Season 18 PATCH NOTES - NEW GUN CHANGES, Legend Buffs and Nerfs - Legends Update Guide (S18)

Season 18 PATCH NOTES - NEW GUN CHANGES, Legend Buffs and Nerfs - Legends Update Guide (S18)

GameLeap Apex Legends Guides

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Lio - 05.09.2023 05:30

What a shallow attempt at 'balance' nerfing Bangalores ultimate lol...She's a victim of consistency since the game dropped she was always a good all around pick.

August Ulrich
August Ulrich - 26.08.2023 03:45

I am not a fan of the new rev.

konMen - 19.08.2023 12:20

Better be a pathfinder reborn next season 😡

Phatxual💯 - 14.08.2023 01:35

Wraith/Rev, Gibby, Lifeline/Loba, Spitfire meta?🤣

Dr Dickinson
Dr Dickinson - 11.08.2023 22:42

Pathfinder breath

Respawn : Gotta nerf him 😪

Chino Slick
Chino Slick - 11.08.2023 07:42

that definitely looks like kings canyon😅

jacob Solo
jacob Solo - 10.08.2023 13:02

People don’t like broken moon?!?! My favorite map tbh

Dexanimus - 10.08.2023 03:54

As long as they keep instant refresh on ult when pathfinder scans care packages they can increase the natural timer all they want. 🤷‍♂️

Thegod_ Lost
Thegod_ Lost - 09.08.2023 17:22

The path nerf was crazy

Thegod_ Lost
Thegod_ Lost - 09.08.2023 17:17

Nemesis in the crafter is a slight most people don’t craft like you think I do but I’m a season 1 player not normal don’t have that thought process

Adam Postman
Adam Postman - 09.08.2023 17:10

Why the force close dont update guys?! FUCK!!!!!

Lobas discharge
Lobas discharge - 09.08.2023 16:59

I don’t understand the need for most of these changes.. ult nerfs we’re completely unnecessary, evo changes were too and smg nerfs are more understandable but still sad

Tyler - 09.08.2023 16:29

Haven't played apex in 2 seasons, this just confirmed my reasons for not going back

Ghost - 09.08.2023 16:19

Fully automatic prowler is a joy to see again, i missed it for such a long time 😂 it was my fav weapon back in s4 if i can remember right

Reaper 430040
Reaper 430040 - 09.08.2023 12:15

It doesn't surprise me to much that they keep nerfing pathfinder. Almost every modder/cheater seems to use pathfinder for what ever reason, maybe the mobility? I do like that they increased the recoil for the 99, it was stupid accurate and had the fastest kill speed in the entire game. I really wish they would adjust the ranked system better though, way to many morons ratting and leaving their teams at the start of the match. They need to add something to combat this. Either add in a way for a team to report a trolling team mate and have them removed from the match taking a loss on their LP. Or simply have a timer for sitting still to long and mark them if they do not move for a certain amount of time. Just gotta do something cause it was getting stupid last season. I do however like that apex has made ranked battle royal more about surviving than getting kills. But its pretty odd that did this, but removed arena ranked haha. They need to have both, arena ranked should be for those kill hungry players who want high kills to climb ranked, and battle royal should be more about placement and less about kills. Revenant really did not need a change, I have no idea why they would change him like that its pretty stupid. He was perfectly fine the way he was, the only change I would have added about him would have been the loud noise his ultimate made, and I would have given a little more hp before you are knocked out of it. Sometimes I wonder if the developers play the game they change, cause some of these changes are very odd and don't make a whole lot of sense. Like Bangalores ult which was already super long is now a whole minute longer? Thats just stupid. I was really hoping they would make catalysts ultimate do some form of damage, cause its pretty useless with zero damage. Sure it blurs peoples vision, and it might hide you behind it. But really its a sucky ult compared to everyone elses in the game, literally does zero damage and has a decently high cool down rate. One of the biggest issues I have with apex aside from the cheaters, is the fact you can loot a box while in combat and switch shields. Some people don't even need to look into the box to grab the shield because the shields always in the same spot, its stupid. At least have the shield at the bottom of the list in the chest, it really ruins 1v1s and 2v1s. Think about it logically, it makes zero sense to tap a box and instantly get a full shield while being shot at. As much as I enjoy Apex, I think im done with at this point. Just to many unbalances in the game, and little details they seems to ignore for months on end with no changes. Some of the guns have damn near zero recoil, add that with high aim assist and you get people just beaming all head shots. No skill what so ever, they really need to increase the recoil of the guns. Example is the 301 and 99, sure they made a tiny adjustment but you can still beam with the 99 with very little effort. Both guns need a large increase to recoil to balance the game out, same for alot of the guns. Apex is a hot mess, and it feels like its babied down for people who can't control their recoil.

Addison Bevier
Addison Bevier - 09.08.2023 08:32

I think purple took to much to upgrade and this was there way of helping it without messing up the rest.

THELOCKDOWN89 - 09.08.2023 02:41

He really said “if you were a one team, and edge team” wait so ppl play like that?! Crazy scrubs no wonder why I couldn’t solo to masters. Nothing but rats

Chris X
Chris X - 09.08.2023 01:50

This game been out for 5+ years . Why are we still playing on the same 3 maps ? The amount of maps and map rotation is horrible in this game .

