The real Tyrion Lannister

The real Tyrion Lannister

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Anselliuuuuuuuu - 28.09.2023 16:19

Just in my opinion,i have some different views about Tyrion and Tywin.
The first thing is between Tyrion and Jamie. Although Jamie lied to him, and I know it hurts Tyrion a lot, he still won’t totally hates Jamie. That’s because Jamie is the only person who cares about Tyrion except Tysha. In fact, Tyrion had just regretted after he said those cruel words.
The second thing is about Tywin. I don’t believe that Shae on his bed is his willing. In my opinion, he really loves his wife, more than we could possibly imagine. During the whole book, everyone is telling that Tywin used to laugh when he’s with his wife, after she died, none of them have seen Tywin laugh again, which also makes him to hates Tyrion, now you telling me none of those things are true? Tywin is just as same as his father? I just can’t believe it.

LTE Tomahawk
LTE Tomahawk - 25.09.2023 12:37

Can we count on you making a similar video on Jon Snow? I started with a show and he was always my favourite character, but then i got into the books and realised how much better he is there. Considering how much the show has downgraded him in the last few seasons, it would be interesting to see your analysis of the differences between the two versions of his character. Jon Snow in ADWD becomes much more mature, harsh and even more serious than before, but it is justified by the circumstances and it also makes him even more of a badass imo. I think after his resurrection in the next book, he moght go even further down that path, becoming much colder and ruthless of a leader as he will face the Boltons and presumably take back the North. Later, this new attitude might bring him into conflict with his friends and family, yet they might be able to bring his compassion and kindness back. It would be an interesting take to see Jon still being on the "good" side, but at the same time operating differently than the other "good" guys which may result in some conflicts. It would actually be a take on his character that i wished he took in the show- since the beginning, he was always kind of an outcast, being a bastard, kinda being forced to join the nights watch, sacreficing a lot to defend the realm. Most of the other characters never really cared for him so why he would cooperate with them when he comes back from the dead? I'd love to see him trying to do the right thing on his own, maybe reuniting with others later in the story. I would really like to learn your take on Jon Snow's character developement and possible future plotlines

Joe Leonard
Joe Leonard - 24.09.2023 15:38

Everybody and their dog wants to marry Danny 🙄

Agus Marful
Agus Marful - 24.09.2023 05:57


Free Folk Gaming
Free Folk Gaming - 23.09.2023 18:45

This tyrion makes more sense than we seen on series, series one was nerfed tyrion 😂

Mohammadreza Khorshidi
Mohammadreza Khorshidi - 23.09.2023 01:45

I think JON SNOW also deserves a same kind of video, because in the show they made a total stupid honorable boring man of him which i think is not the same in the books

SRV - 22.09.2023 16:10

I bursted out laughing at 26.10 has him killed and turned into soup…. Tyrion’s stressed! 🤣🤣

Sheikh Alieu Swarray-Deen
Sheikh Alieu Swarray-Deen - 22.09.2023 12:06

The son so different from his father in physic but same in brain

Brooks Fleming
Brooks Fleming - 21.09.2023 16:20

He's a rapper. Lol

JJOHNSTON - 21.09.2023 02:47

Wasn't marrying teenagers normal in the middle ages and the vast majority of human 99.9% of it? Why hold Tyrion guilty for banging teenagers in a mideval fantasy book

Emanuel Silva
Emanuel Silva - 20.09.2023 23:52

I really like your video

scazzasofija - 20.09.2023 22:33

Peter would have been incredible as the real Tyrion. He would have been so hateful and rageful


If Tyrion is based on the Tudor propaganda view of Richard III still (the quote of him being the villain is from 1999, George has changed a lot of his characters since then) then he definitely will take a darker turn in the next books.

Daniel Declue
Daniel Declue - 20.09.2023 04:19

In terms of Tyrion from the books, I won't lie, I kind of naturally assumed that Tyrion may actually end up being the one character who takes advantage of the stores of wildfire under King's Landing, not Cersei. It would definitely be cruel, evil, and duplicitous, of him to suggest that Danny burn " merely a small part" of Kings Landing, only to sit back and watch the fireworks as one stray spark sets alight the entire city. My question isn't whether or not he would do this to hurt his sister, because at this point we know he would. My question is, does he still have enough good in him to not take advantage of such a wicked idea, when he no longer cares about protecting the people of Kings Landing, and when he knows it would hurt his sister and her rule so badly

Mike Lindfors
Mike Lindfors - 19.09.2023 23:34

Everyone saying they would have wanted to see the "evil" tyrion are liers the show would have been shit if one of the best characters would have been evil.

