Understanding the Causes of Vertigo

Understanding the Causes of Vertigo

Zero To Finals

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Gail Remp
Gail Remp - 15.09.2023 02:54

Ear wax.

Nancy Adams
Nancy Adams - 11.09.2023 07:41

I have had severe vertigo on and off for weeks and was sent home with no treatment. Last week, I woke up with facial paralysis. Was given the standard meds at the ER and told to see my doc the next day. Could not get an appointment for more than a week. I may be permanently disabled because I may be missing early differential treatment. Don’t you love medical practice in the USA?

Lax 818
Lax 818 - 10.09.2023 06:42

I have vertigo when I leave my home like when I’m going out to eat or working it’s strange I feel completely safe and comfortable when I’m home tho but I start getting anxiety and my vertigo starts when I go somewhere

Kaitlyn Bree
Kaitlyn Bree - 06.09.2023 05:00

I started dealing with vertigo about 1.5 years ago. Once I had an attack that was so bad I thought I was having a stroke and got taken to hospital in an ambulance. When I got back, I was sleeping on an incline to avoid it, and developed terrible TMJ symptoms and tinnitus. It turned out I had BPPV in both ears. But did I???? I was still feeling very “floaty” for a couple months after having the Epley maneuver clear up one side and the Foster method clear the other side….

Then I saw a chiropractor. Years of poor posture (forward head posture, to be specific) and a neck injury I never got fixed caused a herniated disk in my neck, along with associated bone spurs. Every since I’ve been working with a chiropractor regularly, my symptoms have GREATLY IMPROVED.

I genuinely hope this helps someone who is a frequent sufferer of vertigo. Don’t count out a cervical spine issue for chronic vertigo. Sending empathy and hugs to everyone suffering from this frightening condition!!!!

dbb maddox
dbb maddox - 28.08.2023 03:36

Just landed here. I am extreme vertigo. And need help with why. Had it all my life.

Priya Vickram
Priya Vickram - 23.08.2023 14:22

I feel sorry for all those having vertigo , I m having it for 2 years . Hope we all come out of this hell soon .

xbfotos - 16.08.2023 06:02

I had sudden vertigo but it was vertical movement not horizontal. Does that mean the crystals may have entered the vertical canal of my inner ear?

sunil s
sunil s - 13.08.2023 17:34

Over hearing voices, sound pollutions may caused vertigo. So avoid mobile phone head set firstly

Monster Baek
Monster Baek - 12.08.2023 04:49

I experienced this many times today no wonder i keep on sleeping since last night cant watch vid u feel nauseous and vomiting and i cant lay side my head it keep on spinning... I thought theres earthquake 😭😭😭

Gabriel Aguirrebarrena
Gabriel Aguirrebarrena - 07.08.2023 08:45

This feeling sucks. Going through it right now 😢

gitasree das
gitasree das - 01.08.2023 17:26

I have vertigo for a week. While standing I don't have problem. While lying down on bed and moving from one side to another horizontal spinning starts. I feel that something is pulling me down. I have L5 S1 disc prolapse. I am taking vertin 16mg 3 times daily. It's not working. Can you please give solution?

Benjamin Martin
Benjamin Martin - 26.07.2023 23:45

First time today for me. I believe it's the BPPV since I get dizziness even when not moving and my right ear is having a hard time. Last for a minute or so and happens every hour. Ps: I had covid for about a week, just started getting better and trained for the first time 2 days ago. Hopefully this won't last too long!
Ps2 : walking when that happens feels like walking intoxicated.

Rekha B
Rekha B - 26.07.2023 19:51

Pls help me out for my husband he is having vertigo problem....pls suggest what to do

Jessica Washington
Jessica Washington - 22.07.2023 19:03

Thank you. Very clear. I dont know what vertigo I have. I cant walk. I cant stand and crawl. I cant lift my head. I cant lay down mid day. I cant move fast. I have to make sure i can still walk. Lack depth perception. Ive had this off and on and finally!!! Got an ENT. Im supppsed to take two hour BVT(?) in two days. Im scared and may not be able to walk to get to my appt. Cross my fingers.

