Dark Matter Explained: What Exactly is Dark Matter? | A Beginner’s Guide to Dark Matter

Dark Matter Explained: What Exactly is Dark Matter? | A Beginner’s Guide to Dark Matter

Science ABC

3 года назад

61,589 Просмотров

Dark matter is an invisible matter that occupies more than half of the space of the observable universe but cannot be detected directly as it doesn’t interact with electromagnetic radiation, like visible light and gamma rays. One of the greatest challenges that astral scientists and researchers face before they can fully understand the universe is so-called "dark matter." Originally called the ‘missing matter’, dark matter is the name given to particles that don’t absorb or emit light, making them impossible to detect through observing electromagnetic radiation.

Think of it this way—how do you see or observe something in your everyday life?
You are able to see things because visible light, a type of electromagnetic radiation, bounces off objects around you and then reaches your eyes. All celestial bodies interact with electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, and the rest. More notably, they alter the way radiation travels around them, which is how we detect far-off galaxies hiding billions upon billions of miles away.
But dark matter cannot be observed this way, because it doesn’t interact with electromagnetic radiation. Check out this video to learn more about dark matter, how was it first discovered and how is it detected now.

#science #animation #darkmatter


Original Article Link: https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/universe/what-is-dark-matter-and-how-do-we-know-it-exists.html

If you wish to buy/license this video, please write to us at [email protected].

Voice Over Artist: John Staughton ( https://www.fiverr.com/jswildwood )

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@crazyimaginations1244 - 04.01.2024 05:58

Watching this in 2024
We'll see😄

@yusufrosyid3561 - 23.11.2023 12:58

Thanks for ur great explanation👌👌

@gamechannel1115 - 23.09.2023 23:15

i knOw whut drk matr is, but tis hord to explane whut does it to an common person

@StephenJones-uv3er - 02.09.2023 22:20

He also says that this explains both dark energy and matter and its not even missing matter but an effect of cold thats causing both. Does anyone have something to contribute to this?

@StephenJones-uv3er - 02.09.2023 22:16

This is not my comment but my smart friends. Anyway he says dark energy is the repellent effect created by the essence of cold. Even a glass of ice tea can be seen to push the vapor away. So at absolute zero it is magnified and is pushing space apart and at same time pushing and holding galaxy together because they are surrounded by empty space at absolute zero and it's no magic invisible matter but from outside the galaxy cold is pushing and holding them together and also causing expansion at same time. The repellent effect of cold space is the answer. So look outside the box or galaxy not inside for the answer . What y'all think about this? His name Daryle btw

@cantcount0 - 22.08.2023 19:29

Is dark matter another dimension of space perhaps?

@cantcount0 - 22.08.2023 19:27

Thanks great video.

@jonathankim9502 - 15.08.2023 01:23

Hmm.. so they believe something exists even though they don't see, can't see it.. based on the EFFECT it has on its surrounding.. They are quite sure about its existence due to the effect it has.. though they can't see it. Sounds just like something else I have in mind... or SomeOne. Some Being.. Most important Being..

@konstantinpavlovich5253 - 25.07.2023 15:00

Cosmologists have always deceived us. And in the Middle Ages, and especially now. Big bang, dark matter, dark energy and other inventions are the grossest mistakes of cosmologists. What kind of ignoramuses and mediocrity these so-called "scientists-cosmologists" are described in detail on a solid foundation of physical laws (without any scientific delusional fantasies of cosmologists) in the book "Big Bang of Scientific Idiocy", author Pavlovich Konstantin.

@helping_others - 14.06.2023 13:10

Terminologies cause to much confusion. 2 staps forward 3 steps back. Get the idea to grow with you from discussion with others of the same mindset.
Basic schooling you say discuss but we don't our minds weren't ready but they are now with our new method x

@helping_others - 14.06.2023 13:07

Time difference the idea I had and the response time you receive it.

@helping_others - 14.06.2023 13:06


@helping_others - 14.06.2023 13:05

The bite of the apple x

@helping_others - 14.06.2023 13:03

The missing link x

@aussie45 - 12.04.2023 03:58

statics? grow?

@aussie45 - 12.04.2023 03:58

The matter of Bill of Rights make the difference on goods speciallly tech.

