Should You Play Neverwinter in 2019?

Should You Play Neverwinter in 2019?


5 лет назад

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Edgar Brooks
Edgar Brooks - 30.08.2020 22:24

they still haven't fixed cloak tower. its been glitched a while. I find higher lvl dungeons much easier.

Jaymon Whitman
Jaymon Whitman - 14.06.2020 16:04

The man who created D&D lived in flagstaff, AZ. He has pased away. R.IP. I liked the dice game. Many young people would comitt suicide if their char. died. In real life. My mom was terrified about this issue. I told my char my mom my char has died
hundreds of times. Thoughts of suicide never crossed my mind.

Minstrél - 24.05.2020 11:15

What is this question? Of course you should play this game! 😂

Carlos Duarte
Carlos Duarte - 08.05.2020 05:19

Great video, I am playing some time ago and i have one BIG problem like in other games i played. the PVP seems to be a lot of p2w, thats is true? i enjoy the game but that idea for a pvp only for ppl who pays a lot of money its really frustrating. thanks!

Mars Prospekt
Mars Prospekt - 06.04.2020 15:01

people quit because they had a build and the developers changed in and they have to spend actually cash to respec their character (all this after putting hundreds of hours into making the perfect build)

Mars Prospekt
Mars Prospekt - 06.04.2020 14:59

oh god i miss that game. i put countless hours into it including a lot of money : (

Deleted User
Deleted User - 12.02.2020 02:25

I utterly despise the fact that they removed the custom spec possibilities the game used to have. I played the game years ago, came back to it and found that most of what I liked about the game had been removed. Now I'm just playing it as a kill time till something more interesting comes along. I don't like cookie cutter games with limited ability for customization. I like min maxing, I like figuring out complex game mechanics, I don't like games which are watered down for the sake of people who refuse to l2p. If they want to play smite: they should go play smite. Quit dumbing down everything for the sake of the lowest common denominator.

YungSnupe - 11.02.2020 22:47

Started playing about 2 days ago. The 1st area I entered ... my FPS dropped like crazy. Couldn’t handle it. I quit on the spot. Sorry 😅

Tadhg - 04.02.2020 20:20

Just start playing two weeks ago on Xbox. I've played Dungeons and Dragons online for over a decade and I have to say I love Neverwinter! I'm progressing smoothly only problem I've run into is aquiring enchantments and mats to upgrade runestones etc. But I enjoy the grind! Definitely recommend for new players

The GBK'S - 04.02.2020 19:36

Ty for the content! :) Great info!

iShadowBEAST - 01.02.2020 11:07

what class with is the one with the shield?

Rick Diculous
Rick Diculous - 30.01.2020 21:33

Is this another crappy and lame tab target combat mmo?

omega311888 - 24.01.2020 16:42

weve long played old fashioned pencil and paper D&D IN the forgotten realms setting so for story content alone, i love this game. that being said, i have no other real life friend players and i dont like joining random dungeon groups because of really caustic people out there ( some of which you can identify by their comments in here ) who give me grief for not playing exactly according to their idea of what the perfect player should be. thanks for the video. i will probably continue to play, casually, but im afraid, like in World of Warcraft, i will never really get to enjoy the games best content.

Torie Myers
Torie Myers - 26.12.2019 09:12

Any PlayStation players? PSID: PV_xMyst1c

Putra Septiadi
Putra Septiadi - 15.12.2019 00:44

I am from SEA and this game always delayed for 0.5 seconds every time I play it especially noticeable in combat.
Every time I hit the enemy, the health, the damage numbers are delayed like 0.5 seconds and it really ruins it for me.

ProtoTypeTyrant - 11.12.2019 19:55

i cant stand how the chars look when running animation is so weird

JW - 08.12.2019 23:57

So is this a single world MMORPG (like WOW or Elder Scrolls Online) or is this a persistent character(s) across several servers?

Connerie Velue
Connerie Velue - 01.12.2019 17:48


Paul Mish
Paul Mish - 30.11.2019 02:22

I started playing neverwinter in late 2016, about the time when the twisted weapon set from underdark were still best in slot. nowadays playing neverwinter it seems everything changes just too fast. weapons and gear you struggle to get , will be replaced in a few short months. so, by the time you get them, the game has already moved to another mod, which requires new better gear. so it's like what's the point of spending all this time getting current best gear ect for your characters.

Dominic Kotze
Dominic Kotze - 25.11.2019 08:03

I am trying it out now.

Undead Wiseguy
Undead Wiseguy - 21.11.2019 22:41

4949 hours...

Dale Cosselman
Dale Cosselman - 14.11.2019 16:32

You shouldn't play unless you want to become an addict like I am

blackjack jasmine
blackjack jasmine - 11.11.2019 07:32

I used to love this game had a trapper hunter that's was insane then I moved and dident have internet for awhile I'm heartbroken that trappers dont exist anymore because of cry babies and that the game fell this muxh apart I hope it gets better

A. House
A. House - 06.11.2019 02:01

My honeymoon phase with BDO is wearing off, I felt like it's a cash grab with no real content. In a not shell in BDO you grind mobs to get things to make you stronger so you can fend off PKs so you can grind more mobs... Ugh.

Im contemplating returning to Neverwinter, that or ESO. I need dungeons and pvp from my mmos

denis debeljak
denis debeljak - 05.11.2019 14:29

So is neverwinter worth returning to?

raspira - 31.10.2019 13:46

Paying for "convenience" or buying items that help progression IS pay to win, quite frankly...

xpcmania - 29.10.2019 18:10

New players will enjoy because don't remember of the old gameplay before mod16. Now im playing ESO ( after mod 16 release ) and don't want back anymore.

