The Forever Purge - Official Trailer [HD]

The Forever Purge - Official Trailer [HD]

Universal Pictures

3 года назад

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Hira Khan
Hira Khan - 18.09.2023 19:31

Its actually bad

CBEE - 17.09.2023 11:03

Solely entertainment, fictional messaging.

noah green
noah green - 15.09.2023 21:59

The forever purge:apocalypse 😂😂😂

J_Stape740 - 13.09.2023 14:22

The acting gets worse with every movie

AdamLuciferPentagram6669 - 09.09.2023 10:02

I really did enjoy this movie and I’m glad that it’s the last installment of the series too and I did like the main girl tho Ana De La Regeura she did a amazing job in this movie and she was really good for this movie and she was badass too and she is so incredibly sexy as hell man and she is gorgeous too and I’m always fan of her too ever since Cop Out 2010 she was good in that movie and also I still have to watch Army of the Dead 2021 too and I just love her to death man and same goes for Leven Rambin I really did love her in this movie as well and I thought she was really good in this movie too and she is so incredible sexy as hell bro and she is so gorgeous too and I’m a fan of her now too love her to death bruh and I thought it ended the series on a good note too not a cliffhanger at least it didn’t ended like that where movies do but that’s just my opinions though

Anonym Jack
Anonym Jack - 08.09.2023 04:11

According to this movie:

White people: dirty racist nazis

Black people: good people

Mexicans: the superior race

And the director of the movie is a Mexican.

Nik Cue
Nik Cue - 05.09.2023 05:37

Purge 1 was good...should've ended there. This franchise just keeps getting dumber and dumber.

YNT Joshy
YNT Joshy - 04.09.2023 07:37

Didn’t even know this came out and ima die hard purge fan💀 what the hell how did this slip thru the cracks like that

AKK - 03.09.2023 00:58

Ignoring how retarded the whole purge premise is in the first place, how did this not happen before? How did they previously enforce the "Well you can't be bad after the horn goes beep boop!"??? How did they, with zero supervision, ensure that their "Well you can't use X weapons or target Y" rules were followed? How did they determine if someone was murdered and robbed at 11th hour and 59th minute of the purge or two minutes later after they unlocked their door? Absolutely moronic and ironically this is probably the most realistic of the purge movies, because this is exactly what would happen, you can't just unleash a bunch of psychos and cross your fingers they will stop after 12 hours because you ask them to.

l0onyb4e - 27.08.2023 13:04

This is the most boring purge movie😭

Mizrahim Jew
Mizrahim Jew - 21.08.2023 18:31

The Purge 6: Look through your window.

El Pardon
El Pardon - 20.08.2023 23:10

In my opinion, "The Forever Purge" was a masterpiece!
I really loved the acting of Juan and Adela and the fact that there were actors both from the United States and from Mexico.
And I think that the whole story behind "The Forever Purge" was outstanding!
I really hope that in the future we will see a comeback of The Purge 6.

duane crump
duane crump - 20.08.2023 20:11

Remember when these were good movies before they went woke and started demonizing white people. They’re still trying to convince idiots through movies like this that not allowing open borders for communism, socialism and drug cartels is racist. And yet we don’t care 😂

Skyler Thompson
Skyler Thompson - 20.08.2023 10:44

a pathetic attempt to make small town folk seem as inhuman as city folks lol

Jordan Gustke
Jordan Gustke - 16.08.2023 18:49

Its 2023 and i had no idea rhis existed... Besides the man with the black painted on his eyes being so fucking hot.... I cant help but give the heaviest eye roll

VeryFunnyDidLaugh - 30.07.2023 18:41

POV: Seattle

Valperci Nabanalan
Valperci Nabanalan - 27.07.2023 16:20

Fan made amp

AB Hassan
AB Hassan - 27.07.2023 02:07

I loved the plot twist of this movie 😂

Danger_JW - 19.07.2023 08:59

Can't imagine if something like this was real

Paul Haynes
Paul Haynes - 16.07.2023 00:17

Just as I imagined. All whites are Racist Bigots and the Black's and illegals are the good Guys.. seriously

CrAzY Warrior
CrAzY Warrior - 14.07.2023 19:31

lmao love the details

it showed reality

at the end they have shown the usa burned and military ran away

which will happens coz some ppl in military were also purgers

Jesse Aleshire
Jesse Aleshire - 11.07.2023 02:57

Things keep going the way they are in this country, the purge will be real!