The TanGaled BuG
The TanGaled BuG - 19.09.2023 20:28

Hate, hate and hate that's all he has known...

Masta Theif
Masta Theif - 19.09.2023 18:49

Why is the book still going if the show is over?

Rupert Rodriguez
Rupert Rodriguez - 14.09.2023 10:48

I cannot hear the secret tunnel bit without hearing Glimbo's yelling in my head.

lolmao500 - 14.09.2023 02:40

The only good slave owner is a dead one, something Lincoln should have learned

holamoco17 - 13.09.2023 12:50

Awesome! Please do Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons!

Shogun - 12.09.2023 19:40

I disagree, I don’t think Shae loved Tyrion, she never really gave off that vibe for me. She always seemed more like a gold digger than someone who’d fallen in love. She constantly never listens to Tyrion about warnings or whatever and will always divert it back to her not getting what she wants. She fooled Tyrion and when he sends her away she goes with Tywin to spite him and also more than likely because she believes HE will be her ticket to riches. She’s already fooled the young cub how hard could the old lion be?

Bobbi Guile
Bobbi Guile - 11.09.2023 13:50

Peter is a passionate actor and portrays Tyrion with great talent. He makes one travel with him through all his pain and grief, and loves his work and he's so good that one feels anger, sorrow, even hatred .

Nick S
Nick S - 10.09.2023 22:30

This just makes me want books 6 and 7 so much more. Goddammit.

Bottlife 240
Bottlife 240 - 08.09.2023 17:19

i hope Jon and Tyrion never ride dragons that would be so weird and goofy jons story is in the north not flying around on dragons i cant wait for winds to watch all of the theory videos and see how poorly they have aged most if the people making them think they are 100% right

Chad Farrell
Chad Farrell - 08.09.2023 15:46

There's a really funny twitter account that posts 'news' from Westeros. Their Tywin headline was 'cold political schemer motivated entirely by personal grudges'

Sarf - 03.09.2023 07:28

the way a lot of yall in the comments are dismissing the many many women Tyrion has actually abused raped and harassed as stepstones on his way to recovery is kinda gross ngl!

RedThunderDan - 02.09.2023 22:46

The books sound better, for story at least, characters ALL seem like assholes. Shae deserved to die in both versions

Rubbish_Kat - 02.09.2023 08:43

I know the video is about Tyrion not the random slave girl in the brothel but it really rubs me the wrong way the way they changed that character in the show too. In the books this charchter really highlights the trauma of sexual slavery. This girl is already broken from years of abuse, Tyrion is just another in a long line and it shows in her description as 'dead' metaphorically.
In the show she's just like... okay with her lot I guess. Maybe not happy, but she's well-spoken, healthy, clean and seemingly at ease with her 'job', and in Tyrions case at least is portrayed as consenting. This would not be the reality for the vast majority of slaves, especially those forced into the sex trade.
The show doesn't just white wash Tyrion, they also whitewash the horror of sexual slavery, and I hate it.

Olorin - 29.08.2023 15:40

Its hard for me to say how his story would end, but i hope he find redemption and peace. And i hope he gets to save the day in some kind of day and his history be put to paper and he earns the peoples love and is recognized for what he did. Im rereading the books right now and im in the middle of Tyrion's trial. Honestly the only person that acts somewhat decently and recognizes him is Ser Garlan Tyrell, who points to his best move to use his clansmen correctly as harrying the host of Stannis, killing scouts and so on. To my knowledge the only one who did it.
And obviously fuck Cersei but she is mad. But Tywin? what the fuck. He is so overglorfied as a leader for his house, and a battle commander. There is no excuse for him. If not for the likes of Roose and Walder, and the help of Tyrion and littlefinger he would have lost. He was cunning, and thats about it. Most satisfying death ever.

After all the misory of Tyrions life, without a loving family and only Jaime to somewhat behave towards him he still manages to be somewhat a good ruler when he gets into power. He has more chivalry than most knights, most of his decisions is just. Sure he goes bonkers but who wouldnt?