@jamesruscheinski8602 - 23.11.2022 03:25

for detecting dark matter, might there be a way to block light and other electromagnetic waves to try to measure dark matter?

@Utahmaria1933 - 11.10.2022 06:12

I wonder what happened with Vera Rubin in this story

@pranitakshirsagar1382 - 27.09.2022 09:13

Interesting video.

@Shreyaagrawal_1657 - 16.09.2022 20:26

Such a diverse topic explained with such simplicity and ease . Thankyou Science ABC!
Einstein was right when he said "if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well enough". Thanks again <3

@musaali3500 - 11.09.2022 11:05


@CarpeDiem601 - 29.08.2022 04:19

Kinda looks like dark matter is the medium that all things exist within. Also how the inner matter and outer matter spin at the same speed made me think of water in a bucket. If you were to stir the water in the bucket. Maybe dark matter is like water? No idea here just postulating!

@JustFelipeBrito - 23.08.2022 15:57

Blind person listening to the video be like: Hey bro? 🤡

@dvdv8197 - 26.07.2022 11:22

I love how you used the Family Guy living room and the cyanide and explosm figurines all mashed together. 😀👍👏👏

@Basha1WB - 08.07.2022 03:14

I just came to see how you were going to explain the demonic realm of dark matter🤣. You don't want to accept ELOHIYM'S EXISTENCE yet you want to try and figure out how HE created everything and you think by completely ignoring HIS existence you can come up with your own answers because to you it makes sense 🤣🤣🤣...You're so silly!

@theintegratedguy9528 - 21.06.2022 17:44

So black holes and dark matter are same?

@SpaceisAce - 07.06.2022 14:23

I also have a video on dark matter, but its more for relaxing to... can fall asleep to it kinda vibe. I cant really make graphics like you can.. the graphics are really well done

@piero17y65 - 26.04.2022 03:03

What was that football thing though? 🤷‍♂️

@Gizemci77 - 19.04.2022 17:00

dark matter 4 element
earth water air fire

@ayazmd9312 - 04.03.2022 01:32

Love this channel ❤️

@4or871 - 23.02.2022 11:15

1. cosmological constant in Dx = lp^2/λ = lp^2 n. Then n = ( 10^-52 / 10^ 70) = 10^18
2. schrodinger solution
3. Planck E= h f= h n
4. n = number of superpositions per m^2

And you get dark matter = WIMP

n^2 h^2 / ( 8 m L^2) = h n
m = 0.3313 10^18 10^-34 = 0.3313 10^-16 kg ( all superpositions).

1 particle = 0.331 10^-16 / ( 0.4 10^18) = 0.828 10^-34 kg = 46 eV

If you count only the positive wave function amplitudes: n = 10^9
then dark matter = WIMP
m = 46 GeV

@BigNewGames - 01.01.2022 21:36

@ Science ABC. If you want some new content address this comment.

Dark matter cannot be seen because it doesn't exist. The acceleration of stars and galaxies can be explained without having to rely on invisible, unmeasurable terms like dark matter and dark energy. Gravity is not the only thing in the universe able to move mass in the vacuum of space.

These are the objects that are not affected by dark matter. See if you can determine why. All the small bodies in our solar system are not affected by dark matter. Young stars like S-02 and young diffuse galaxies like NGC 1052 - DF2 are not affected by dark matter.

There are some objects that are affected by dark matter. Old stars like our sun and old satellite galaxies like Draco. The solar system as a whole appears to be affected by dark matter traveling some 536,000 mi/h yet the small bodies like planets, moons, asteroids, comets and debris are not affected by dark matter. So it affects the motion of the sun but not the planets, moons and other objects, why is that?

According to Newtonian physics all matter regardless of weight, mass or density are equally affected by gravity in the vacuum of space. Hence a bowling ball and a feather falls at the same rate. If dark matter was real and it was effecting the motion of the sun then according to the laws of physics it should affect the motion and orbits of the planets, moons and other small objects equally. But it does not. You can research this, astrophysicists claim the reason why planets, moons and other small bodies in our solar system are not affected by dark matter is because they are too small. Yet they blame the lensing or distortions occurring to light, which light has zero mass on dark matter when there is not enough mass in the systems to explain the lensing of light. So why does dark matter affect the orbit and motion of stars, satellite galaxies and light but does not affect the motion or orbit of the small bodies in our solar system?

