The Pacific (2010) – The Battle of Okinawa: Reduction of the Shuri Bastion

The Pacific (2010) – The Battle of Okinawa: Reduction of the Shuri Bastion


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Han-Jugo-Arciagacolorado-italia - 18.09.2023 11:11

Si son primeros y no la han visto déjenme decirles algo, está serie está echa con la historia que contó usa!!!!, entonces les diré que lo único que verán un montón de japoneses miles y miles corriendo por los campos como tiro al blanco y los gringos fisparandoles a todos y matando a todos los japoneses y verán como mueren 5 soldados gringos y matan a más de 300 soldados japoneses como ganado corriendo por los campos como tontos y locos mientras los gringos les disparan y los matan a todos pero ellos solo mueren 5, verán como les avientan miles de bombas y esas miles de bombas solo matan a 7 a lo mucho, una burla total cuando todo el mundo sabe que los alemanes les decían los cerdos por qué eran mocosos mal entrenados y desorganizados, los mismos alemanes dijeron si estados unidos y Alemania hubieran peleado mano a mano estados unidos no duraría ni 1 año en la guerra pues las palabras de los alemanes fueron estás.

Llegaba un pelotón o un escuadrón y los matavamos a todos después llegaba otro pelotón de igual manera los exterminaron y seguir llegando y llegando hasta que nos quedamos sin municiones y teníamos que rendirnos, puras payasadas que verán se los digo enserio que decepción y eso que me la recomendaron

GEORGE ODONGO - 29.08.2023 21:18

Don't misinterprete me but have you realized that the fighting in Band of Brothers is more civilised than the ones in the Pacific. The Pacific Theater was hell on earth.

S R - 25.08.2023 19:17

Little timmy has had it rough. First rampaging dinosaurs. Now this....jeez. uphill or what?

Don Jorge
Don Jorge - 22.08.2023 17:15

The usual heroes, fighting for freedom and democracy all over the world…

Salad McJones
Salad McJones - 20.08.2023 12:03

Bless our boys who fought in the Pacific, they truly did fight against the savage.

Orochi - 17.08.2023 18:41

In this scene, it's the eyes that do the talking. So powerful.

Dennis Seah
Dennis Seah - 12.08.2023 20:30

The next miniseries is called "Masters of the Air". Focuses on US Army Air Force. Sadly only available on Apple+.

John Kozak
John Kozak - 10.08.2023 11:41

Just imagine if Sledge meet Desmond Doss.

R L - 09.08.2023 21:02

SNAFU. yeah

Amano Jack
Amano Jack - 09.08.2023 16:59

I am japanese.

In the Battle of Okinawa, not only Japanese soldiers but also many civilians involved in the fighting died. Women, children and old people.

Do not be taken prisoner. There was a teaching that if you were to be taken prisoner, you should die yourself.

As a result, there were people who killed themselves with grenades, and those who did not have grenades cut their family members' throats with knives.Some mothers would choke their babies to death by covering their mouths.

Okinawa is a very nice place. The blue sea, white coral reefs, delicious food and alcohol, and kind people.

Would you like to stop hating each other?
Let's love each other!

Jim Nobles
Jim Nobles - 02.08.2023 02:32

We were lucky it was the Japanese. Had it been the Apache, Comanche, Cheyanne, with modern technology, it would have been much worse….

Exit Only
Exit Only - 31.07.2023 13:59

Poor Sledge. 1,000 yard stare. Too often, too close, too many. Okinawa was the reason Japan had to be nuked, otherwise this would have been the same scene repeated every day, except with old men, women, and children armed with bamboo spears being shot by Marines. What man could live with that on their memory after the war?

Arnaud LELIEVRE - 24.07.2023 20:19

Battle of Shuri Castle (may - june 1945).

KingJamie The Mad
KingJamie The Mad - 23.07.2023 10:03

I know the actors make it look brutal but the Japanese did horrible things before it got this far. Historical facts say we should have let them all burn

TheGoldennach - 21.07.2023 23:21

A truly brutal war

Anne de Jong
Anne de Jong - 21.07.2023 20:48

Okinawa had a population of like 100.000 people..