Eli Brahams
Eli Brahams - 28.08.2023 23:21

It is a real Shame how GOT fucked it up in the later seasons.

Michael English
Michael English - 28.08.2023 22:04

Everyone raved for The Hobbit which was a gross perversion of the original work. These writers took liberties as well. Of course Tyrion's story ends up being sad, because that's how it needed to go in order for Daenerys' storyline to take place. As a person who loathed The Hobbit movie because I'm such a book fan, I guess on this one I'm on the opposite side. I loved Game of Thrones all the way through the very last episode!

Honey Milano
Honey Milano - 28.08.2023 20:47

Fight on the ring side? Screw everyone it’s team targyen forever tramps

Micah S. Moore
Micah S. Moore - 23.08.2023 05:37


BiG O - 22.08.2023 17:18

I'd love a video like this for Ned Stark

D Wise
D Wise - 21.08.2023 23:21

Tyrion is the son of the mad king

Kareem Elrefaay
Kareem Elrefaay - 21.08.2023 02:36

Historically the good looks or being a great swordsmen and fighter and being physically strong tall or dominant and a lot of the favorable qualities for most people was believed to be a blessing from the gods and was a sign of being favored and loved by the gods so being ugly or disabled were a sign of being hated by the gods or at least physical manifestation of evil and deformed soul so a very ugly and deformed dwarf will be looked at as a demon and would have been condemned from the start by everyone who knew him but especially by common folks who never met him so GRRM was spot on and the cruelty hate and discrimination that tyrion faced is very accurate and it's sad to think about it but this was the reality for a long time and sadly some people still think the same way till this day

PandaMonium - 21.08.2023 02:30

Its fittiing he met Penny and she told him he isnt the only drwarf who has suffered in life and i wish someone said that to peter when he got on his billshit with snow white.

PandaMonium - 19.08.2023 22:05

Makes me kind of wish GOT was animated for adults. Its still a relevant art medium and NOT just for kids! That way we could get closer visuals to whats described in the book and go as crazy as the budget lets you 😂
I could go on with what this show did wrong, not just in the last season, but from the beginning. But i will always honor and respect how hard the people who worked on the show whonhad to answer to the idiots with the money who dont know good entertainment from dog shit, and being driven to burn out, addiction, job abuse ptsd, and needing for counseling for several cast and crew members because theybjad no control over the bad decisions that were made if they wanted to keep getting paid.

Crasnicul - 18.08.2023 03:39

your videos are honestly the last bit of hope I have left for this series

Abdul Gabagool
Abdul Gabagool - 17.08.2023 10:47

Incredible video!!

Jess Apps
Jess Apps - 17.08.2023 08:16

So, Jon is a black crow by necessity to survive. But acting as Targaryen by birth?) Or ?

Wayne Filkins
Wayne Filkins - 16.08.2023 18:28

I think jorah, tyrion, dany, etc were all supppsed to be villains. They all end up together but ppl liked them so much the showrunners were sort of put in a rough spot.

the random pineapple
the random pineapple - 16.08.2023 16:44

Tyrion is a complex character. His hunger for revenge and desire to kill the rest of his family is overpowering, but there is an underlying goodness there when he sees that his sister is upset and heartbroken to see her. Only daughter get married off to somebody. He does honestly try to comfort her. He does think of the people of king's landing and what's best for them when he makes decisions, unlike almost everybody else. Even though he clearly hates joffrey, he is still the fun uncle to his other nephew and niece and genuinely seems to like them

ryan! - 14.08.2023 10:51

watching this makes the show look like shit damn

A Cady
A Cady - 14.08.2023 05:35

In the book Tyrion's murder of shay is some of the darkest sh*t in the narrative... I always imagine him taking Shay with him across the sea and how that would affect his story/motivations

Maz D-con
Maz D-con - 13.08.2023 01:49

It's funny how George wants to make him a fake villain but then proceeds to make him a real villain lol

Bernard Sosa
Bernard Sosa - 12.08.2023 00:39

It's just not enough sprinkles systems, and that's the problem. Hence, it is true the native species of plants have been eradicated by the likes of foreigners. However, it is a conquered territory, assimilated, humiliated, and aggregated to the USA.