There is a simple explanation that can explain all the observations, including why stars and satellite galaxies traveling some 1.2 million mi/h as they orbit the barycenter of a galaxy's mass yet are unable to reach an escape velocity, flung out into deep space per observations in the 1930's. It explains why some stars and some galaxies don't appear to be affected by dark matter and why others do. It has nothing to do with missing mass. It is simple, so simple I just can't understand why astrophysicists and physicists with PhDs have not figured it out yet. I'm no expert and I figured it out. Why do they ignore the evidence yet continue to claim these dark mysterious forces exist when they simply cannot?

Gravity and mass are not missing from their equations. General relativity can accurately describe the motion and orbit of small bodies, young stars like S-02 and young diffuse galaxies like NGC 1052-DF2 but cannot explain the motion and orbit of old stars like our sun and old satellite galaxies like Draco. You guessed it, it's because of their age. The older the star or satellite galaxy the faster they are traveling. So what would cause a slow acceleration to occur over time? What about stars acting like ion propulsion engines or a microwave engines? These propulsion methods have been proven to produce a slow acceleration over time.

What would this acceleration be? I deduced this acceleration to be a constant 2.007x10^-7 in/s or 5.09778x10^-7 cm/s. Which in comparison is about twice the width of a proton every second of every day. This acceleration would only happen to stars, satellite galaxies and increase the rotational velocity of galaxies, not small bodies like planets and moons because they don't produce an ionized solar wind full of charged particles and radiation. When this acceleration over time is added to the motion produced by gravity, IE equations of general relativity, it then accurately explains the motion of all the stars and satellite galaxies. It even explains the rotational velocity of galaxies. Plus because the acceleration is so tiny it's not enough of a jolt to cause the stars and satellite galaxies to change their orbital trajectories, so they would continue to orbit the host galaxy forever regardless of the velocity they have gained over time. Thus explaining why stars and satellite galaxies are unable to reach an escape velocity from their host galaxy. This theory accurately accounts for every observation that has stumped physicists and astrophysicists for decades. One simple theory that explains all the observations.

Dark matter is no longer required to explain the unexpected motion of stars, satellite galaxies and diffuse galaxies. Who would have thought that a nobody like me would have figured it all out? Well, Einstein did. He claimed that someday it would be a nobody that figured it all out and he was right. Dark matter is dead. The crazy thing is this theory also explains the action causing gravity and the observations pinned on dark energy, cosmological constant and Hubble constant. One action explains them all. I wrote and self published a series of 6 books a few months ago explaining everything in much more detail. Peace my friend.

@ovrair6340 - 18.12.2021 12:55

An American, calling a football by the right name!? No way!

@faith4grace889 - 23.11.2021 20:23

That's not a football dude! It's a soccer ball, but great video. 👍

@maxwells1437 - 22.11.2021 03:17

“Family Guy” living room?

@cutelesbianpyro3494 - 21.09.2021 22:46

You make excellent videos

@lindahibbs5906 - 29.08.2021 20:00

Your explanation is very easy to understand!
Thank you for posting great videos ‼️‼️💯💯♥️♥️

@josemanuelmamanichavez6311 - 14.08.2021 03:19

I love it.

@AngelSnowflakes - 12.08.2021 03:46

Great Channel

@sb8087 - 15.07.2021 22:24

Is it possible to touch dark matter?

@Buggie... - 03.07.2021 03:22

here from 2k they have dark matters in there game lol

@Eshakochhar - 01.07.2021 14:41

It has been explained very well! Thank you.

@nihaalmoktantamang7694 - 30.06.2021 13:23

Thanks for being so amazing! Always support you 🙏🙏❤️❤️👍👍

@AbhayRajMamgain - 30.06.2021 06:24

You are just so great

@YossiSirote - 30.06.2021 00:28

I think you should have stressed more that dark matter is by far from being confirmed. It is only speculation at this time based upon the lack of explanation of the phenomenon you described. There are alternatives hypotheses though.
