Digital load cell amplifier calibration | 0~10V/4~20mA

Digital load cell amplifier calibration | 0~10V/4~20mA

ATO Automation

4 года назад

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@pba21 - 11.11.2020 06:34

This is not the same as your other (Mypin) video right?

@kaushikbalasundar1761 - 13.10.2022 21:57


@graceliu2256 - 02.08.2023 01:26

Should everyone put a 2 kg weight on the sensor? I read in the manual that you should calibrate with more than 1/2 of the “full scale”, which is 1683. How would you determine this number while calibrating?

@earlgrey541 - 25.10.2023 12:03

1. If I want to measure two load cells individually, I need two of these amplifiers and connect them to my PC. Do I need two seperate RS485 to USB converters and therefore communicate with two seperate COMs or can I add them to one?

2. What kind of Power supply and RS485 transmission cable are you using in this video? / Can you recommend something? You're online store doesn't seem to sell either.

@FaridaAhmedKoly - 07.12.2023 17:30

Is it capable of detecting 1N load?
