Let's Burn Some Ancients! | Shard Pulls | RAID: Shadow Legends

Let's Burn Some Ancients! | Shard Pulls | RAID: Shadow Legends


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@Toedju - 12.06.2024 17:44

It would have been worth to gamble and skip first SR and just use 9 sacreds in this one, i didnt go for it didnt imagine they would be this generous

@Djarkness - 12.06.2024 19:41

I didn't get any thing good, a couple epic empowerments, but nothing to write home about. I am all tee'd up for the next sacred or ancient 2x or pull one get one event. Thats exciting. I spread myself out and pulled 40 ancients, 10 voids, and 5 sacreds. I wanted that legendary book, wasn't too fussed about the rewards after that.

@BuHoGPaD - 13.06.2024 17:54

Since im skipping fusion - I'm saving my shards. Up to 22 sacreds and over 100 ancients already and hopefully when guaranteed is launched - i'd have enough. Or I'll have to burn few thousands of gems to compensate for ancients