Add. These come off and on. Its been four days so far. I can walk now but scared to lay down.

Anyway. That's for reading. My neuro said he didnt see signs of central via MRI. BVT would confirm. Waiting

24bells - 27.06.2023 13:44

I have psoriasis. I applied a balm to my scalp. The balm had so strong perfume smell, there was a point I thought my skull will 💥. Next day morning extreme virtigo. I am only vomiting after having a bout, writing this while I am actually on bed and suffering.

BC-Guy - 19.06.2023 05:04

A super explanation of these complications - thank you. I gather the primary purpose of your channel is education - in particular medical students preparing for exams. Well, I hope you don't mind the subscription, with notifications and the comment - I got a lot out of your presentation and will be around for more. I'm a Senior but I'm still a student of life; so Thank you to your team!

Princess Rainbow
Princess Rainbow - 02.06.2023 18:25

When you have vertigo, take some rest and sleep as many as you can, don't get stress, because vertigo is cause by lack of sleep and rest and I always take a medicine "Mertigo", and it's helful

Husain Abbas
Husain Abbas - 26.05.2023 21:45

My head spinning is like I'm tied to a fan moving full speed

Yvonne Casaus
Yvonne Casaus - 25.05.2023 05:52

What two for vertigo

Headless piper
Headless piper - 23.05.2023 20:39

I been noticing it also I get so scared because I just don’t know when the episode will happen but I put ice on my neck when my episodes happen it’s so scary

Betty Wu-Lawrence
Betty Wu-Lawrence - 21.05.2023 08:25

Much appreciate the presentation being concise and succinct!

Doris Faust
Doris Faust - 12.05.2023 02:21

I had vertigo horribly in bed. Visual horizontal rolling. Went bad to sleep. The next day i bent over to put plug in wall socket. Felt like i had been hit in the head with.a bag of bricks. Uncontrolled fall on my left hip. Fractured my pelvis in 3 places. Terrified of it happening again and having uncontrolled fall. Positional maneuvers in hospital brought vertigo on. And apparently helped crystal dislodge.

Topala Luiza
Topala Luiza - 11.05.2023 14:53

Thank you 🙏🙏🙏

Adam Arthur
Adam Arthur - 11.05.2023 12:02

Hi, massaging the face scalp and ear helps??

Girija Adithiya
Girija Adithiya - 10.05.2023 21:15

Thankyou sir for this simple way of presentation with most informative
Points......Made the entire subject most simple and understandab.,than onces again and God bless you 🙏🙏🙏

Ken Body
Ken Body - 06.05.2023 13:33

I have had and have vertigo. I’ve had it for years now. It’s getting worse. They have done tests but can’t seem to find out what is causing it. If I go anywhere like up to the post office to check mail. I have a cain with me . When I’m around the house. I’m always hanging on to everything as I walk around. I have to plan my shower as I can only use one and as I have to hang on with the other. I have stopped driving as it felt like my truck was still moving while I was stopped. I live alone. So I just have to be careful. I will be turning 64 in August. Somedays are worse than others. I was told though when I went to start getting tested. That I’ve lost all my hearing in my right ear. And losing hearing in my left one. Every day is a challenge.

conceptcs - 02.05.2023 15:44

Just had this not an hour ago. Scared the shit outta me. First time. I thought our apartment was falling over. Fell to the ground and threw up afterwards. Scary stuff.

