Chords and Pads with Saich in VCV Rack

Chords and Pads with Saich in VCV Rack

Omri Cohen

3 года назад

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@lasttrumpet - 22.03.2021 17:06

I've also found that using the grid sequencer for the gate and one of the voices while having the others play chord tones (if I'm using some kind of chord progression) creates really interesting comping chords

@joseph.nicolaus - 24.03.2021 22:16

FM Boy's 😁 ... nice vid as always 😉✌️

@GeorgCarlson - 24.03.2021 22:32

so many good things in this, thanks a bunch

@JeveMCD - 25.03.2021 01:37

Love what you're doing with the Saich.

@jaygregory8219 - 25.03.2021 02:09

Great patching ideas!! Thanks so much for the excellent video. How have you found the difference in tone and color between the VCV Saich and the physical module, if any?

@zachary731 - 25.03.2021 07:37

I can't get the first patch to work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I've been double checking the last half hour to make sure my screen matches yours.

@AaronGoldbergMusic - 25.03.2021 08:02

Thank you for the continued inspiration

@BallroomJam - 25.03.2021 19:41

Thanks for another inspiring video Omri.

@ursbasteck - 28.03.2021 23:38

Awesome! Initially, I hadn't really warmed up to Saïch but this and then spending time today with the current VCP challenge might have very well changed my mind.

@danielmcanulty1562 - 13.04.2021 10:23

Very groovy drum beat on that last patch. And lots of great Saich ideas.

@stephaneapollo - 25.04.2021 23:43

Really beautiful! Very pleasant to hear these sounds, this music, and understand how it's working.

@ritec - 22.06.2021 08:23

Wow I just learned so much!

@joostvanbunnik7646 - 31.08.2021 21:49

Another great tut. Love Instruo.

@matteaudio - 07.04.2022 00:30

Patch 2 was fantastic. Having a blast getting into modular with your videos/series. I've been struggling to achieve the sound I have wanted for years, modular has really opened up that world of sound for me, I can't thank you enough. Do you know if there is a frequency divider module like the Lala 6+1 for VCV 2.0? Incredibly useful module, can't seem to find a replacement. Cheers!

@-________9732 - 21.11.2022 08:59

Another discovery. It's just wonderful.♥♥♥🙆🥇🏆♥♥♥
