wow expansion leaked..

wow expansion leaked..

Asmongold Clips

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Mr. Reality
Mr. Reality - 18.11.2023 01:38

Yeah one of the reasons why I stopped playing. WoW is just too cluttered. 95% of the game world is useless old content, there's way too many items etc. They need to make a fresh WoW2 with updated graphics and engine. Also there's too many spells and potions etc it's just one big clusterfk at this point.

jose portilo
jose portilo - 07.11.2023 02:59

Lmao. Just make retail free-to-play already.

Brian Morris
Brian Morris - 04.11.2023 04:51

God damn. I remember this game, of play in 2007-2009 in high school. I did t realize people at this stuff still

LobbeWOW - 02.11.2023 17:49

Time to face the music, the demographic for Retail has close to no overlap with the demographic that initially caused people to pick up WoW 20 years ago.

Frogger McSteinergold
Frogger McSteinergold - 01.11.2023 03:24

Dragon flight is good if you have friends to play with but the world is boring as hell. The game needs more things you can do alone that actually are a challenge. And not just one thing, endless things.

Dyzz e
Dyzz e - 31.10.2023 20:12

We’re starting to run out of ocean

Bobafeett - 31.10.2023 06:58

Look boring, must be true.

stefan pills
stefan pills - 31.10.2023 05:45

Lol all u do is dis on wow, which got u where u are now. Show some respect. Some people don't want to reset years of work.

Diddums - 31.10.2023 05:42

I have believed for years that they need to allow the WoW community to farewell Warcraft with honor. An open world RPG that allows the story to have a final ending. Concepts such as let Sylvanus come back to lead the forsaken one last time, then pass on to the next life, as the undead have no place in the land of the living. A final confrontation between the horde and alliance that leads to a rift so great that they agree to go their separate ways indefinitely, the horde claiming the western continent, the alliance claims the eastern. A side-story based around the night elves taking Lordaeron could breath life into the undead lands after the forsaken have moved onto the next life. The Blood Elves letting go of the past and rejoining the alliance, allowing them to remain in the Eastern Kingdoms.

If this was done in Unreal Engine, they could finally give WoW the facelift people have been dreaming about for years. The side and race you decide to play for dictates how elements of the story unfold, but no matter what, there is an ending, and that's just it, it does end, and Blizzard can create a new story for the newer generations to pick up and love moving forward into the next 20-30 years, whilst those of us that have been here for the past 30 years get to see something we have loved so endearingly receive one last, true and amazing send off.

Stop, it is time to stop pulling law out of god knows where. Finish this, once and for all, it's either this, or continue this death of 1000 cuts that is the current reality of Warcraft, as Blizzard continues to fades into obscurity. Let it go, the journey has been amazing, but like StarCraft, it's time to say goodbye.

Imagine the content available, yes it is stealing from Skyrim, but setting that as an example, think of all the organizations that you could be a part of throughout the story. The Order of the Shattered Hand "The Hand" (Horde) and SI:7 (Alliance) give you the thieves guild/assassins guild. As the Blood Elves rejoin the alliance, it will unlock access to the legendary rangers, or a "Ranger's Guild" type story, and the horde have the Headhunters of the Darkspear Tribe. The Ring of Valor (Horde) and Ironforge (Alliance) can be where the warrior classes train. Continue this for mages/warlocks, shamans/paladins etc.
Shamans become exclusive to the Horde again, and Paladins to the Alliance. Taking this online allows things such as great battlefield engagements, 100 vs 100 sort of concept, sacking of major cities in a fighting withdrawal/pillage and destroy fight, huge arenas that can take place but also make sense after the severing of ties between the Horde and Alliance.
The race you choose and the class you select makes changes to how the story unfolds, giving you multiple different play throughs that feel different, not just in the play style and class system, but the actual quests and NPC interactions that you have.

One last hurrah, for old times sake, put Blizzard back on the map for something noteworthy, not this ever rotating door of meaningless expansions and shitty cash grabs that has become synonymous with the name. You know that the game might be shit, but I tell you what, Blizzard's in game shop is always on point, they got their best developers and artists on that god dam thing!

