TEDxBoulder - Thad Roberts - Visualizing Eleven Dimensions

TEDxBoulder - Thad Roberts - Visualizing Eleven Dimensions

TEDx Talks

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Henry Throop
Henry Throop - 21.08.2023 09:15

This talk is quantum-inspired pseudoscience. His personal theory about spatial quantization haven't been published or reviewed.

FWIW, the speaker was locked up in federal prison for 8 years for stealing a vault of moon rocks from NASA's Johnson Space Center -- Google him.

Baller Doge
Baller Doge - 11.08.2023 06:39

I love how so many people are getting tricked by this. TED has to filter talks and put them down

kristian vitanyi
kristian vitanyi - 21.06.2023 01:57

This was realy interesting. Wonder if there are theories about other dimensions on large scales, like larger then the visible universe, and how those might affect us?

gaia35 - 18.05.2023 20:23

"As a child it never made sense to me why counting basic shapes felt unknown, I was 25 when I found this out."
This is a reoccurring trend, it seems as though nobody, including myself, was taught (basic shapes;) that the second dimension, "2" and the shape associated with 2 is a hexagon because unlike squares, that can make 3D boxes, the hexagon does not share this property they are truly 2 dimensional.
Particles like atoms will stack in hexagonal formations, meaning the second dimension, our foundation, is literally hexagons; this is why bees and rocks base their existence on this shape.

To normally see this being described as 2 dimensions, length and width and implying a square along with this flatlander idea is a detriment. It teaches a perspective of unknown and personally interpreting such things as basic shapes; in this case with a series of lights and a pool table as opposed to just the reminder it should be, a hexagon like with bees and rocks.

Personally, I wish I was taught that 2 meant 6 when i was 2, or when I was 6 to be told that 6 means 2 because hexagons are 2D or even at 7 be told that 7 atoms are required to make a filled in hexagon.

Lorraine Couch
Lorraine Couch - 18.05.2023 09:22

In the beginning was.... STATIC



Seagull - 15.05.2023 01:36

Basically explain the universe in 15 min. No wonder hes flustered

Sigma man 🦂
Sigma man 🦂 - 24.04.2023 01:11

Lost me at 7,04 🤔🙃

DustyinLVNV - 05.04.2023 00:43

Flagging him for theorizing and stating it as such at the start of the talk?

Hataldir - 31.03.2023 14:33

This thing doesn't make sense on so many different levels...

zer00rdie - 28.03.2023 20:16

What a wordsalad

isaiah goodley
isaiah goodley - 24.03.2023 05:32

Thad Roberts is a theoretical physicist who first came into the public spotlight for his role in the theft of 100 grams (Template:Convert/round oz) lunar samples from the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas while being a co-op at the facility. Roberts was sentenced to 100 months in federal prison for the crime. Roberts used this time to explore the mysteries of modern physics, taking a particular interest in the philosophical postures of Bohmian mechanics, and Superfluid Vacuum Theory.

Agustin lerto
Agustin lerto - 22.03.2023 11:47

Al final esto no revela ni significa nada, es el chapoteo de la vanidad humana sobre el océano del misterio q nos sobrepasa y siempre sobrepasara

J. K.D.
J. K.D. - 19.03.2023 06:15

Thinking outside of the "Box"

Mike Wazowski
Mike Wazowski - 17.03.2023 16:06

How do we pop ourselves out, conceptually?

Antonio Schiavi
Antonio Schiavi - 14.03.2023 01:32

My personal best result is ten point five. How can I get eleven?

Mark Vincent Ordiz
Mark Vincent Ordiz - 12.03.2023 14:06

The beginning have a lot of problems, how can there be an eye (3d) to observe the phenomena in the 2d?

Hussein Merza
Hussein Merza - 10.03.2023 00:00

Waw, that is amazing
Thanks a much ^_^

April Gartman
April Gartman - 08.03.2023 19:03

The source of the great mystery is that the earth is flat and then you tried to do science without knowing the truth. You'll never solve a grand unified theory when so much of it is wrong. Haters gonna hate!!!

nate latka
nate latka - 07.03.2023 07:58

This demonstrates how important it is to have the right framework when making any kind of observation. Without the proper mental tools to interpret information we will be limited to ‘flatlander’ explanations that dont always make sense

vanishedher0 - 02.03.2023 03:30

show this to a flat earhler and his mind will turn to mush.

Jocelyn Joseph
Jocelyn Joseph - 27.02.2023 16:54

Point=0, line=1, Surface=2, Confined volume=3.
Time is a dimension. So spacetime is 4-D.
A quartz crystal has X to Y axis transformation at near 'c' and this makes the fifth, life in AT CG and uracil being the sixth.

cristian mancini
cristian mancini - 22.02.2023 10:15

Titolo in italiano e poi...ma vaffanculo

Joseph Dias
Joseph Dias - 17.02.2023 02:22

"God doesn't play dice." -A.E.

Shaiv IT
Shaiv IT - 15.02.2023 19:02

Only 9th dimension visualize

Metal_malcolm - 14.02.2023 13:29

One of my favorite videos

rpulgajr - 12.02.2023 19:38

like michael scott once said: i understand nothing

Eidetecker - 12.02.2023 10:02

Aspects of this make me think of Leibniz and his concept of monads? But I assure you, I certainly don't know what I'm talking about.

Leonardo Atalla
Leonardo Atalla - 12.02.2023 09:13

I think this is line with Tesla unified theory of gravity wheter he said that for him space cannot curve as it has no properties but the void is not really void but contains ether (or aether , or zero point field) which behaves like a fluid.

