5 SaaS Ideas You Can Build as a Solo Founder

5 SaaS Ideas You Can Build as a Solo Founder

Simon Høiberg

11 месяцев назад

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zxpyvfx - 30.09.2023 19:33

no way feedhive is created by you haha.. im using it for quite some time and didnt even know that

вяам ывпи
вяам ывпи - 25.09.2023 10:03


Andrew K
Andrew K - 20.09.2023 23:41

Hey Simon, I’m going to build the Notion automation tool! :) my name is Andrew, and Is be really happy to discuss it with you if it’s still relevant for you. Thanks. P.S, great video, as always:)

Lefa Mofokeng
Lefa Mofokeng - 17.09.2023 20:55

I actually have been wanting to create a Notion based interactive learning platform. Any wanna help

Col Br
Col Br - 13.09.2023 00:17

Hi Simon, I'm assuming by now you may already have this covered. It sounds like the integration project has legs to me. Just revisited the video, so both Low Code and an SDK is the ask. What are the 5 services/platforms you need/want to integrate with most?

Wladimir Bushma
Wladimir Bushma - 12.09.2023 12:52

Im software developer, feel free to reach me for collaboration to get rich

Awesome Online Networks
Awesome Online Networks - 11.09.2023 20:45

My man!

Eyüp C.
Eyüp C. - 10.09.2023 12:20

looks like someone copied this video into medium, and the big data showed it to me after watching this, just fyi
"5 SaaS Ideas to Build as a Single Person — Become a solo founder. (Mostly No-Code)" on medium

Ferhat Ozkasgarli
Ferhat Ozkasgarli - 09.09.2023 16:46

Hey simon
Unifying differen API to single service idea is somthing I am interested in. How do I get connected to you?

Abhishek Tripathi
Abhishek Tripathi - 05.09.2023 20:50

Ever checked out sequin for low code integration?

Techyhul - 05.09.2023 19:38

Building automation tool for notion

Ashley Gandawa
Ashley Gandawa - 05.09.2023 08:33

If I build a SAAS on my own how can I start getting customers?

Andrew Hallock
Andrew Hallock - 03.09.2023 03:33

A bit dark, but say you die without anyone knowing. If you set it up correctly, the business keeps running, completely automated for years haha. AI is answering customer support questions and tax payments are automatic through the processor.

traderH - 31.08.2023 23:49

All of them seem so hard to build :(

B Lindeman
B Lindeman - 31.08.2023 17:32

Hi Simon, I just discovered your channel. Nice! Can I give you some quick feedback. I see you edit in a way that between cuts, audio sometimes starts before video. This is a very nice touch, but I feel you’re overdoing it to a point that it distracts from the message you’re trying to communicate. But.. maybe I’m the only one😉 Keep up the great content!

Carlos Ricardo Ziegler
Carlos Ricardo Ziegler - 23.08.2023 22:44

What is your better boilerplate to create something?

SysTech Admin
SysTech Admin - 19.08.2023 14:14

it was great information .Please make a video on multiapp saas platform buid and run procedure and prodcut providing such platform.

Eduardo Rivera
Eduardo Rivera - 18.08.2023 07:58

What do you think of gohighlevel?

0bro - 18.08.2023 01:04

I want to learn to fish not be fed for a day. Please create a video on how to come up with these ideas instead Id giving them to us

Dataslid Tech
Dataslid Tech - 16.08.2023 18:09

N8n exists for the last solution. Very powerful

David Lednik
David Lednik - 16.08.2023 09:04

What kind of automation is needed for Notion? Any examples to get a better idea?

NoteForms - Easy to use Form Builder for Notion
NoteForms - Easy to use Form Builder for Notion - 15.08.2023 11:54

Thanks for the mention Simon 🖤

Ben Alfredo
Ben Alfredo - 01.08.2023 14:05

My growth of 401k is 2.74% in the past year. In this environment does investing under a brokerage with a custodian outperform a 401k? should I seek a pro to grow my funds on brokerage acct or still hold? I have 5 years to retirement. Happy to discuss.