The Amazing Channel
The Amazing Channel - 08.07.2023 20:40

Uhh... were all the violent bad guys white males?

skm Muffin Man
skm Muffin Man - 07.07.2023 23:23

I want to go see the movie we were in the theater all alone no one was there🤯

Peper Abriam
Peper Abriam - 05.07.2023 08:21

This is not good. If this in real... Happened the innocent people died and children and baby will be in danger... Why you killing each other.. god give our life.. our life is our barrow from god. Don't lose it.. god save our souls... I hope the world peace .. too many innocent baby angel and children.. if this happens...

Anonymous - 02.07.2023 11:39

Man I really hope there's no such things like this in the real world we live in.

Because if there is, oh boys. Time to unwind and let loose those untamed beast.

Sendo feito de danada.
Sendo feito de danada. - 02.07.2023 04:05

In real life this happens between the 1st and 5th year of the purge.

future 404 gaming and animation
future 404 gaming and animation - 28.06.2023 08:19

Bro doesn't know that Donald trump have nuke

VINYL SQUAD - 28.06.2023 02:43


jimson - 25.06.2023 07:01

keep making these kinds of movies somepeople with mental issue might do this in real life.

ELI - 24.06.2023 15:43

the comments are proof why the purge, specifically the forever purge, could happen. it's 2023 and racism is still a thing, it will never stop because you can't erase the history and the hatred of the oppressed towards another race. the world is sick we need to admit it

furai - 24.06.2023 09:40

if it well happen in America,then you will going out of numbers against China...while you killing, China still multiplying their numbers,. its time for China to Rule the world

Ted Cleveland
Ted Cleveland - 23.06.2023 16:35

Couldn’t even finished the half… can’t really watching anything without political anymore

Solon Melon
Solon Melon - 23.06.2023 08:45

Most whack purge and the worse

Kirk Valera
Kirk Valera - 21.06.2023 19:08

Someday Americans will be crossing the Mexico border. 💪🏽

The Grand Usurper Of Death
The Grand Usurper Of Death - 21.06.2023 04:06

But like didn’t Ethan die in the first movie uhhhhh how the fuck is he still alive 😂did they take him to the hospital off screen or something 😂

Tsukuyomi - 19.06.2023 10:39

Whoever write the purge is basically a psychopath making all psychopath unite to make a law of this. lmao

Nila Muhunthan
Nila Muhunthan - 19.06.2023 03:56

This trailer could have been terrifying but I ended up literally laughing at their thick southern accents

demjay - 18.06.2023 08:04

Clown movie, made and produced by people who actually would enjoy this to happen in America while living in Isreal.

Leol Paladin
Leol Paladin - 17.06.2023 19:34

It just hit me, there was a country I forgot, who played purged siren during Covid lockdown curfew hours 😂 and the gov. officials notice it and the police who did that got punished by their superior lmao 😂

APMC - 17.06.2023 16:32

why can't they just head to the mountains and avoid the crowds lmao

hellrazor117 - 10.06.2023 04:48

Out of touch Leftist Hollywood fantasties

liorbm1 - 01.06.2023 23:33

Worst ending ever

Conor McMahon
Conor McMahon - 01.06.2023 09:18

NFF must be really regretting there choice now dumb greedy pigs. Like this America we have highest rate of psychopaths did then really think then would stop after just one night.

Alexander Acosta Osorio
Alexander Acosta Osorio - 22.05.2023 12:37

The pruge has been pruged from Google search! lol

FirstContactTV - 19.05.2023 22:53

Rafa from narcos Mexico he’s a good actor

Anurag Kachhi
Anurag Kachhi - 19.05.2023 14:49

Snapchat should also come with purge filters.

Marie Appleyard
Marie Appleyard - 18.05.2023 00:43

As an Australian I can have a beer while I watch the world burn.

Furion Max
Furion Max - 16.05.2023 09:01

So I was watching season two of the Purge Series. And it's rather interesting bc we see the aftermath of the Purge itself.
But it is actually worse than we all realized. Turns out through scientific study, purging triggers the pleasure sensors of the brain and which results in an addiction like state to the act itself.
Every year there are more people purging than the previous year. Didn't understand why but season two cleared it up.
Everyone is becoming addicted to killing people.
The whole "release the beast" thing is bullshit. The NFFA are actually a group of psychopaths that want people to kill. It may have started out as population control but now it's getting out of hand.

And from a work standpoint. The market would collapse if too many people keep fucking dying.