Ye Olde Foxeh
Ye Olde Foxeh - 29.10.2019 08:51

One more reffed :D

Robert Gabriel
Robert Gabriel - 12.10.2019 23:20

My favorite part was where you said that Neverwinter was not pay to win, and then proceeded to explain how it was pay to win.

Karin Sowa
Karin Sowa - 30.09.2019 07:08

I played in 2013 and 14. I came back a few weeks ago. They changed a lot but most for the better. I'm in a guild but they are quiet. We are part of an alliance so there's that. I think it's a good idea to look up the character you are going to play or are playing and check out the best stats for you. I would like to make more AD but I want to play my character first and finish a few campaigns. Thanks for your videos.

Avs - 28.09.2019 19:13

"not pay to win, just pay to get power faster!"


runkorko - 24.09.2019 19:28

Thanks. Will give it a try. Failed all day to instal it. Finalt menaged to start instalation /from Steam.

Die Dunkle Seite von Neverwinter
Die Dunkle Seite von Neverwinter - 24.09.2019 17:52

If you love to play a game full of bugs and wait 1 hour or more for the random waiting list, then you should play Neverwinter! LoL

Astralaris - 15.09.2019 18:55

Thanks for the video, its definitly more help than Reddit. I feel that this is the place where my question is better asked. I like to play solo alot of the time, PvE as well as Dungeons, but i also like a good party play. My question is, whats the best or hardest solo class in the game, im not talking about campaigns, im talking about Dungeons like T2 and higher as example. I saw that a TR can solo LoMM, but neither DC or GF have a Mod 16 solo video of a high dungeon.

I love tanking as well as healing, i tried GF out and relized that after blocking an attack there is a delay until you can attack again, may be just me but i felt that way.

I dont know if OP is any more difficult to play now in Mod 16, since you are more or less a OP main, maybe you can tell me that.

DC looks cool, seems to be harder for solo play since oyu have to time dealing damage and surviving and find a good balance between them, but i saw a few videos on how healing works in group play and it does seem that healing is, well, easy or boring, you just repeat to use the same 3 skills as aoe under your teamates.

As i already mentioned, i saw a TR soloing LoMM and was wondering why he wasnt perma stealth, since Reddit called TR noobish cause of perma stealth, did that change the overall difficulty for TRs?

Satans Hodge
Satans Hodge - 13.09.2019 06:50

Short answer no

Lars of the Mohicans
Lars of the Mohicans - 13.09.2019 02:35

I love D&D,
I hate MMO's.
Having spent hundreds of hours in Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2, the initial release of a "Neverwinter" MMO was met with my complete apathy, but I might just give it a shot if there's any lore and immersion worth speaking of (the problem being that the MMO playerbase usually doesn't give a tumbling fuck about lore/immersion, except with those rare diamonds in the rough like Secret World or Age of Conan). So here goes nothing.

Joshie B
Joshie B - 12.09.2019 23:05

I play on console. Just started last night. I used your link 🤓. Hope we can play togeather someday.

Kesol 13
Kesol 13 - 11.09.2019 20:47

This is about the 4th or 5th "should you play NWN" video I've watched. And between the videos themselves and the comments on them (but mostly the comments), I'm getting WoW flashbacks to when they royally screwed the class customization options.

Dropping from 45 to 10? The only acceptable reason for something like that is if the majority of the player base is boycotting the game until you do it.

WoW did it for the sake of casuals and new players, and they took a massive hit to their player base, years ago. They've never fully recovered either.

I really want a true MMORPG, and I'm sad I never gave NWN a chance before these changes. Might still try it, but my interest isn't as high as it used to be.

A R - 08.09.2019 08:20

this game is a money grab wow, if your a normal person who works and has a family and bills and a life, your never going anywhere in this trash bag

ItsJust Jade
ItsJust Jade - 07.09.2019 00:45

i just joined this game 2 days ago and i LOVE IT SO MUCH

drifter848 - 05.09.2019 09:44

last time i checked and it was awhile ago it didn't count hours it went ny days played it was around 325 days plus odd hours that was years ago lol I have issues

GibsnRage - 02.09.2019 02:26

Picked this game up again yesterday. I got to level 11 before going to bed and watching your 17 tips video with your referral link.

Today I start a new account for the free bag >:)

Thanks for the tip.. Now only if the servers would come back online >_>

Zekzt - 01.09.2019 22:17

Well im the level scaling supporter in mmos. It was the best thing that happened to swtor fir example. It makes the early game viable even in end-game. If done right of course.

Fh8zY - 20.08.2019 04:56

I'm going to try it out thank u

The God Sea
The God Sea - 16.08.2019 06:45

I kinda faded out of Neverwinter about 2 years ago. I played almost exclusively pvp. How is the state of the game with regards to pvp balance and enjoyment?

Shadow Wizard
Shadow Wizard - 15.08.2019 19:52

what i recommended to them on face book

about neverwinter online, what would improve the game is diplomacy and other skills that allowed to solve quests differently in NWN2 also when u were cleric u could save ppl u could not as a rouge for example

also like Pathfinder Kingmaker is u need companions to solve missions cause if ur int is not good u cant use diplomacy so ur companion with hes diplomacy comes in

also alignment sys like in NWN2 lawful good lawful evil

Shadow Wizard
Shadow Wizard - 15.08.2019 19:34

i recommend neverwinter nights 2 well 1 is not bad neither u have ur diplomacy skill that matters and enable u to solve the mission differently and when ur cleric u can heal ppl while with other class u see the npc's die the battle victim from attack on ur village that in NWN2
