Blizzard Dev tried Elden Ring

Blizzard Dev tried Elden Ring

Asmongold Clips

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@jccloud6728 - 20.01.2024 04:57

Blizzard is trash

@ETBrooD - 14.01.2024 14:48

Bad game devs criticize Souls games because they see something in them that they fear and hate: learning from failure.

@ETBrooD - 14.01.2024 14:40

Elden Ring may be a fantasy game, but it's a reality check. It teaches you valuable lessons, and one of those lessons is that you're actually bad at video games and you don't appreciate a good challenge that is both fun and rewarding. Elden Ring gives you the sensation of true success. It also teaches you that it's ok to fail. You can still have fun regardless. Explore the fantastic world of Elden Ring. Stop for a moment and appreciate your surroundings. You might learn something.

@uzzy2522 - 03.12.2023 22:39

Im starting to think people are clinging to their college degree too much after making it successful once ..
His points are sort of valid if you look at it from a college theory perspective.
If you'd make the elden ring in college you'd get an F or a 0 .

This is also why they say standing on the shoulders of giants.
Not of your teacher or your college degree.
Unless she's hot and she's begging for it ofcourse.

@hododod246 - 24.10.2023 02:41

Omg. He is asking to turn off the multiplayer in Elden Ring :D Yes you can do it. But there is a game which you cannot do it. IT IS CALLED DIABLO FUCKING 4

@Bender_B._Rodriguez - 06.10.2023 11:23

tutorial doesnt show you what you changed the controls to?

I can tell you on xbone it absolutly does.

@RadagonTheRed - 06.08.2023 16:21

They don’t understand how to play games unless it has 500 HUD aspects documenting quest progress, XP, mini-map, button mapping and objectives and when the game doesn’t hold your hand every single second. Oh and let’s not forget they aren’t comfortable when there isn’t a pay-to-win shortcut for everything.

@BigChiken44 - 04.08.2023 19:56

If these devs don't understand why Elden Ring sold 20 million units... are they sure they are in the right business?

@mkaterr - 19.07.2023 20:36

Tree sentinel goat 🤣

@SlainByTheWire - 15.07.2023 01:11

I got this game on the Steam sale.
I've never played a souls game before apart from a quick try out one time, I don't like linear games.
My impressions of Elden Ring, great game! I'm 30 hours in and I just beat the Magma Wrym Dragon, that part where it checks your level and skill before letting you into the second half of the map.
At the start I failed miserably at the Tree Sentinel, must have died 20-30 times. Moved on and levelled up elsewhere.
It's very obvious that the Tree Sentinel is an optional boss designed to give you a taster.
I love that I'm being challenged and not hand held, I'm sick to death of that.
Devs, for goodness sake, stop being so pathetic. Get good and stop whining.

@AtomicSashimi - 10.04.2023 03:54

I'm just surprised he had time to play Elden Ring in between harassing female employees

@shinjinime8974 - 01.04.2023 11:05

the only thing i think er don do good is to give the player a path to follow, when you start game you don know where to go what boss is the right to kill at yor lv, that makes you die die and die, till you learn that the boss is not the right one yet.
game is actually simple = face a boss try to learn all its patern before you die (cuz you will die anyway) then after learn it kill it, simple enough. ah and u hv to make sure to not do like 5% of dmg per atack, that a big mistake that many new do.

@obionedogan - 19.03.2023 02:59

USA is full of spin3l3$$ fa660t$ :C SAD... :C

@nexigram - 01.03.2023 17:40

Blizzard devs telling people only they know what’s fun is the least surprising development of the century.

@davidnewhart2533 - 26.02.2023 20:43

It is so satisfying to see other game companies get envious of Fromsoftware.

Fromsoft is the only good game company these days.

@xelthiavice4276 - 19.02.2023 19:51

almost like blizzard devs are retarded and lack skill. shocking

@johnjonson6377 - 05.02.2023 16:46

No wonder he doesn't know how open world games work since they can't even make them anymore

@moralester - 27.01.2023 23:12

Durr you mean giving every player everything doesnt make the game better? Hurrr

@pssa3215 - 15.01.2023 19:04

He is the "Antithesis"

@Mizuryryn - 18.11.2022 19:00

Blizzard: elden ring? more like impossible game! DUDE!! THE CONTROL ARE BUGGED AND JANKY AND THIS IS SO HAARRDD!! WHYYY
Square Enix: elden ring? more like old man had a dementia ring! THIS IS IS SO BADD! THAT ELDEN RING ISNT A PLAY2EARN NFT BLOCKCHAIN GAME!!!
Everyone Else: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

@ashurad_fox5991 - 06.10.2022 06:05

Blizzard dev got skill checked, don't get me wrong he's new on the game and series...