Wimmera Paranormal
Wimmera Paranormal - 21.07.2023 13:11

Hard to believe that this whole sequence (and the battle of Peleleiu) was filmed in a quarry only 50km from Melbourne in Australia.

Johan - 21.07.2023 04:37

La chaire a haine !! A des mils!! De chez lui 😢 aucun intérêt !!!!

ATF - 21.07.2023 03:13

When your playing call of duty world at war at 3 am

Ball - 19.07.2023 00:53

The Okinawa chapters in Eugene Sledge's book were the thing of nightmares. The Pacific did a great job in recreating it. Sledge talked about how they waded through knee-high, somtimes waist-high muddy water filled with dead bodies, feces and maggots. There was a horrific stench from the bodies and feces. Constant raining caused every single surface to be caked in layers of mud. At one point he was so exhausted that he was literally having nightmares while AWAKE. He would see Marines corpses rise up from the dead and just stare at him, making moaning sounds like a zombie. The artillery shelling on the frontline was literally endless. Day-after-day to weeks on end it was nonstop artillery and mortars dropping across the whole front. It made sleep essentially impossible.

The Battle of Okinawa was like an accumulation of all the worst aspects of both the World Wars into one.

David Struck
David Struck - 17.07.2023 05:11

Good example of the corkscrew and blowtorch tactics used on Okinawa. Demolition charges on the caves and bunkers, then flamethrowers to finish them off.

Mansour Bellah El-Hajj
Mansour Bellah El-Hajj - 12.07.2023 15:37

These scenes capture the horror of the pacific that you see what a man is capable of doing to another man it takes all the evil out of the man you just feel like he is the enemy he must be killed that's how horrible it is.

Vannara Meas
Vannara Meas - 09.07.2023 23:29

Jungle warfare is probably the most scariest environment you can fight in

Izzuddin Baihaqi
Izzuddin Baihaqi - 06.07.2023 18:50

Ackack is like the pacific version of winters

therevolvingmonk - 02.07.2023 04:09

"I had my first opportunity to look around our position. It was the most ghastly corner of hell I had ever witnessed. As far as I could see, an area that previously had been a low grassy valley with a picturesque stream meandering through it was a muddy, repulsive, open sore on the land. The place was choked with the putrefaction of death, decay, and destruction. In a shallow defilade to our right, between my gun pit and the railroad, lay about twenty dead Marines, each on a stretcher and covered to his ankles with a poncho - a commonplace, albeit tragic, scene to every veteran. Those bodies had been placed there to await transport to the rear for burial. At least those dead were covered from the torrents of rain that had made them miserable in life and from the swarms of flies that sought to hasten their decay. But as I looked about, I saw that other Marine dead couldn't be tended properly. The whole area was pocked with shell craters and churned up by explosions. Every crater was half full of water, and many of them held a Marine corpse. The bodies lay pathetically just as they had been killed, half submerged in muck and water, rusting weapons still in hand. Swarms of big files hovered about them."

"The mud was knee deep in some places, probably deeper in others if one dared venture there. For several feet around every corpse, maggots crawled about in the muck and then were washed away by the runoff of the rain. There wasn't a tree or bush left. All was open country. Shells had torn up the turf so completely that ground cover was nonexistent. The rain poured down on us as evening approached. The scene was nothing but mud; shell fire; flooded craters with their silent, pathetic, rotting occupants; knocked-out tanks and amtracs; and discarded equipment - utter desolation. The stench of death was overpowering. The only way I could bear the monstrous horror of it all was to look upward away from the earthly reality surrounding us, watch the leaden gray clouds go skudding over, and repeat over and over to myself that the situation was unreal - just a nightmare - that I would soon awake and find myself somewhere else. But the ever-present smell of death saturated my nostrils. It was there with every breath I took. I existed from moment to moment, sometimes thinking death would have been preferable. We were in the depths of the abyss, the ultimate horror of war. During the fighting around the Umurbrogol Pocket on Peleliu, I had been depressed by the wastage of human lives. But in the mud and driving rain before Shuri, we were surrounded by maggots and decay. Men struggled and fought and bled in an environment so degrading I believed we had been flung into hell's own cesspool."

