemeies.

@MaddSweetGT500 - 22.12.2022 07:54

Best tip, level up your baton ... Everything except the block tree. Then GRP Regen. What I do is I'll use GRP to bring them to me then I'll do the super heavy swing, that activates the teget, shoot as soon as the target comes up and you should blow off their leg, they then crawl and you can one shot them on the ground with your baton. It doesn't always blow the leg off but it happens enough.

@patrickdoss25 - 21.12.2022 22:12

Don’t bother stocking up on health, ammo, or battery packs early game. Use your healths/packs and use them often if needed and sell any extra. Same goes for ammo. Don’t be afraid to use it and if you have to much of one type sell it for extra credits to clear up inventory space/purchase upgrades.

@adrianchannelle8651 - 21.12.2022 18:10

What upgrades for the baton?

@1LElife - 19.12.2022 17:32

I didn't realize you could break open the small blue-lit boxes, I've walked past dozens of them ugh

@thesizzlingdazzle8868 - 18.12.2022 11:48

I just realized she said inventory wrong😅😂

@Riz2336 - 14.12.2022 07:52

I think a super helpful tip is pressing square to reload, it took me a minute to realize there's a reload button and saved me a lot of deaths after finding that out

@mr.ptolemy8947 - 13.12.2022 21:26

You can launch enemies at any point once you've GRP'ed them, not just once you've reeled them in. This takes some timing, but let's you immediately shove them into spikes or off a ledge, assuming they're available.

@solobi96 - 13.12.2022 04:01

Game is very solid. I'll play it again and again!

@serdonasorser-doughnuts8754 - 13.12.2022 02:34

This lady mentions the skunk gun in almost every single sentence it's hilarious. You're bound to think everything else sucks when you use one thing as a crutch the whole playthrough.

@dearolddad4319 - 12.12.2022 21:15

Loved the review… Wish I woulda watched them earlier, like before I left the prison. I missed getting the schematics for the skunk gun 😩😩😩

@cruzmadrid6611 - 12.12.2022 18:31

Fully plat the game and there's many advance tips and tricks I see few mention. Try using your GRP to pull enemies close to you and using a heavy attack which will push them into the spikes, saving you GRP energy from throwing them. Sell literally everything until you get to the first two headed brute boss fight. Went through the entire game on the hardest difficulty and the game will prioritize giving you ammo when you're in low supply. Plus by selling everything you'll be able to buy most of the upgrades for new weapons you collect. Last tip I'll provide here is to learn perfect dodging. Not learn how to dodge, how to perfect dodge. The game tells you nothing about the perfect dodge mechanic except for the trophy. Seen many videos talking about it but none know how to execute it consistently. During the enemies attack you have a small window to dodge one direction and immediately to the other before the attack lands. Think of it as bamboozling an opponent. A slow-mo ffect will occur letting you know you did it correctly. During the slow-mo effect, Jacob will move in real-time only if you strike with a light attack. That special light attack will often expose the tentacles (if you've reached that point in the story) which will allow for a one shot kill. Does not work on two headed boy btw. Hope this made sense and helped someone. Feel free to message me for more advanced tips or questions.

@lagarislokia - 10.12.2022 23:25

You can see if your grip is full in 3rd person by the light being solid as compared to flashing. It doesn’t show you how much, but if it’s solid, it’s full. A little hud tip.

@lambo2655 - 08.12.2022 12:41

Fully upgrade the Riot Shotgun you get in Chapter 5. It will make killing those Two-Head mini-bosses that first appear at the end of 6, easier using the alt-fire more damaging ammo. It will often one-shot regular enemies if you shoot them in the torso area.

@ThePhOeNiX86 - 08.12.2022 02:37

Everyone play on maximum not normal and this is not a git good hate statement I'm merely stating this is a horror game your not afraid it it's easy. Also for melee I recommend get the right tree of the baton to atleast level 2 for the armbreak ability and also get heavy attack it opens up your melee combat and while damage is always great the tk glove recharges faster means more uses even if not upgraded for more uses also the dot above health blinks if your out of tk. I beat it on maximum by the way and it was tense and palm sweating great.

@gamecop2191 - 08.12.2022 01:14

HOW THW FUCK DO I DODGE IR BLOCK THE POISON SPITTER . I’m about to break my fucking ps5 bro

@dc9163 - 06.12.2022 22:49

When you impale an enemy on a spike wall, you can hit the body with your shock stick and still get the loot they’d drop since you can’t stomp them.

@dharakcolossus981 - 06.12.2022 18:04

What she shouldve told you is to use your GRP as much as possible and upgrade it a lot.
Grip can be used to give you one-shots on spike-racks and in one-on-ones you can put the biophage into a near-unbreakable combo. The only thing they can do is block but the stun baton has an upgrade that lets you start or reset comboes after a block (their arm gets broken).
Using spikes, the GRP can turn a one-on-four into a one-on-two and one of them is already on their last legs.
Save ammo and use it to finish comboes when you get a lock-on, OR if the biophage is against a wall, this is how you extend your combo into the near-unbreakable one I mentioned.

@Moviemassacre-mc1hl - 06.12.2022 12:45

Just rode the platform. No grip no bullets baton only 😎

@t11ckygaming85 - 06.12.2022 11:23

Don't go to black iron prison

@JDarbs - 06.12.2022 00:02

Is the game really that bad? It looks so good to me
