Dating Tips For Inexperienced Guys, Advice For Introverts, Increasing Intimacy & More | Q&A

Dating Tips For Inexperienced Guys, Advice For Introverts, Increasing Intimacy & More | Q&A

Courtney Ryan

6 месяцев назад

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@elliotrodger919 - 30.01.2024 17:34

oh, you´re a dating expert now? you know best if how to get one? you know nothing of what we feel girl. nobody does.

@bgmigaming9442 - 30.01.2024 16:29

Never ask a fish how to catch it

@ibrokemyownheart4953 - 30.01.2024 01:14

I didn't know there was more people like me lol

@hamishcounsell5579 - 29.01.2024 14:49

Im not a shy bloke but i think i may have missed a few opportunites.... just the other day i saw a girl who i use to work with come into my store where i work. She obviously recognised me had a chat with me etc. I was really thinking about asking her out to dinner but i kinda just didnt. Main reason being that her mum was there with her, They were shopping together and i was also on the job. Didnt want to come across as weird or unprofessional.

What in the bloody hell do you do in a situation like that? It just seems odd to try and pusure someone like that.

Now im just waiting and praying to the gods i bump into her again one day.

@marcin3136 - 28.01.2024 01:00

Dating is illogical- it's an intentional situation (ok - you can "find" a lot between dates; e.g. whether she's manipulating/ behavioral changes/passive aggression, etc.).
It's better to observe how someone behaves in a natural environment (when she doesn't even know that I'm watching her; it works perfectly ;)

@TalkTopicscity29 - 27.01.2024 06:37

33 years old have never been in a relationship myself. I take a lot of responsibility in that there's certain aspects of my life that I'm very insecure about.
In college right now, living at home, have an internship going right now, in the process of obtaining a degree in communications.
9 times out of ten if I were out on a date with someone and if they discover these things they will calculate in their head and come to the conclusion you can't provide next!!.
Dating apps only work for the top 10% of men they pick and choose who to respond to.
It wouldn't be shocking if you were on date with them their not serious about dating you they'll keep you in the friendzone.
Men who they view average you got to wine and dine them make a great impression and what do you get out of it a thank you or a pity kiss on the cheek if you're lucky.
After the date's over Chad and Tyrone will call them and tell to come over.
They didn't have to do a damn thing average men are the wingman, MVP, sidekick, you butter them up Chad and Tyrone go in for the kill.
Average men are invisible I don't have a lot of money. And I don't care what anyone says you need money in this life.
I'm an introvert I don't go out a lot do parties, clubs, I feel more comfortable with familiar settings and people.
And we live in society where Chad's and Tyrone's are rewarded while average men are invisible like myself.
Not to mention the unrealistic expectations and demands 6 figure salary, abs, bad boy vibes, certain cars that grab their attention, ect..
Being yourself is not good enough it use to bother me but not anymore I focus on the things that make me happy.
If anything I'm more at peace not going to change myself just to attract someone I will stay true to who I am as a person.
Not to mention a lot of men are checking out focusing on their career, education, hobbies, hanging out with their boys, going to the gym.
Anything that gives them a peace of mind.

@colinreidcr - 27.01.2024 04:28

I never get any matches or dates now so I’ve given up and focussing on me

@cl1ff892 - 25.01.2024 01:39

Advice - dont waste your time

@ishrendon6435 - 24.01.2024 09:31

Being extrovert has gotten me into big trouble with law and ladies lol maybe i should ease up become more introvert and find myself

@CHman712 - 22.01.2024 01:11

I solved that by not dating Americans anymore

@KriterionBD - 21.01.2024 05:59

Here's one: he's a 5 but he's retired at age 30.

@datboidrew420x - 20.01.2024 20:06

WHats a girl ? I only know how to ride wood and skateboardz

@mr.buffallo5597 - 20.01.2024 05:53

How do you stay confident as an introvert?

@louisdavis7493 - 19.01.2024 22:52

Good afternoon Courtney 🌹! A few days ago I just so happen to come across one of your Alluring Platform video. I must say the topic has a lot of truth to it 👍💯! And I also have to mention, your Alluring Appearance 🙉🔥. To wear I look forward to seeing more of your clips. Oh I'm sorry. I forgot to see if you don't mind me being the " fly " on wall? Stay Focus and warm down there in Queen City! I'm myself am from Ohio... Youngstown! Enjoy your day and stay warm 🥵

@shanekumar8669 - 19.01.2024 12:55

Being an introvert woman on dating apps is not the same as being an introvert man. Just is, I would say avoid online dating if possible, unless that is really your only option.

