Mightymaster123 Live Streaming? What do you think?

Mightymaster123 Live Streaming? What do you think?


1 десятилетие назад

740 Просмотров

Yea, that's right. Capabilities to actually Live Streaming my gameplay are in full effect. To those of you still subscribed to me, thank you for all your support! Without you, I probably wouldn't have thought about Live Streaming in the first place! Also, I am working hard to push out videos. I recently saved all your guys' killionaires for a big Halo Reach Killionaire Goodbye Montage but somehow or another, the videos were gone the very next day... Sad face. But it won't deter me. Expect more awesome yet amazing videos in the future!


#halo #long #hard #cool #epic #fps #720p #720 #of #montages #infection #spree #double #kill #kills #triple #overkill #over #killtacular #killtrocity #killimanjaro #killtastrophe #killpocalypse #subscribe #mighty #master #123 #mightymaster123 #xbox #chief #spartan #gaming #neat #ton #awesomness #great #quality #shotgun #handgun #headshots #medals #ps3 #playstation #playstation3 #multi-kills #multi #multikill #multikills #multi-kill #gameplay #xbox360 #360 #games #Xbox_360 #Game #live #streaming #stream #what #do #you #think
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