How to Release Obsessive Thoughts: Rumination, OCD, and Fear | Being Well Podcast

How to Release Obsessive Thoughts: Rumination, OCD, and Fear | Being Well Podcast

Forrest Hanson

1 год назад

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Studio Lisa
Studio Lisa - 23.09.2023 10:28

I love them!! They have this sweet comforting way of explaining otherwise very disturbing human complexities. ❤

Lily Mulligan
Lily Mulligan - 23.08.2023 21:06

I got a late OCD diagnosis at age 30, so I'm well acquainted with ruminating thoughts. For me, they mostly happen at bedtime.

Weirdly, what I've found works best is to say "SHUT UP, IM TRYING TO SLEEP" to the thoughts. Then I'll apologize for being mean, but tell my brain that I really need to sleep and I'm not going to do anything about these thoughts right now so they aren't helpful. Then I intentionally move my awareness elsewhere. Either I'll do a body scan meditation or I'll think about whatever I want to dream about.

The internal "startle" of yelling at the thoughts really helps to interrupt and transition away from them. The thoughts often need that jolt and that firm boundary. But I also need to apologize because I know they're trying to help, they're just misguided lol

Kevin Bunn
Kevin Bunn - 07.08.2023 22:52

I have pretty severe OCD. My problem is I often feel like I am figuring something out, so it's hard to differentiate when it's completely useless. For example, it's one of the things that's made me a good student. I analyze the crap out of things and can often understand concepts in more detail than other students that don't do that. I guess I need to practice differentiating when it's useful and when it's not, which I'm doing.

Debs Llewelyn
Debs Llewelyn - 07.08.2023 17:47

I love these guys so much

CharlesEdwards - 25.07.2023 21:56

My issue is in fact different. Climate change is here . The world is burning up. Are normal people not overwhelmed?

David Figueroa
David Figueroa - 06.07.2023 05:31

You guys are awesome, thank you for some clarity :)

marilyn v
marilyn v - 04.07.2023 06:41

I was taking notes from Rick near the end. I am so grateful for these gems. I added one more to the list -- solely based on what I learned here today: Proactively and intentionally closing communication gaps with others (as challenging as it is for me when emotions are in play) so that I don't spend days or weeks after the fact, looping and ruminating on how I was misunderstood and not heard.

RFPLuvsVacuuming - 23.06.2023 10:50

Okay so this doesn’t talk about how to stop rumination
You need the workshop for that and this is an ad

Michelle - 13.06.2023 09:36

Oh to have a family member that you can have these types of conversations with

Not Necessarahly
Not Necessarahly - 03.06.2023 07:02

This really helped me understand a lot of things in my life. Thank you.

Fix your teeth though, dad.

Lorayna Hinton
Lorayna Hinton - 24.05.2023 02:31

Hi. I am really interested in this content in a professional way. I will be applying to graduate school in a few years, but I care about these topics specifically. Could we please chat?

Beatriz Chalas-Harnois
Beatriz Chalas-Harnois - 18.05.2023 03:00

Love this video. Thank you for the content. How can we access the course to manage rumination that Rick has on his website?

andfoundout - 17.05.2023 18:15

Why can't we save this one? It would be super helpful to come back to it

adrian baxendale
adrian baxendale - 16.05.2023 01:24


adrian baxendale
adrian baxendale - 16.05.2023 01:24


Kevin Berrill
Kevin Berrill - 07.05.2023 23:06

Thank you, Rick and Forrest. This episode was so full of insight and wisdom, and so personally helpful, that I have listened to it twice and I expect to return to it.

Melissa Mattingly
Melissa Mattingly - 06.05.2023 15:32

The two of you together express everything I could ever be thinking...(seriously, thank you guys so much. haha) you both help me get out all my thinky-thoughts into words and then help to ground it right back into me!

Thank you both so much for your genuine love and service for humanity.

May we all live long, thrive and better love and know first ourselves and to more wholly know others 🥰🥳

Karen Saunders
Karen Saunders - 03.05.2023 20:05

Thank you Forest and Rick. This is not the first time I've heard your clear explanation of obsessive thoughts but boy did I need it today as I struggle to sleep at night due to an obsessive worry over a problem I can't solve right now but I will be held responsible for the result. Definition of stress I believe. Such a great episode?

SaraBeatriceOne - 01.05.2023 12:03

"It's normal;
to have weird shit arise" 😂👍

RW2 - 30.04.2023 05:47

How refreshing to see such a healthy parent/child relationship. Respectful and supportive to each other. Also love the content

alro - 24.04.2023 08:49

rumination has a disassociated factor in it -👍🏻

Esther Rutledge
Esther Rutledge - 18.04.2023 15:39

I haven’t actually watched this video yet. But how is Elizabeth? I need to connect with her. But I noticed she hasn’t been active on her channel or instagram in a minute. Assuming she hasn’t seen my message or has just been busy, could you let her know for me? Thank you for your time 🔺

Emma bobby
Emma bobby - 18.04.2023 14:02

I replay past and future dialogues with generally quite highly toxic people, often who rely on bullying, intimidating and lying to "communicate". Can i be ruminating just in the hope that i will be able to actually get through to them, when in really i kind of go into shock when i am confronted with them because i just don't know how to handle the violence and incoherence of the ways they "communicate"? It is a very very prevassive rumination, i dream about the situation and start to ruminate as soon as i am not asleep, my mind kicks in a here we go again. But it causes stress and agitation in myself and still,when faced with them, i just go into shock and am powerless to actually communicate in any constructive way.

Monkey P'nut
Monkey P'nut - 18.04.2023 00:58

Cohesive, flowing open minded loving relationship you both have, and always a joy to keep learning such pearls from you both. Thank you ..enjoying your podcasts immensely!

Travel Fun
Travel Fun - 17.04.2023 21:03

😂😅 ha ha ...that thumbnail

Cred X
Cred X - 17.04.2023 20:45

Is there any time when rumination serves a purpose? I had recently heard a suggestion that anxiety is a message from your brain, you’re in a state that you haven’t reacted appropriately to stop and your brain and resulting physiological response are trying to get your attention and force you to deal with your situation (essentially- not quite as elegantly explained as what I’d read)
Is it possible that rumination is forcing you to revisit a trauma you haven’t attended to or adequately resolved yet?

Dr Devika Khanna
Dr Devika Khanna - 17.04.2023 18:23

Omg Forrest, how do you seem to know exactly what I need to hear and when? 😊 (And thanks to Rick too of course 😊😊)🌹🙏

LindaLu - 17.04.2023 17:04

Thank you for the talk on rumination. Due to being in a very long-term freeze response to past traumas, I find myself in the habit of 'stuck' thinking and dwelling on painful conversations and experiences. I would love to hear a podcast that focuses on agoraphobia and how to begin healing. ❤

Nature Lover
Nature Lover - 17.04.2023 16:36

well you can be within a culture whereas you keep having the same questions from different people.
Being curious or saying that is personal does not work. Telling a typical story about yourself does, it is the only one they will accept.
I have tried to tell different stories about my life to these child minds in old lady bodies to survive employment.
They are only kind if they are not jealous of you. You must not be competition.

Milie Jojic
Milie Jojic - 17.04.2023 14:10

Before I even hear the content of today's talk, I am overjoyed to see the genuine love and rapport between the two of you. Blessings to you both. 🙏
And now I return to the chat 🤣