@AshokTiwari-hz8ir - 16.01.2024 16:11


@ThomasKebschull - 15.01.2024 08:20

Hey Courtney! Great rec on the cologne! I put Prada Rossa Black on my Christmas list because of your channel and ended up getting it. No regrets!!

@dresshabt981 - 15.01.2024 07:33

U r awesome, In & Out

@JohnSmith-qq9jp - 15.01.2024 06:37

Best relationship advice from a couple that had been married for almost 60 years: understand your partners faults and deal with them. What does this mean? Understand what your partners faults, quirks, habits, etc. are and if none of them are deal-breakers, you understand that you will not change any of them or make them go away; so in other words, you deal with them.

And for those of you that think you don't have any of those, you are wrong; you have some...everyone does. My wife and I have been very happily married for over 30 years...

@TySoloMusic1 - 14.01.2024 09:27

Kendra Lust is that you? 😍 (forgive me)

@praetorxyn - 14.01.2024 03:04

I'm a special case kind of trainwreck on this front. I was born legally blind thanks to ocular albinism, so my vision is 20/200 and I can't drive. I lived in cities for a while, but they're far too expensive and I hated the noise, plus I'm naturally introverted and didn't want to go out and do much anyway, especially not by myself. I've always had awful social skills, and while I make great money, I managed it poorly and can't afford my own home without draining my retirement savings for a down payment. 6 or 7 years ago I moved back in with my parents to take care of my mother (and because being unable to drive, it makes no sense for me to live alone anyway). Never gotten a response in online dating, and I can't drive myself to go to a book club or something, so... I'm pretty stumped. It really doesn't help that I'm 37, and any woman even close to 25 here is usually married with kids or there's probably a good reason she's not.

@rickrose5632 - 12.01.2024 21:51

I watch these videos for entertainment not actual info

@konradzuk9661 - 12.01.2024 18:05

Yes each time I enter this channel, I feel like new here. 😅 What can Courtney imagine more after many years of advices... Can it be something extraordinary or all has been SAID already? 😅

@starashinomori - 11.01.2024 18:51

The best way about being single is No fight, No confusion, No headache, No heartache, No toxic and No drama. Mostly women create many problems and drama… Stay away from all women and focus on your life. Don’t waste time on women because 80% of divorce is initiated by women in this world after a long time of marriage…

@samnair1152 - 11.01.2024 06:07

I was really close to getting into a relationship as she asked for my number but later told me that shes not intrested in one now so i figured or felt i was being stuffed in the friendzone until she found one.

@dantescuckferno7506 - 10.01.2024 21:44

To the 27% of men who are still dating, and/ or married I'd recommend going to southeast Asia, Georgia 🇬🇪 , or Romania 🇷🇴 to find a good woman, you'll be used, cheated, and treated like trash by most american women.

@CRUELLANDER - 10.01.2024 15:50

I’m a 17 year old guy and I have a wide variety of preferences types of women I like:
1. Sympathetic women
2. Empathetic women
3. Sentimental Women
4. Adventurous women
5. Blonde Women
6. Adventure-seeking women
7. Confident women
8. Women who aren’t shy
9. Protective women
10. Tall women
11. Curvy women
12. Thick women
13. Intimate women
14. Hardworking women
15. Strong women
16. Helpful women
17. Romantic women
18. Sensual women
19. Smart women
20. Comical women
21. Women that knows how to use a firearm
22. Women that like to dress up
23. Women that like to party
24. Women that like to travel
25. Women that like to dance
26. Women that like to eat
27. Women that like to go shooting at shooting ranges
28. Bulky women
29. Athletic women
30. Women that are into engineering and mechanics conversation wise
31. Women that aren’t obsessed with social media
32. Loyal women
33. Honest women
34. Mature
35. Women with an Original Personality
36. Women who are Persistent
37. Ambitious women
38. Women who aren’t Vegan
39. Passionate women
40. Elegant women
41. Angelic women
42. Caring women
43. Neat Women
44. Supportive women
45. Compassionate women
46. Women who like to hike
47. Women who like to camp
48. Women that are the same age as me or older
& more
And I don’t plan on dating till I turn 35 or 37 which I’ll only be dating women who are in their late 20s, all 30s, and early 40s maybe.