LazyJoeBeard - 30.10.2023 17:40

I hate baf, I got board of shadow lands after the first week and dragon flight lasted 2 weeks for me. I think I am done with wow, the last 5 years of wow I played paid for 3 months and every time I paid for a month I quit before half the time was up. I personally consider it boring and lacking in nearly every way. The only positive thing I can say about wow in the last 5 years is that the flying in dragon flight was fun enough to occupy me for a little over a week.

Chedis - 30.10.2023 17:35

Just go back to wrath and make a new expansion there.

KermiTT kerrR
KermiTT kerrR - 30.10.2023 15:11

wow is pretty alive and well.. get a life

Liquid Toast
Liquid Toast - 29.10.2023 22:20

Why does Blizz refuse to update Wow's graphics? Cyberpunk has significantly better graphics.

Hans Hurnanen
Hans Hurnanen - 29.10.2023 16:25

Wow DF hunter in nutshell: Go BM if wanna compite in AOE and single -> BM rotation is just to keep ur CDs up 50% atleast or more because CD timer was so low and that alone removes feeling of being powerful for moment when having all CDs up all the time just to do normal amount of DPS and still ur screen is just full of 1000x hits that ur pets and u do same time so there is no even big crits for us... Hunter in classic: get new bow or first epic item and ur crits go from 1.9k to 2.1k which feels sooo good and you feel like you're getting more powerful. Game dosn't need to be complicated to be good.

Kira Forgetmenot
Kira Forgetmenot - 29.10.2023 14:49

Classic+ pls

ShenMerrick - 29.10.2023 10:09

Honestly, I came to the conclusion that Guild Wars 2 and their horizontal progression combined with no subscription is by far the best game. They also have the best overall PvP, and a great main story.

I am saying that as someone who has significant time in the "big four" MMOs.

Layton - 29.10.2023 01:19

Just make WoW 2. Noone has to lose the stuff they worked for and everyone can start fresh on a new game

Sky Havender
Sky Havender - 28.10.2023 23:28

I feel like we're becoming More and more jaded with each expansion and we are all slowly getting tired of this and just want Blizzard to just stop or just reset the whole thing. Just kill retail and focus on classic + or just wow 2 which i doubt will ever be made, sadly. 😢

Leron Z
Leron Z - 28.10.2023 20:02

Looks shit, back to classic boys.

Lostheboss - 28.10.2023 18:18

People are so fucking negative 24/7

SlimePlort - 28.10.2023 17:25

kind of sad that the best outcome they can think of is having a slightly done up version of the original game from the 2000s. wouldn't be surprised if the wow community came out as collective masochists at this point.

Stevox - 28.10.2023 11:36

people seeing 4 pictures: "omg its gonna be shit!"

Azure Corviknight
Azure Corviknight - 28.10.2023 11:23

New ores just dropped: Titanical Ore, Vilanva Ore & Oreore Ore.

Internet Person
Internet Person - 28.10.2023 09:54

Oh boy, another race nobody fucking asked for, but this time already playable.

smackchumps - 28.10.2023 07:08

How about this? Azeroth gets blown up and our heroes get on a ship headed for earth. They land during the time of Ancient Greece or Rome. The heroes become sorta demigods that choose a patron god to follow from the surrounding region.

Elmo - 28.10.2023 03:19

Whats worse, people who still play WoW or people who still play OW? ;)

Sean W
Sean W - 28.10.2023 02:55

The screen shots are so generic it could be used for any game

f4q ebutuoy
f4q ebutuoy - 28.10.2023 01:29

If it is real it looks cool

But ... they always destroy all the visuals with crushinfg systems design for the sole purpose of making you pay for longer sub periods and the core game is the same. All the same systems transfered to a new skin.

SgtPeppers - 28.10.2023 01:18

Quitting WoW in 2016 was honestly one of the best decisions I've ever made. Incredibly sad

Wade - 28.10.2023 01:08

I think they should let wow die and make a new game. I mean... for real the game is older than most the people playing it

Boughtinblood Endless
Boughtinblood Endless - 28.10.2023 00:41

honestly unless there is a new plate wearing class or something i really dont care just the same old crap

Sirbear - 27.10.2023 23:51

IDK, Based on the stills I'm getting vibes that this new continent is a re-imagined version of old Azeroth. The topopgraphy kinda reminds me of a classic WoW made today kinda feel. We might be getting pseudo reset after all. Even the name Avaloren strikes a similar feel to Azeroth. You can keep the old game intact incase you wanna play through it, but WoW can reset on this side of the world for everyone else. Let's see how ambitious Blizzard is feeling...