Ivan Sanchez
Ivan Sanchez - 12.02.2023 00:48

Todas las magnitudes son medidas de presión, la energía es movimiento, y el movimiento crea una dinámica de presiones, según la configuración de presiones crea un patrón de frecuencia, por lo tanto todo interactua y todas la dimensiones están conectadas, este gran campo que todo lo abarca sería el éter.Pensar en masa o partícula como la cosa que compone la materia es un error, todas la teorías acaban aceptando que son ondas hasta que las medimos, hay una creencia en la materia que no deja desprendernos de ella, tenemos que aceptar que lo que percibimos y procesamos es un rango de percepciones, la luz, el calor, el magnetismo, son percepciones de la energía cuando reaccionan el mundo que interpretamos como materia.El vacío absoluto no existe, la presión no va en la dirección del vacío, sino que el concepto del vacío es nuestro, por lo tanto es incoherente provocarlo, es como si no tuvieras piernas y quisieras ponerte un pantalón.
El tiempo es un registro de los cambios, la teoría está mal conceptuada cuando trata de explicar que actúa sobre las dimensiones físicas, es un concepto herramienta, no una dimensión. La velocidad de la luz es instantánea, lo que medimos es la resistencia del medio por el que se expande y propaga.
Todas la teorías oficiales son erróneas desde la base, se podría poner en duda a todos los físicos teóricos, porque todas son conclusiones que acaban colapsando, adaptan los resultados experimentales a sus dogmas adoptados, sin contar la mayoría con la limitación de sus instrumentos, la interferencia generada por el observador, incluso en las bases teórico cuánticas añaden un número i de imaginario.
Tengo una pregunta para qel que la quiera responder:
¿Es el oxígeno el único elemento que en combinación con otro produce combustión? Que ademas por la reacción desprende calor , que no se pierde porque oxida o se mezcla con otro elemento, al reaccionar con otros elementos cambia sus estados o modifica sus propiedades, etc
¿Porque se le trata como un elemento más, si tiene una propiedad que no tiene ninguno?

KARL Shipley
KARL Shipley - 11.02.2023 04:30

The clue is vortex mathematics

Matteo Sposato
Matteo Sposato - 11.02.2023 03:06

I feel like he was tasked to make this talk to a generic audience and within a strict amount of time kind of at the last moment... big chunks of the speach clearly take too much of a leap and/or are absolutely not explained and brought into context. Plus, this would also explain the notes.
The content is very interesting but the delivery makes little sense at many points... and I don't feel it is the speaker's fault

Enrico Fioresi
Enrico Fioresi - 10.02.2023 22:46

Today I was feeling too smart, but now that I've seen this thing I feel better

run1492 - 10.02.2023 22:33

So nature did not gave us the ability to perceive more than three dimensional space + time, the same way we cannot hear ultrasounds or many other things. Interestingly, we use our brains to be able to perceive reality better than nature allowed us initially. That fact, in fact, is a logical, predictable and natural step in evolution.

Boss Level Pro.
Boss Level Pro. - 10.02.2023 21:22

All the people here acting like they can visualize several dimensions past human perception. Just because this guy spends 15 minutes cherry picking physics arguments and speaking in plain English... Lol.

Hemp Mountain Industries
Hemp Mountain Industries - 09.02.2023 18:28

Brilliant!!! Waiting for part 2 and 3 and 4 etc lollll

Lilque00 - 08.02.2023 23:28

I know the phone can read my mind. And that the appendix in humans is an immortal intellect communication organ. How do I get on this show?

Mole Man
Mole Man - 08.02.2023 11:12

First time that I actually "see" the extra dimension

Roberto Klimas
Roberto Klimas - 07.02.2023 18:01

Thank you for showing me that all my guesses and assuptions are right. Another thing that will blow our minds is the transformation sequence between energy and matter. This will explain the remaining part that is missing.

Frenz zone
Frenz zone - 05.02.2023 06:07

I learn new things today , new way see thing now

AMA Ingrid
AMA Ingrid - 04.02.2023 22:06

More of this please! And I would not mind chopped into different shows. Too much in too little time. So fascinating. Thank you!

zippy twelvefootboy
zippy twelvefootboy - 04.02.2023 06:31

Uh, I took the clickbait. I wish I had seen the disclaimer from the grown-ups that "flagged" this talk. I thought this was a kludge to help understand string theory.
Luckily, my bs detector was running as I watched the vid and I'm not any stupider now. It was probably a lot harder to filter when it was made. FWIW, I'm rather watch a multi-dimensionalist than a flat earther :).

Leszek Marfil
Leszek Marfil - 03.02.2023 14:47

he is wrong

RealWords14k - 03.02.2023 12:37

Good mushrooms 🍄 😅

Guido Lewumba
Guido Lewumba - 03.02.2023 03:47

So in his most recent video Thad explains how he abandoned this model and now favors one with 5 dimensions. Look for the video titled "the base of prime factorization" to see where he has taken his theory.

Patrick - 03.02.2023 00:07

Simply false.

Sneaksie Taffer
Sneaksie Taffer - 02.02.2023 09:54

Humans can only visualize in two dimensions. The third dimension can only be deduced by mathematical calculation. Any higher dimension than two will always use mathematics in order to see it. But what we are looking at in the higher dimensions greater than two is an abstract representation and not it's true form which is impossible for humans to see.

Kids' Scissors
Kids' Scissors - 02.02.2023 05:52

This is the first video that actually made me understand and grasp more dimensions than 3

Elliott Revell
Elliott Revell - 01.02.2023 20:51

His cotton mouth made me thirsty