@alexanderg5386 - 10.01.2024 10:52

This is not a male self improvement channel, yet you have guys here commenting that it is. The world is really backwards when men go running to woman for dating advice and how to be a man. Statistics already prove woman can't teach a man to be a man, and woman give horrible dating advice, yet men are so lost and blue pilled they run to a female. The world is really backwards. Strong men build 💪 strong men and have the answers, not a woman.

@bobxbaker - 09.01.2024 22:04

as an inexperienced man or just being shy in general the tendency i think us men have is to not want to bother other people or try to always please others by making ourselves as non-threatening or non-sexual as possible like it's a constant worry, but here's a few tips i would give if i could go back in time to give myself advice.

make yourself comfortable because when you are comfortable you will come across as more confident which is good with people in general, like you can sense if someone is feeling a bit awkwardly placed or feel out of their element, that goes for you too and it's just easier to talk to someone who feels like they are happy and isn't stressing out or are nervous.

small things can lead to big things, you don't have to do something big or extreme to get noticed or have someone take an interest in you especially someone who is already kinda has their eye out for you they will take notice of your every move and women typically read into things more than guys do and you know how you can read into things sometimes, women do that too and often a lot harder (yes it's insane how much women read into things).

get comfortable with flirting in a casual playful way or just having a conversation because taking an interest in someone and/or being able to be playful is a big plus and also don't worry too much about it because often it doesn't really lead to much if they are simply not feeling it but it's a great start to get closer to other people and some will reciprocate and become really interested and you will just feel it and it's great and from there things typically move forward on their own but sometimes you have to push her boundaries a little because she might be nervous or expecting you to do things, but with that said try to be still comfortable in what you are doing but it's gonna be difficult because it might be uncharted territory and it can be hard but that's alright, if they like you they will forgive you.

i have a theory though and i'm not so sure if it's correct or not but i think it works for me more often than not and that's thinking about what i like and what i would have liked if others did those things to me, so let's say you have scenario of what you wish a woman would do to you to make you feel good or become interested, you do those things to the people who you would like to feel those things and hopefully you get the response you like and you can just keep at it. i really do think a good way to know or understand others is to first understand yourself.

also this whole bar and club scene, it's not a must but i think it's an excellent place to practice, because people are expecting people to take an interest in them and expecting a bit of conversation with strangers and flirting and so on and i think it's an easy way to increase your comfortability with those things in a place where those things are common place and if you fail it's less of a big deal and it can be just a fun little story how you failed to flirt with someone or got turned down super hard or whatever and if you just don't feel comfortable you can still just enjoy yourself and look at others and observe a bit and maybe get a few tricks up your sleeve for some other time.

personally i think it's best to see people in person because that's really where the magic happens so that's why i'm not a big advocate for dating apps, it's really difficult to convey everything you want through photos and text.

and the very last thing, it's very normal to feel nervous or be uncomfortable approaching others or being open with others in that way because it is a bit of a high pressure situation and sometimes you just have to push yourself through it and when you do after you will feel like such a fool for being so nervous and uncomfortable in the first place, the first times are always the hardest because of that.

@user-yg7fz5gq9x - 09.01.2024 11:51

The best dating relationship advice I have ever heard is:

1. Oh they'll never come to you
2. Open your hearts and open your wallets
3. No regrets live each day like it's your last good man

@jackkil1508 - 09.01.2024 09:23

"take a fricken shower......" That advice will never hurt you.

@johannsebastianbach3501 - 09.01.2024 02:56

Why are you giving dating tips to men? Most modern women today are backwards, and flat out rude, entitled, awful people. Being too nice to them is an ick to them, being genuine and showing your intentions is also an ick, being a badboy and playing mind games means you're an asshole, but they somehow treat you better. Women are absolutely backwards. Courtney Ryan, instead of giving "advice" to men (by the way men should NEVER take dating tips or advice from women ever) you should coach your own gender to become better women? Cause you don't understand the male experience quite like a man, but I believe you are married or in a relationship? that means you know a thing or two about keeping a man, so how about make content teaching these lost women how to be women. Leave the male self improvement for the Andrew Tates, and the millions of other MEN who actually know what works, actually got rejected a million times to understand dating dynamics and who actually are the fishermen, not the fish.

@flameshoter6 - 08.01.2024 09:11

I appreciate the thought Courtney, but I've been single for almost 11 years (I'll be 29 soon). I've picked up several hobbies over the years. Biking, kayaking, cooking, etc. I don't go to bars and not very religious (so I don't go to church). When the weather is warm, I'm outside a lot of time. Doing yard work, cleaning my car, going for walks, etc.