But man, tells you why they can't innovate their games anymore... They have tunnel vision

@Ressel_ - 22.07.2022 14:58

wait... so this is a real blizzard dev? okay.. no wonder they're kinda dead these past few years.
i mean.. look. i wanna point out something, he said it himself, i quote "SO MANY people LIKE IT", okay sure his excuse for not liking it, is because its hard. the main point is that EVERYONE like it. the game sells. why not observe and get the formula for success from it, and if you can improve it then sure. create something better, that EVERYONE actually like.

as harsh as it is to say. his opinion is nothing. its never about his opinion as a dev, even if he like that game he created, if noone else like it, then its trash. its not gonna sell.
as simple as that.

@them4309 - 11.07.2022 07:51

idk their wallets seem pretty in touch.

@Fredonimus - 29.06.2022 21:39

The Blizzard dev is literaly called "annoying" in german. Life has a nice way to tell you whats going on.

@arzii_01 - 28.06.2022 21:14

I don’t like Elden Ring but like wtf is with this game dev- people can like any game they enjoy playing. They aren’t MAD for that. 😀

@malliuk2745 - 26.06.2022 14:31

It's like if a talentless sidewalk street painter criticizes Picasso cause " his paintings aren't realistic"

If you don't get it, you should reconsider your career choices mate.

@jakk1hundo553 - 26.06.2022 10:52

Dev’s just mad he couldn’t pay $800 to get all the best items and one shot the enemies himself!

@viljovaan7281 - 26.06.2022 07:19

And he is right. Souls games are memory games mainly with recycled content. You die 100 times on same boss and praise how the game have so much content. Re colored bosses and stuff. I dont find any joy in such games huge time sink and the time you keep playing it you feel frustrated.

@Primslim - 26.06.2022 07:15

Changes key bindings, why is the game not telling me what I changed my controls to. Brain dead

@Derknomicon - 26.06.2022 05:28

Gamers love to be challenged, not spoon fed and handheld through content.

@SirContent - 26.06.2022 05:19

GOOD, u can tell exactly why their games suck

@terat1227 - 26.06.2022 04:50

Blizzard Dev crying there wasn't a pay2win option, and got rekt.

@theonlysavage94 - 25.06.2022 23:15

When r they gonna try their own game is my question? Might learn something about it

@ExodiumTM - 25.06.2022 21:39

I wonder how he thought trying to make points on Twitter without having died even once is a good idea. Man probably played for like 5 minutes and was already raging

@walter4180 - 25.06.2022 09:05

If you're a game developer and can't fathom the reason why a large group of people enjoy a game, you aren't currently fit to be in the industry.
Simple as that.
That said I do think people over hype Elden Ring a little bit. I'd put Sekiro and Bloodborne with DLC over it if we're talking froms catalogue in particular.

@marinecor23 - 25.06.2022 08:45

Classic projection

@kempolar9768 - 25.06.2022 08:35

"The tutorial shows uses the default buttons rather than what you changed the keybinds to".
Is he saying that he changed the keybinds even before the tutorial itself, on a series that he doesn't play?

@dudelookslikeagirl - 25.06.2022 05:06

He knew he wouldn't like it because he never liked other Souls games. Why did he think this would be any different?

@gregorymifsud5389 - 24.06.2022 23:42

ok jump attack, jab ... ok i got this.... SPLAT ... maidenless died

@Art0r1a - 24.06.2022 18:51

There are lots of games that show default key bindings... there are some that straight up refuse to let the player change key bindings.

@rezadyn87 - 24.06.2022 18:08

no wonder blizzard is going downhill wich such underevolved, brain damaged people

@DigitalDilemma - 24.06.2022 16:41

pretty sure the Dev would have liked Elden Ring if it was filled with loot boxes

@bahamutzero4903 - 24.06.2022 16:12

Working at Blizzard is like screaming to the world that you practice mediocrity more than forced abstinence.

@cmanmaxwell - 24.06.2022 16:08

Blizzard trying to box with gods when their arms are too short.

@PaladinfffLeeroy - 24.06.2022 13:40

Miyazaki and From Software not only struck gold with their design of the Souls games, they struck palladium and diamonds too. Soulless (haha, puns) game studios with their maidenless game designs are copium and seething at the success of others.

@fishy2939 - 24.06.2022 12:43

I haven't played Eldin Ring yet but now I want to buy it, on sale, because I'm poor.

@foxrex351 - 24.06.2022 07:36

Never bought a game twice at full price this might be my first time.

@Douglas-nt7jd - 24.06.2022 07:13

This is why I miss old blizzard. When every WoW quest line ended with fighting an elite mob that kicked your ass

@alfreddrewes9362 - 24.06.2022 06:39

Tree Sentinel does a great job of teaching the player one of the new and really important key aspects of Elden Ring:
If you are not strong enough to defeat a boss, simply skip it and come back to it later when you are stronger.
That's what I did with both Tree Sentinel and Margit.
It does this without directly telling the player "hey ignore this enemy and come back when you're stronger"
That's how you design a great hidden tutorial.

@wej0w - 24.06.2022 01:45

Ive seen and know a lot of casual wow players that only play wow and think their such big gamers. But when touching any game that requires more technical skill they quit mosly after a short bit of it being to hard, and go back to simple direct cast button combat.