Remus - 27.10.2023 23:43

Reskinned Dragon Isle's incoming.

Bakusen - 27.10.2023 22:59

we need WoW 2.

Full fresh, every1 starts from absolute 0. New classes, new races, new spells, new talents, new mechanics

NitteFils - 27.10.2023 22:35

They should do a reset, and launch wow retail in Azeroth BEFORE the sundering, to play out the world before, slightly recognizable and plenty of good stories to tell.
Azeroth After the sundering should be told in Classic+

BowTie 8 Bit
BowTie 8 Bit - 27.10.2023 22:33

It's time for Unreal 5 + WoW 2.

equalizer - 27.10.2023 21:51

we are at the point that not a single old wow player can be ever excited for anything "new"

Jayy8Bit - 27.10.2023 21:30

I wish they would do a HARD reset of the game. Reset levels, gold, etc. Rework the story / pvp, remove scaling zones, remove WoW tokens, remove LFR, make buying gold bannable again. LFR made raid guilds pointless. Tokens / buying gold makes the game P2W and destroyed the in-game market. There is no longer a sense of progression or feeling of accomplishment.

Rogue Cheddar
Rogue Cheddar - 27.10.2023 21:27

Blizzard shill: Do you guys not have phones?!

Rogue Cheddar
Rogue Cheddar - 27.10.2023 21:24

(GW2 player munching popcorn)
More cheese, Gromit!

Maarten Neppelenbroek
Maarten Neppelenbroek - 27.10.2023 21:18

Total reset is a monkey idea. That WoW has been stacked up in content and has been around all this time is a strength. But I guess you guys rather play New World eh?

Edit: Asmon doesn't play WoW anymore, but just keep goblin up his dick.

Vifercel like it
Vifercel like it - 27.10.2023 20:54

idk why i wanna say it, but i just can't hold it anymore…
WoW community is one of the most dellusional people i ever seen on the internet. They are expecting 20yo MMORPG to be fun and exciting in a timeperiod, when an average MMO lifespan nowadays mesaures in moths. Honestly, just move on already. Ur not getting a good MMO, because there is no such thing in current times. No one knows how to make one, and deffinetly not Blizzard, cmon now...

ChaosCrisis - 27.10.2023 20:23

Even if they rebooted this franchise somehow, it's just going to be a butchered retelling. Blizzards glory days are over and it's not coming back.

Guardianfan - 27.10.2023 20:21

in times of chatgpt / AI, i wont be surprised if this is AI-Made

Isaiah Butler
Isaiah Butler - 27.10.2023 20:14

Honestly the most surprising thing about WoW to me is that Blizzard never expanded it much outside of a card game. They've already proved they're capable of milking it to death and they've always had the resources so I'm surprised they never went full Nintendo with it. Gave it a party style game like Mario Party or Pokémon Stadium, an action adventure hack n slash to hone in on the lore of characters but have fun with the combat as it looks like in the trailers for WoW, something.

ty11679 - 27.10.2023 19:36

The zones in those screenshots feel like they just remade zones from Warlords of Draenor. The second one feels like Frostfire Ridge. The third one feels like Gorgrond, especially with those same rock formations. And the last one looks like it's also from Gorgrond, just the jungle part. I know it's just supposed to be "Random wasteland, random snow zone, and random jungle" but I legit got Draenor vibes the moment I saw it the picture.

KH23 - 27.10.2023 19:15

TBH I looked at the pics and instantly thought "meh".

Moonlife - 27.10.2023 18:51

The game is just too old. There's so many limitations in their engine, they can't make more interesting stuff. I think wow has run it's course.

Squalid Squid
Squalid Squid - 27.10.2023 18:30

So underwhelming its not even funny

wed ergege
wed ergege - 27.10.2023 18:05

Grass lands, forests and rocky terrain, its as it should be.
