How to Watch Unavailable YouTube Videos?

How to Watch Unavailable YouTube Videos?

Wondershare Repairit

2 года назад

229,106 Просмотров

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Kyrgyz Mapping
Kyrgyz Mapping - 14.10.2023 17:47

Finally someone who speaks English.

TheeLosAngelestud - 24.09.2023 01:36

How to on my homemade video? They are unavailable

Cody Chavarria
Cody Chavarria - 04.09.2023 03:16

Can you do a video for android phones

Gaurav Nathan
Gaurav Nathan - 03.09.2023 14:42

None of your videos have ever worked

Lands - 30.08.2023 19:12

and if its inaccessible across multiple machines and in other countries?

pr0fessoro - 31.07.2023 20:19

unusable tips... unavailable videos are those that are deleted, or become private... and it is very stupid, that you can't see their names (for shure they exist in other playlists, but you can't find them, becouse you dont know their names and autors)

Ed Kerby
Ed Kerby - 26.05.2023 15:47

Watching this in May 26 2023 what a coincidence

Cathy Roberts
Cathy Roberts - 25.03.2023 10:07

How to make videos unavailable available

Aishah sazali
Aishah sazali - 26.02.2023 18:22


Gone Jegory
Gone Jegory - 24.02.2023 22:12

I have a vidoe that does that at the moment. Problem is that not only does it say "Video unavailable This video is not available" but there are none of the buttons in bottom right corner, this includes the settings cogwheel button that you have to press to change quality. Any ideas anyone? PS I went to a video that does work and turned quality down to 360p but then went back to video that is not working and it still does not work.

Catherine Hamel
Catherine Hamel - 01.02.2023 06:20

Great tips! However, I just wanted to respectively share a note. I'm really not trying to be offensive or anything, but the manner that you shared your advice seemed forced. At the very least it didn't feel like your natural speech patterns.
Rather, you sounded like a mix between a robot/A.I. and an "on scene journalist" reporting for the evening news. Just didn't seem natural.
Character is a wonderful thing because people, as individuals, are interesting!! You have a lovely accent and many people love that! So that's a small surface level strength that you have in addition to all of the great information that you've taken the time to research! That's a lot of make that work for you.
Again, I'm not trying to be mean...but just trying to convey constructive criticism regarding how I felt (as a consumer) while watching your video and trying to absorb the valuable advice you're offering your viewers. Nothing more, nothing less. Good luck in your future endeavors!

dsv - 24.01.2023 06:09

What a bullshit. Wasted my time even on 2x speed.

Russ Andolina Jr
Russ Andolina Jr - 07.01.2023 15:18

For an experiment, societal experiment, instead of saying she, say he in the video and see how much people actually feel about it.
My prediction is 95% less comments on how people actual feel and are crying or whatever they're doing.

Ilham Alam
Ilham Alam - 06.01.2023 17:03

I need some help watching A cruel Angel’s thesis in lyrics, the original one, but they deleated that music video back then in August to September 2022! How can I get them back?

Thea - 23.11.2022 06:21

pov this video is unavaiable

The Girl Who Wandered Alone
The Girl Who Wandered Alone - 12.11.2022 17:26

Hi its a video I have seen about one or two weeks ago but now all of a sudden it says that its unavailable

Ashly 💕
Ashly 💕 - 10.11.2022 16:22

Bro I'm using a phone