Soraka Starchild
Soraka Starchild - 09.08.2023 00:54

Give Wattson back her 3 Gens!

Oxyiest - 08.08.2023 23:37

Bro got paid to say that about broken moon

Mgeezy laslo
Mgeezy laslo - 08.08.2023 23:35

nah Broken moon has got to go

Lucas Vincent
Lucas Vincent - 08.08.2023 23:30

This seasons map rotation
Broken moon: shows picture of broken moon

Olympus: shows picture of Olympus

And kings Canyon: shows picture of worlds edge 💀

SIR SAINT 1 - 08.08.2023 23:29

Why buff Gibbys ult? I don’t know their thinking on that.

StopJerkingOff - 08.08.2023 22:31

They need to fix the shot registration, I’ve watched my gameplay on slow motion and my aim is always spot on but the shots don’t register specially when playing against someone on a 3000+ pc

BiggsIsBoss - 08.08.2023 22:03

stealing whiteboy7thst intros

Concept Dom
Concept Dom - 08.08.2023 21:57

Oh god I was already scared of the prowler now that it got a damage increase and select fire that’s gonna for sure be even more OP

Jacob Mead
Jacob Mead - 08.08.2023 21:50

My boy GMO rosin ftw 🌿💨

Eric_C - 08.08.2023 21:30

King's canyon is apparently world's edge in this video

Shutter R
Shutter R - 08.08.2023 21:30

Lol one of rare ones who likes broken rat moon

Carl - 08.08.2023 20:35

They should flip the Armour shields around........wait before I get the laughing emoji's you should start with red and as you get damaged Ur colour changes and armour all the way to white the advantages of this is it will stop the sweats at the end not only being a goat but fully buffed too giving the Smart playing players a more even playing Field. Also they could after a kill return a portion of the Armour back to the killer! Or a charge station to replenish lost Armour shield to a limit. I have played this game since the start and I hope a dev sees this as this would make the game so much more than just stacked sweats Aping teams as that Red Evo shield won't last long trolling multiple teams. Sorry to add this would help the panic of dropping with no weapon and give a team a chance to survive the initial drop, also random teams that split to regroup

Jason Harris
Jason Harris - 08.08.2023 20:26

Yeah dawg… you showed Worlds edge not kings canyon 😳

cannon butts
cannon butts - 08.08.2023 18:58

Y’all we finna have double spitfire back

WrightRides - 08.08.2023 18:41

Octane remains untouched 😢

VizUprising KingMandrill
VizUprising KingMandrill - 08.08.2023 17:32


TrillWillTitus - 08.08.2023 17:25

All that crying got ranked changed so much.. i doubt it will be fun anymore

let's start
let's start - 08.08.2023 17:16

I’m super glad they didn’t touch my caustic

let's start
let's start - 08.08.2023 17:14

With the seer nerf they will not leave him like that they are gonna buff him again in season 19 but not OP buff

cannon butts
cannon butts - 08.08.2023 17:13

Gibby ult going down 90 seconds not getting talked about

zombie kid242
zombie kid242 - 08.08.2023 16:55

They are putting it in the crafter because they spent a good penny on getting them in game and they don't wanna lose it so they are making people use it now

TheLsp2011 - 08.08.2023 16:33

Are we just gonna ignore the fact that DISRUPTOR ROUNDS CAN BE PUT ON THE PEACEKEEPER????

Welp, Spitfire PK meta coming soon.

Hunter - 08.08.2023 16:31

So bubble meta is back is what I’m here. Gibby ult time is short af and shotguns are gonna be op. Oooooo I can’t wait to bubble on a team and bubble fight again

TochripeX Gaming
TochripeX Gaming - 08.08.2023 16:31

So Ranked will be still ratting, just longer ? wtf?

Tweetttt - 08.08.2023 16:22

Honestly I’m pretty happy about all the ultimate nerfs

Tweetttt - 08.08.2023 16:21

Bro I just want my kills in tanked to give me more Lp. Somehow I be stuck in top 13 or something, then I end up fighting and we lose. I don’t like camping and stuff so I do wish there was a bit more points for knocks/kills

el_sapo123 - 08.08.2023 15:23

I don't think this kid knows the difference between a buff and a nerf.

insoko - 08.08.2023 15:04

why tf do they always nerf the r99 it jus came out the crafter

Jay - 08.08.2023 14:30

I don't like these changes for sure.
No nerf needed to bang. She is one of the most balanced.
Lobas ult is what gives her fight ability. The whole point is to be looted more than the person you are fighting since you have no damage abilities or fight abilities since the bracelet take a while.
Maggie I get.
Gibby ewww. Bringing him back in sucks.
Path, no sense in this at all.
Wattson needs a slight buff.
No nerf on the nemesis like wth?
And seer is still broken. It's like they don't play their own game

Tunde Ukwu
Tunde Ukwu - 08.08.2023 14:24

Making rev a skirmisher is their way of trying to balance him because I think his kit will be crazy

Grubbyzombie3 - 08.08.2023 14:09

Crybabies with all these nerfs is crazy