Cole Mimi Ralte
Cole Mimi Ralte - 29.04.2023 22:10

Longest vertigo attack in my case lasted for about 3 months.. It felt so miserable, I almost wished I'd die Instead. couldn't even go to the toilet, my husband would help me pee in the bed and Turning my head slightly leads me to vomit my lungs out... it was terrible

Isaac Yiwombe
Isaac Yiwombe - 19.04.2023 17:00

I love the simplicity in your video. Very easy to understand.

nil waters
nil waters - 09.04.2023 08:29

Wow i'm so envious😮, other people experienced it for weeks or days..
i want to know your secret medication at home or recommended medication from a doctor because for me, i've been experiencing it for 20 years now and almost everyday especially at night when i get a wrong head position when sleeping, you know that experience having a dream that you are running, flying, riding and driving a vehicle so so fast even in that dream you already know you are having a vertigo and you are waiting to be awake and there your vision spinning,. Really so stressful😢, i want to drive a car but i cant because it is one of the triggers, i want to go on joyride but i wont as much as possible because fast moving object stimulating vision is also triggers.. there is much you cant do with this curse really

Cyndi Mansfield
Cyndi Mansfield - 08.04.2023 04:35

Yes I got this for two days and partial deafness . The spinnings gone but hoping my hearing comes back to normal .! Could it be a virus or something I had stocmack nausea like weird feeling but no flulike symptoms what could this be …?

edwin deleon
edwin deleon - 07.04.2023 13:59


Noriega Joel
Noriega Joel - 01.04.2023 13:28

I used Dr Madida Meds few weeks for my Meniere disease and my vertigo and Tinnitus was gone... I must thank this Doctor for helping me.

Eddie Bisketti
Eddie Bisketti - 31.03.2023 00:47

I get what my wife calls "position vertigo". Every so often, when I get up suddenly from sitting or lying down, I get a little dizzy and have to sit down. Sommetimes it takes a little longer than other times to completely recover.

Sandra Register
Sandra Register - 26.03.2023 19:05

Traumatic brain disorder vertigo

Steven Olsen
Steven Olsen - 22.03.2023 17:57

what about deficiency of salt or fat, vitamin C or.... something else ????? that add to the dizzyness

Ethel Ntsoaki Phillips
Ethel Ntsoaki Phillips - 21.03.2023 22:36

Thank you very much for this important information.

Esther C
Esther C - 21.03.2023 02:24

Your video and comments are very so helpful. Thank you all. I suffer from aura migraines,tinnitus (loud hissing sound) and vertigo. The aura migraine only last for a few minutes, however the vertigo last from two to three days. My ENT doctor checks me from time to time and they made several tests from CT scan to an MRI the good news… No tumors. The head exercises and drinking plenty of water helps.

BrodoFaggings - 20.03.2023 15:16

Damn, appreciate the info but hearing that a tumour (which is something that's on my mind) might be causing my vertigo, as a hypochondrist makes me even more nervous.

Lorraine Green
Lorraine Green - 19.03.2023 19:43

I have vertigo, had two major ones. One that lasted all day long. Closing my eyes was the worse for me. I pray all of us who suffer from this gets relief.

Helen Murray
Helen Murray - 08.03.2023 06:56

I've had vertigo for 20 years to different degrees. My worst attack was last year when I was driving on the highway. Luckily I was in the inside lane with no cars behind and somehow managed to get onto the shoulder. Terrifying.

Mystic Mark The Magician
Mystic Mark The Magician - 06.03.2023 00:06

Vertigo can also be caused by injury to the cervical spine not just inner problems I have had it for about 30 years...the best cute for it is to eat crystallised ginger it stops the vertigo on under 5 minutes

Tracy Howard
Tracy Howard - 27.02.2023 15:35

I have it all the time

Maria Burdukoglu
Maria Burdukoglu - 27.02.2023 06:34

I loved how explained it.Exellent job

lowercase hill
lowercase hill - 27.02.2023 02:40

i got a violent vertigo episode, had to call 911. I couldn't move by myself. No walking, nothing. Head explosion. I think it was caused in large part by the word games. Mainly a new one by the same people that gave us SquareDle. the new one is Clicker. It's extremely aggressive & makes eyes move fast, without a break. I did a few rounds of it. Two days later came the vertigo, after a work detail that left me exhausted. No coffee, nothing unhealthy. Just exhaustion and those games. that ONE game. but i'm OFF all of them now. Still quite dizzy. tried the EPPly move today, will try again, PLUS seeing chiropractor & acupuncturist. and ENT doc.
Those computer-generated games are dangerous.