Black world
Black world - 28.07.2023 14:54

Hi simon i want to know as a subscriber Which language did you use to create a saas

KGV_Studios - 27.07.2023 05:11

Been watching you for months on and off and you never fail to put me up on game. Your positve vibes, ideas and suggestions motivate me to do more and learn more. I never coded im actually a chef that started dabbling in automation and development thanks to you and your insightful content thanks.

djblast101 - 25.07.2023 17:05

Mmmmm I'm interested in this automation use case would need more clarity on what type of automation you are asking for? I am full stack dev / unicorn 🦄 who is also a product designer.

Been itching to get into a micro saas and I'm an avid notion user

Amir Zayid
Amir Zayid - 25.07.2023 13:40

Hey Simon, about the low-code platform.
Doesn't it exist already?
Like: mulesoft, pipedream, snaplogic...
Or did I understand you wrong
Would you please explain

Nicolas Perez
Nicolas Perez - 25.07.2023 07:23

Hi Simon! How would you go about making a better interface for a specialized project management SaaS built on Notion?

Seth Davis
Seth Davis - 24.07.2023 07:25

I can't stop looking at the floating hair above your left ear...

Gazuntai World
Gazuntai World - 23.07.2023 23:31

This video made me subscribe 😊

Full Stack Developer
Full Stack Developer - 23.07.2023 11:18

Hi, thx for the great ideas. I am a senior full-stack developer. If you don't mind, can we discuss a little bit more about the SSL certification manager idea? I recently developed a custom SSL certificate automation product for one of my clients ( generating certificates, adding to load balancer and renewing etc... ). I would love to solve this issue in a bigger way.

Anup S
Anup S - 20.07.2023 18:49

hey Simon , i have been watching your content since a few months. The content on SAAS etc is really amazing. It has motivated me to do something.. Wanted to check if you can do some content or video on Chrome and Firefox plugin markets, and some SAAS ideas around this space

Ben Arnold
Ben Arnold - 19.07.2023 11:51

The essential thing that everyone should be thinking about right now is investing in non-government sources of income. Especially in light of the current global economic crisis. It is still a wonderful moment to invest in gold, silver, digital money, and stocks.

Ash - 18.07.2023 19:05

Nice asusual, coincedentally we are building the low-codeplatform and accepting beta invitations and collecting requirements to prioritise the apps to build the SDK's first

Sundarapandi M
Sundarapandi M - 17.07.2023 08:02

Kindly post a video about Chatgpt 4 API - JavaScript tutorial

Pete Krumb
Pete Krumb - 16.07.2023 07:51

One minute you say you fired everybody the next you’re talking about “my team and I” 😂

B-Technos - 14.07.2023 14:30

Simon Interesting video.

I have one idea to build with the OpenAI API.
Just want to come with you to show. let's have a plan for that.

Velislav Varbev
Velislav Varbev - 14.07.2023 11:11

Any way i can get your Notion project management view template ( i know its 2 much) , but yeah it looks amazing. And you videos are pure gold as well!

Vinod kumar G
Vinod kumar G - 13.07.2023 17:08

Hi Simon, it is great idea, i like to team up and build the automation part of the notion. I have good experience in building applications and the cloud.

Dustin Miller - PolyInnovator
Dustin Miller - PolyInnovator - 13.07.2023 03:52

Feedhive needs to make a video showing the bulk upload feature

My sleep routine music
My sleep routine music - 13.07.2023 00:29

You have my sub

Edan Ben-Atar
Edan Ben-Atar - 12.07.2023 21:28

A Notion automation tool would be massive! 🔥

Julian Barriere
Julian Barriere - 11.07.2023 17:30

Hi Simon, thanks for this another great video. I have been running my own freelance community managers course for 2 years on several LMS platforms, and I've just discovered what you call "interactive learning platform". This so interesting because my students have to create editorial calendars and to program some posts (with Feedhive). I don't have any clue about how to start such a project (I'm a freelance social media manager, not really into technical stuff). So, this is my question : where to find more information about how to run an interactive learning platform project?

Alfonso Lopez
Alfonso Lopez - 11.07.2023 13:48

Solopreneurs rise up

Rodrigo Brocchi
Rodrigo Brocchi - 10.07.2023 05:21

I am from Brazil and I am currently studying some technologies to become the guy of the SaaS company, haha.
Your content was really cool, congratulations on the tips!

Jordan Baker
Jordan Baker - 09.07.2023 21:22

I Love the Low Code API intergration tidbit. Thanks for the vid. Incredible!

ProTitan44 - 09.07.2023 18:23

Doesn't retool completely solve the last problem?