-EB Sledge, With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa

Marlon Mersey
Marlon Mersey - 25.06.2023 05:11


Some Guy
Some Guy - 20.06.2023 18:22

After fighting in Iwo Jima only to land in the hell that is Okinawa these marines were hard as stone and operated like machines

_STING_ - 15.06.2023 13:02

some people said that the battles in europe with the ss were kinky...then I ask myself in the pacific what was the dancing and singing XD. Pacifica is the bloodiest thing that could happen to a soldier.

David Polito
David Polito - 05.06.2023 12:03

The Japanese were fiercely committed to their emperor and their homeland. They knew it was only a matter of time before the Americans invaded the Japanese Islands. They would fight and die to the last man before that would happen. Kinda hard to believe that this is the same culture that would produce Hello Kitty and Sailor Moon.

Betelgeuse - 03.06.2023 04:20

This scene captures well the atmosphere. Sounds of bombs, bullets or Japanese shouts everywhere. There were no safe place on those islands. Just ruthlessly and always shoot to be alive with no exception

Yolebert Esma
Yolebert Esma - 15.05.2023 15:04


MP RPO - 05.04.2023 11:55

The americans weren't taking any chances...

Arthur Dirindin Jr
Arthur Dirindin Jr - 02.04.2023 22:51

Shermin M4 the America's Tiger I of the Pacific

HoundofJustice - 01.04.2023 12:29

Btw, they are now know as the "good side" LOL ='D

Quantrill - 17.03.2023 07:39

I can’t tell if Malek’s grin at :43 is sinister looking or if it just seems that way because of the context. Either way, it’s deeply unsettling. Great acting.

Josh DeCoster
Josh DeCoster - 05.03.2023 11:24

Gotta say that replacement CO was good as nails. Ack acks death was rough, but this CO was a great replacement. He knew all the rules under the book, and pushed his guys to be a marine by textbook. He may not have been personable, but he was a great leader

Tasty Gravy
Tasty Gravy - 16.01.2023 05:47

The disturbing reality is they began to like the war, the death, the killing, they were broken men.

Arim Oh
Arim Oh - 05.01.2023 20:26

The Japanese and Vietnamese are perhaps the toughest and bravest enemies the USA ever fought. I respect the Hell out of them both. Putting aside Imperial Japan's atrocities and war crimes the Japanese soldiers themselves fought bravely and courageously in the face of overwhelming odds and technological superiority of the Americans. They deserve to be respected and honored for that. The British, Germans, and Soviets weren't nearly as brave as the Japanese were. Japanese were a tough and tenacious enemy, they were one of the USA's worst enemies but now they're one of the USA's bestest friends again and one of the greatest forces for good in the world.

DrCruel - 05.01.2023 03:35



"Wut you lookin' at. He somebody you know?"

Cameron Ash
Cameron Ash - 13.11.2022 03:05

Sledge was a different man at this point.

22ola - 11.10.2022 20:28

The pacific is just corny

22ola - 11.10.2022 20:28

The writer of band of brother is much better then the person who wrote the pacific

The House
The House - 26.07.2022 21:42

In the words of Japanese prison camp guard Mutsushiro Watanabe:
“This is not Geneva, this is Japan!”

Beau - 04.07.2022 16:53

Great grandpa fought in WW2 in The Pacific over the high seas. The things he saw were equivalent to the fighting against the Japanese on the ground.

Nate Allen
Nate Allen - 12.06.2022 07:06

It's cool they paid attention to the weapons in this series. At Guadalcanal they had springfields and thompsons and toward the end at Okinawa they have later thompson variants and carbines. Can see realistic changes in tactics too, guys at the front and back of units with BARs in this clip. Whereas in Guadalcanal they would have guys with Thompsons like the scene where Leckie hangs back and drops that Japanese patrol in an ambush.

Mark Collins
Mark Collins - 23.05.2022 15:36

Jesus h crist