I've tried online dating in the past. No success after several months (this is going back like 5 years ago). All the women acted like they wanted to be super models, caked with make-up, rather than being down to Earth. So, I wouldn't swipe on any of them (they were too intimidating). I don't think it would make any difference today. Part of the difficulty is a lack of friends too. I have a small group of friends I hang out occasionally, but they are more introverted than me. So, I don't look like an interesting person from someone peaking from the outside. On top of that, they don't have many friends either, so its not like I can reach out to a friend of a friend for a date.

Most people I come across are 10+ years older. Whether it is at work or grocery shopping. Only people I see kayaking are usually couples. No one else is out walking or biking, let alone their own yard.

There are not many clubs, no classes, no casual adult sport leagues, etc. So, meeting new people is very difficult. I think the best way for me to meet someone is through some kind of activity, the only issue is, there are not many near me. Communities don't exist anymore. At least I've never seen one or have been introduced to any. I don't use much of social media in general either, so instagram is a no go too.

I've given up on trying to find a date years ago. But there is always still just a little bit of hope that someone will actually see me as me.

@matthewroth1 - 07.01.2024 22:50

One thing that a lot of female creators in the “relationship” space and even red pill creators will not say or touch on, is that being able to satisfy your woman is literally the single strongest predictor of that relationship lasting. Women will justify and talk themselves around salary, other behaviors, friend circle, etc. if the fun time is solid. If you’re a 5-7 but have great bed game, you’re instantly an 8-10 in their eyes.

@sylviaslydavies - 07.01.2024 13:38

Hi Court i love your black top so classy

@xchazz86 - 07.01.2024 13:15

One lesson in relationsships, never associate your otherhalf with business it tends to lead to bad outcomes when emotions are involved.
Encourage discipline, whats yours is yours whats hers is hers.

@sweatytryhard9891 - 07.01.2024 05:10

So, riddle me this women: If you keep rejecting men who are inexperienced, how are those men going to get said experience? How can you expect men to have experience with this mindset?

@female_logic - 06.01.2024 23:41

90 seconds in already garbage advice "own being inexperienced " WROOOOONG!! as a chick you can pretty much do no wrong, guy HAS TO LOOK LIKE HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING
"if asked, say you been preoccupied with different things..." WROOOONG AGAIN , if guy is asked by a girl how many girls he been with or how many girlfriends he had then byt that fact you can assume he's doing stuff incorrectly, the only correct answer is dissmiss it with something like "what do you think... and whatever she says make fun of it" and change the subject WITHOUT EXPLAINING YOURSELF (attractive/experienced guy would do that"
itrovent/extrovert thingy - whole answer is incorrect because it assumes that one can be born one or the other - when person knows what they are doing/a lot about the subject they wont be shy to invert it - when they are shy ...THEY DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING (it debunks somebody being introverted ) so your advice is pretty much "oh if you are fat go to fat people places" instead "lose the weight"
barely 3 minutes in and it's just amazing how someone that clueless can have so much following - if you were a fitness trainer you're equivalent of someone that is telling guys to do hip trusts 3 times a a week and chest and arms once a week because you dont want them get to big

@spiderkidLarry - 06.01.2024 22:38

I have trouble with being happy. Now I am very happy and upbeat when I am on a date. But when I do not have al woman with me my attitude is much lower. I have very low selfesteem. But like I said when I am with a woman it goes away.
Whats your opinion on where to go to a first date? I dont like eating reason I want to talk to her and cant while I am eating. Now I dont drink nor do coffee. Any advice would be a great help.
Heck no they dont like too nice. I've been told that 4 times last 4 dates. Glad you brought that up.

@WawrzyniecTheIII - 06.01.2024 17:51

OLD doesn't work and even Hinge's CEO recently posted on this and about they are possibly shifting to AI, as majority of the activity goes to the top Especially for men.

@CadillacSlick - 06.01.2024 10:40

There is being intimate and then there is having intimacy.......

@user-yg7fz5gq9x - 06.01.2024 04:22

Do you believe in medicine?

@robbybobby4253 - 06.01.2024 03:45

When I go to a new city (I travel), I walk around. I observe what's going on, I talk to people cold-turkey in respectful, light-hearted, interesting ways. It works great.

@robbybobby4253 - 06.01.2024 03:36

Courtney, you're an introvert? Well, knock me over with a feather. Kudos for social media for giving you a platform for sharing your insights with the world. 👍

@52down - 05.01.2024 22:54


@septemberspassion - 05.01.2024 22:01

Great Video! 🙏
